Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty-nine - sue me Mr. Goodman

Watching Naomi study the script, Wayne took out the prepared project proposal, and tomorrow he plans to send it to Twentieth Century Fox together with the script, and then see the other party\'s reaction.

His first choice is definitely Fox. Working with a Hollywood giant, there are very few chores to worry about. His main energy will be on the film. The only thing he needs to worry about is the right to participate in the later stage, but these can be resolved through negotiation.

In fact, in Hollywood, directors with post-production rights are only a small part of it. With the right to make suggestions later, the film company has a great respect for the director. After all, this industry has always been a producer-centered system.

If most directors are not put on the shackles, the attitude of shooting the film is absolutely free, and it is not uncommon to spend 180 minutes at the end of the film. The biggest purpose of film companies producing and distributing films is to make profits, not to allow directors to make personal films.

Therefore, the producer will limit the desire of the director. Most directors are even just a filming machine. After shooting all the shots, the work is over. Post-production and editing those are the issues that the producer should worry about.

The next morning, under the leadership of his agent Jimmy, he walked into the Fox Building again and handed over the project plan and script to Townsend Rothman. After receiving the assurance that the other party would review it at the meeting as soon as possible, Wayne came to the car shop.

Yes, he felt that the four-year-old pickup should be retired. Now that he has the financial capacity, he is ready to change to a car he likes.

Under the salesman\'s promotion, he finally chose a Cadillac, which is simply a national brand for North America.

He had thought about choosing a sports car or a muscle car to realize the diaosi dream in his previous life. The price of this kind of car here is very touching. But now he is really not suitable for this kind of flamboyant car, and finally in the introduction of the salesman, he chose the mature and stable Cadillac.

Hand over the pickup key to Jimmy, he will help hire someone to send it back to the farm, Wayne drove a new car, went to Beverly and ordered a new suit, he was going to prepare for the graduation ceremony.

In mid-June 1991, Wayne put on a new suit and drove to USC. After parking the car, he strolled through this youthful environment, and all he saw were his peers wearing bachelor\'s uniforms and accompanied by their families.

And his mother Anna also promised him that she would come to attend his graduation ceremony. He also wanted to be a child who showed off his achievements to his parents. It was only when he entered the campus again that he realized that after more than half a year of social work practice, his mentality had changed. , become less excited by a small achievement.

When he walked to the classroom where he had been for several years, everyone had a smile on their faces, and he suddenly felt that he was so out of tune with everyone. Although he didn\'t have any friends before, but now he seems to be watching another group of people having a carnival.

"Hi, Wayne, congratulations on the success of your film."

"Congratulations, Wayne, we all went to see your work, you did a great job!"

"Well, Wayne, you\'re ahead of everyone."

Just when Wayne walked into the classroom, he received many blessings, which made him a little awkward. Responding to the enthusiasm of his classmates one by one, he sat in his seat and finally touched the chair he had been sitting on for more than three years.

"God, baby, why haven\'t you changed your clothes yet? You see, your classmates are all ready." Just as he was recalling his campus memories, Anna walked in, took her son\'s hand, and asked him to hurry up Change into a bachelor\'s uniform.

"Oh, Mom, don\'t worry, it\'s still early." Wayne helplessly hugged his clothes and walked into the dressing room.

At ten o\'clock in the morning, the graduation ceremony was held in the auditorium. With the blessing of his mother, Wayne received a degree certificate from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, the School of Film and Television and the Arts, majoring in film and video.

He didn\'t go to take a photo with his classmates, which was not in line with his character, but after saying goodbye to Professor Anderson-Horowitz, he walked out of the campus with his mother.

"Mom, you were waiting for me in the car. I forgot something. I have to go back." The car was already on fire. He suddenly remembered something, said something to Anna, and got out of the car and ran in a hurry. back to the square.

Among the group of young people who kept taking pictures with their families, Wayne pinpointed Adam Goodman. Without any hesitation, he walked to the other side.

His arrival surprised several people who were taking photos happily, and Adam knew why the other party came.

"Wayne, your luck is very good. I didn\'t expect you to be able to break out like this. But don\'t worry, I don\'t believe you can be so lucky every time." Before he could speak, Adam Goodman used a malicious look in his eyes. Looking at this opponent, he opened his mouth and taunted.

And Wayne didn\'t care what he said, just stared at a middle-aged white man behind Adam. "Mr. Phelan Goodman, I came here to tell you that my new project is about to start. You are welcome to continue sniping at me. Well, that\'s it."

