Hollywood Drawing

~: Forty Nine - Actor and Star are 2 Creatures

Wayne also wanted to be a director who lay at home, waiting for the production manager and the assistant director to do the preliminary work, without worrying about anything, but that was basically impossible.

Anything in the preparatory work, he must understand and participate, and he has experience in this. Any negligence in the preparation of the film may have a huge impact on the shooting, ranging from delaying the shooting progress, or even causing the crew to stop working.

Just as he was guarding the phone and constantly discussing various preparations with the assistant director and production manager, the housekeeper Hela came to him.

Seeing Wayne put down the phone, he asked softly in his doubtful eyes, "Sir, lunch is ready."

"Oh, I didn\'t pay attention when I was busy. Is it already noon? Well, let\'s go to the restaurant."

He glanced at the time and realized that it was past lunch time. Walking to the dining room, Naomi and Nina were already sitting at the table waiting for him.

"You don\'t have to wait for me, I always forget the time when I\'m busy."

Naomi rolled her eyes, picked up the knife and fork and started to cut the steak, complaining to Nina next to her: "I knew it was like this, you will understand later, he was a workaholic in the last film, wait until the filming session starts. Worse, Nina, you\'ll be busy just taking care of his life in the future."

Wayne sat down at the table and listened to Naomi\'s complaints to the assistant. What she said is true. At the beginning of the project, the director was under heavy pressure, so he had to concentrate on all his energy, and naturally ignored things other than work.

"My agent, Jenny, suggested that I finish this film and pick up two low-budget literary films. She thinks this will not fix my screen image and improve my acting skills. Wayne, what do you think?"

Seeing that he didn\'t speak, Naomi sat down and started eating, trying to take advantage of lunch time to hear his opinion. No one knows better than Naomi that this man sees this circle very thoroughly.

"Independent literary film?" Wayne swallowed the beef in his mouth, tilted his head and glanced at her.

"Yes, my acting teacher also suggested to me that if I want my acting skills to be recognized, and in order to win awards as soon as possible, it is best to go to independent literary films. The acting teacher even wanted me to give up this film."

Naomi put down her knife and fork and looked at him seriously. She might get confused sometimes, but Wayne would never, so his opinion was extremely important to him.

"Remember what I once said to you? Tell them: fxxkoff!!! Listen, I can retell their advice to you. Start with an independent literary film, gradually hone your acting skills, and gradually become an acting party Bar?

Then, after gaining some fame, she entered the mainstream film industry and transformed into a major role in a commercial production. She could not give up literary and artistic films. In the end, she won both box office awards and became a Hollywood first-line female star. "

Naomi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. "Yeah, yeah, that\'s what the teacher and the agent said..."

"Fry them! Let them get out!" After eating the beef in the disc, he picked up the water glass and drank it and continued:

"If someone else said this to me, I\'d tell her it\'s the right way to Hollywood. But you shouldn\'t go this way, you have a better and more suitable choice."

"I knew it." Naomi Watts remembered the words he said when he was at the entrance of Castle Rock\'s later studio. "I hope you can tell me the difference so I don\'t have to worry about it."

"Let\'s go, let\'s go to the living room and say, we have to wait for Luke to call." Putting down the tissue in his hand, Wayne stood up and took her back to the phone.

Seeing her sitting across from her with a serious little face full of formality, he continued the topic just now. "Listen, Nami, what your teacher said is a path full of delusions."

Based on the information he learned in his previous life, combined with the current Hollywood environment, it can be completely concluded that some things are completely unbelievable.

"Nami, take a good look at yourself. How many girls do you think are like you in Hollywood right now, with good acting talent and bright or beautiful appearance?"

Naomi thought about it. "In all Hollywood, 10,000? There are always a few thousand."

She has lived in Los Angeles for two years, so she has some common sense.

"At least tens of thousands." Wayne said a very conservative number. "How many films are filmed in Los Angeles every year? How many characters are there in each film? More than half of the low-budget literary films cannot enter the theater market, and occasionally they enter the theater and screen smoothly, and the scale is also very small. , will not attract attention.”

He lit a Marlboro and exhaled a light cigarette. "Those few literary and artistic films that won awards are the result of the distribution company spending money and hyping it up. You said that you won awards for acting in literary and artistic films through acting, which is actually a misunderstanding.

Pay attention, the awards season is a feast for those PR companies every year. If you want to win an award, you need to invest a lot of money in the early stage and use public relations to lobby (shui). This is another game, a money game that is more complicated than watching the box office results of commercial films. "

Naomi nodded slowly after listening. She knew that Wayne couldn\'t lie to her. She pointed to Wayne and said to herself, "I understand what you mean, we don\'t have the capital to join this game yet."