After finishing speaking, in the eyes of the other party, he looked at Adam and said directly in front of his parents: "Adam, you know, I have never used you as an opponent, in my eyes you are just a spoiled child. .But what you did is disgusting, and I came back here to tell you that if you do something wrong, you will pay the price!"

After speaking, under everyone\'s unbelievable gazes, a fierce uppercut hit Adam in the face.


"Security, security!"

"motherfxxker! What have you done!"

Wayne stood still, Adam\'s mother hugged her son, whose nose was bleeding, and called out to the security guard. Phelan Goodman walked up to him and looked at him seriously.

"Boy, I don\'t know what conflict you have with Adam, but I promise you will pay the price." Ferran Goodman looked at Wayne, who was a little taller than him, and nodded with his hand, saying nothing. Mood swings.

"Really? Do you need me to wait for the police here? This is just the beginning, Mr. Goodman, go sue me. There are no secrets in this circle. My "Happy Death Day" sold for nearly $30 million, and I\'m ready to give it all. sue you.

Believe me! I\'ll find a fantastic team of lawyers, guess what? I hope you are rich enough to play this game with me. "

Wayne is very sure that even if the other party is a global executive, the annual salary in this era is only a few hundred thousand dollars at most, and he can definitely drag him to death until he goes bankrupt and liquidated. If you want to ask the richest people in North America, the best way to get revenge is undoubtedly to go to court.

He himself believed that if he could take out tens of millions of cash to fight a lawsuit, he would destroy a family. Such a crazy move would definitely make the other party disgusted.

Phelan Goodman frowned, listening to the boy opposite him, looking at the madness in his eyes, and looking at Adam lying in his mother\'s arms, he suddenly felt relieved.

The threat of this child is very immature, but it is indeed the most correct method that all rich people have proved. Is he afraid of these threats? Yes, in terms of worth, he also has tens of millions of wealth, but most of them are real estate.

Who would specially prepare tens of millions of dollars just to fight a lawsuit and drag others to death? There were only lunatics, rich lunatics, and he wasn\'t sure whether the one on the other side was lunatic.

"Oh, I\'m sorry, my mother is still waiting for me. If you call the police, you can ask the police to contact my lawyer." Wayne\'s expression was cold, his eyes showed madness, he threw down a business card of lawyer Ryan, looked at Adam turned around and walked away.

Is it cool? Really cool. He works hard to find success, and success can bring him a lot of money. In this \'liberal national dress\' composed of capital and capitalists, big wealth means everything. The role that money can play here is definitely far beyond the imagination of people on the other side of the Pacific.

Only with wealth can he feel the greatest sense of security. This is the greatest feeling he has come here for more than 20 years.

After wiping the blood on his hands, he returned to the car and started the car. His mother was still waiting to celebrate for him. Wayne didn\'t want his mother to worry.

"Mom, where are we going to eat?" He asked in a relaxed tone while driving the car, looking at his mother sitting in the co-pilot. All the depression and all the grievances during this period of time were vented in that fist.

"Go to your apartment and have a look. It\'s too early. Your dad just won\'t come out on the farm~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise we can celebrate your graduation as a family."

"It\'s okay, Mom, if I\'m not busy for a while, I\'ll go back and live for a while. By the way, I called the agent to contact the real estate agent, and I\'m going to change a place. Do you have any suggestions? Mom." Wayne drove the car, I started to discuss with my mother about buying a house.

Anna looked at her handsome son in a suit with pride in her eyes. "You can decide for yourself. You have grown up, and you will have to decide everything in the future."

He shrugged, parked the car downstairs in the apartment, and returned to his room with his mother.

"Hi Nami, this is my mom, Anna, Anna Greenberg. Mom, this is my friend Naomi Watts." As soon as he opened the door, he saw Naomi at the counter, cooking He was holding something, and when he heard the door open, he put down the shovel and looked over.

This caught Wayne a little bit by surprise, so he had to bite the bullet and give an introduction. Naomi reacted first and greeted politely: "Hi, Anna, I\'m making pasta with cheese bolognese, and I\'m going to celebrate his graduation for him. Would you like to have some together?"

"Of course, thank you!"

Anna stared at Naomi, and she recognized that this was the heroine in her son\'s movie. No one knows the virtues of a girl who comes to Hollywood to chase her dreams better than herself as a producer. She must ask her son about it.

Ignoring Naomi\'s eyes, Anna took her son into the bedroom and closed the door. "Aha? Girlfriend?"

"No, Mom, just an ordinary friend!"

"Pay attention to your private life, Wayne! I don\'t want to stay on the farm and see your gossip in the media! Don\'t think I don\'t know what you do in school."

To this, Wayne could only helplessly agree with a smile.