"That\'s right, think about it Nami, how many independent literary and artistic films are produced every year, and how many can get attention? How low would such a chance be? How could you happen to come across it?

Even if you happened to appear in such a film, without capital investment, what would you use to publicize the academy judges with thousands of people? Most of the independent literary and artistic films that have attracted attention are the products of big coffee awards, and have nothing to do with us. "

"I remember you said that even vases need acting skills, shouldn\'t I hone my acting skills?" Naomi asked him suddenly.

"That\'s right!" Wayne shook his head and put out the cigarette. "An independent literary film full of characters\' emotions can really hone your acting skills, but how long does it take, and the actress\'s shelf life..."

He doesn\'t need to say it, Naomi also understands that the shelf life of a Hollywood actress is only in those few years. Once she is 30 years old and has not become famous, even playing a supporting role will not be able to compete for a young age.

"Nami, think about your ideals. Do you want to be an actor with superb acting skills, or a star chased by movie fans? These are two kinds of creatures, and basically they cannot be confused."

Looking at her thoughtfully bowing her head, Wayne thought about what she had done to himself, and continued to try his best to analyze the pros and cons for her.

"Nami, if you want to choose the path of literary films and become an actor. That means at least five or ten years of nobody\'s attention, you are just an actor, even after the age of thirty-five, you are still an actor."

Modern Hollywood is no longer the Hollywood of the past. How many actresses are famous from the independent film circle? It is even rarer to become a first-line star.

"Can you help me?" Naomi thought for a while, then suddenly looked up at him. "I know that with the box office results, even if I don\'t win the award, I can become popular all over the world, right? I mean, if I want to be a star, a star with both fame and fortune, can you help me?"

"Nami, you\'re enlightened!" Wayne leaned on the back of the sofa, looked at her and said with a smile. "You are very smart. My film must be market-oriented. I dare not say that it is a big seller. It is no problem for the film to be released on a large scale. You know what I mean?"

"I understand, keep busy, I\'m going back to my room to prepare for the audition." After she finished speaking, she took the script that never left her, and went upstairs to her room.

She completely understands what the other party means. He doesn\'t mind taking him along the way, as long as his performance is at least qualified. As he once said, they are partners in the same industry.

Wayne was sitting by the phone himself, thinking about what he just said, which also applies to himself. He chose a more difficult path for himself, after all, he is definitely not good at slow-paced literary films.

Under normal circumstances, directors from academies tend to be more literary. But he is different from others. There are a lot of clear black videos in his mind, so he has chosen a direction and made a plan from the beginning of his freshman year.

This kind of film is born with a cult attribute, and its audience is inherently flawed. And through the practice of several years of experimental films, his style will always be biased towards "evil" stories and the use of large-scale lenses.

Therefore, he is also groping forward. The reason why he chose these two films as the director\'s start is because he is afraid that the market will not accept it. After all, the films that have been successful can make him feel more at ease.

He admitted that films do have literary and commercial distinctions, but with the development of society, it has become difficult to separate the literary and commercial divisions.

Who can say that a commercial film that sells well at the box office has no artistic attributes at all? The same award-winning literary films also have very good box office results.

When he chooses a movie, the first choice must be the ones that he is impressed and like~www.novelhall.com~ Although he doesn\'t have the professional version of Maoyan app in his mind, the ones that make a deep impression on him, even if they are literary attributes Strong, and certainly a commercial success.

Now the box office success is more than anything to him. If there is no guarantee of commercial success, there is no chance of becoming a great director.

As long as you have continuous success at the box office, you have the qualifications to bargain with the production company and distribution company, and you can slowly accumulate resources for yourself to win awards in the future.

Compared with only making literary films and working hard and waiting for an extremely small chance of winning a prize, this is the real road to fame and fortune.

Just as Wayne was busy preparing for his second film, Adam Goodman, who received a degree certificate, was about to start his directorial career.

In the office of the film and television production manager of Universal Pictures, Adam Goodman sat next to his father and listened to his instructions.

"Adam, participating in the production of "Ambition of the Earth" is your first job. Put away your little thoughts and study hard. Do you know how much I owe others in order to let you work on the crew as an assistant director?

This is Universal\'s key project next year. Your main task is to help the director make a good film. Forget about Wayne Greenberg for a moment, his film has also started shooting, and all you have to do is beat him at the box office, and don\'t think otherwise, understand? "

"No problem, Dad. How could his low-budget thriller be comparable to Universal\'s Big Land\'s Ambition? I\'ll definitely surpass him, and then I\'ll hit him in the face with box office numbers."

After speaking, Adam unconsciously touched his left cheek with his hand. The wound on his nose has long since healed, but the pain on his face has left a deep shadow in his heart.