Hollywood Drawing

~: Forty-eight - contract

At the end of July, after a quick negotiation and signing with Warner Bros., the production and distribution company for Wayne\'s second project was finally determined, and the preliminary preparations could be smoothly carried out.

Regarding the most disagreeable director\'s treatment, Jimmy, who was insane, initially offered a basic salary of $2.5 million, plus 15% of the global box office\'s sky-high director contract. Warner, the producer, refused without thinking.

Then the two sides put aside their differences and shelved the issue of the director\'s remuneration first. Other conditions were quickly determined in the first two negotiations, and the last negotiation began to negotiate the director\'s remuneration.

Both Warner Bros. and Jimmy knew that it was impossible to offer Wayne such a high price, and the two sides quickly tested each other\'s bottom line. In order to reach a cooperation as soon as possible, both parties must make some compromises.

After the last tacit negotiation, with Wayne\'s agreement and the tacit approval of Warner\'s management, they quickly reached an agreement on the treatment of the most divergent director, and signed an incentive ladder-sharing contract.

Because Jimmy focused on box office revenue, he made a lot of concessions on basic compensation. The director, producer, and screenwriter\'s compensation combined was only $1.2 million, which was half of Wayne\'s expectation.

According to Wayne\'s minimum anemia budget, he could make this film with a million dollars, and the rest was left to the crew. Now is not more than 30 years later, the US dollar is still a very strong world currency. Even in his previous life, the production cost of this film was only about 4 million.

Of course, it\'s not as easy as you think to get a share of the box office. This is Hollywood. It can be said that the production company and the distribution company are all vampires. The premise is that the film must generate a large amount of profit before he can get the share he deserves.

This is a step-by-step sharing agreement. Wayne can receive the director\'s basic salary of $1.2 million in three installments in the form of \'basic remuneration and North American box office share\', and then participate in the share according to the total North American box office revenue.

The production cost of the film is 5 million US dollars. If the North American box office of "Get Out" exceeds the production cost by ten times, that is, 50 million US dollars, he can get 5% of the total North American box office; the North American box office exceeds 100 million. US dollars, enjoy a 10% share of the North American box office; over 150 million, the ratio increases to 15%; 200 million US dollars 20%;

The maximum is 20%, which is also the highest share ratio in the contract. It is not included in the overseas box office. The film box office is divided into only the tranches marked on the contract, and there will be no 8 or 11%.

The more the new film sells, the more the director earns from it. In this way, Wayne is firmly tied to the film. In fact, no one but himself believes that he can get more than the second place. The over 100 million share of the file.

Such a step-by-step box office split for the core creators will soon become a Hollywood practice. On the one hand, the producers are to encourage the creators to devote more wholeheartedly to the pre-shooting, and to avoid the investment risks caused by excessive pre-payment. .

You want more income, it\'s easy to handle, and you try your best to make the film more sophisticated and more in line with the audience\'s taste.

After returning to his home in Beverly Hills, the first thing Wayne did was to call senior Luke Simmons and ask him to come to his home to discuss new projects.

Immediately afterwards, he called the lighting engineer Steve Wilson and asked him to discuss it together. Coupled with Robert Carlos, the caa customer videographer introduced by Jimmy, he quickly identified his core team.

Except for the cameraman Robert, all of these people have worked with him. They understand his production style and have enough ability. And Robert, a well-known photographer in the industry, came through Jimmy\'s introduction, and would not challenge Wayne\'s authority.

At ten o\'clock in the morning the next day, everyone gathered at the renamed Greenberg Manor and sat in the living room to discuss the preparatory issues. The only people in the living room who didn\'t know each other were production manager John Gray and cameraman Robert .

"John, when will the investment in the early stage of the film be in place?" Wayne looked around and briefly introduced himself. Everyone sitting on the sofa immediately went to work. "We have to start preparations as soon as possible, and the funds will be used soon."

John looked at these people in the room. Except for assistant Nina and agent Jimmy, the rest should be the core production team of the film. Hearing the question, he immediately entered the state.

"Warner Bros.\'s funds have been credited to Merrill Lynch Insurance Company, and you can use it as expenses at any time in the account of "Get Out"."

Although there is not much investment, Warner still takes the insurance company\'s full-film insurance. This is a customary rule, there are good and bad. The advantage is that no matter what accident happens, the insurance company will pay for it. Even if there is a problem with the filming, the insurance company will continue to make the film.

The downside is that the use of money also needs to be reviewed by the insurance company. After they pass it, the production manager has to go through it again, which is very troublesome. It is not as free as independent production.

But this is the rule of mainstream commercial films. Unless Wayne wants to make a lifetime of independent production with a small investment, he has to adapt slowly and shoot and make films under the constraints of various rules.

"Ok, Luke, this time you are still the assistant director. In the early stage, you mainly worked with John to coordinate the use of the location and the studio. This sub-scene is very simple, and the main shots can be taken at Warner Studios.

The location is to go to the suburbs to find a small town with few people. We use it for framing, and also, help me release an actor recruitment information. All roles are decided by audition. "

"No problem, leave it to me!" Luke agreed calmly. He waited for months without going to work, just to wait for the project to start.

Naomi sat silently behind the sofa outside the circle and listened with a cup of coffee. When she heard that all the actors\' problems depended on the audition, she almost threw the cup. But she stabilized herself, Wayne is a nostalgic person and should explain it to her afterwards.

"Robert, you communicate with John about the camera assistant. Most of the shots in this film will be shot in four cameras. You have to be prepared." Wayne continued, he must pay attention to any work in the early stage.

"No problem, Director Greenberg." After speaking, he nodded to John, the production manager, and made a gesture.

"Steve, it\'s the same for you. I\'ll give you a storyboard. You can learn about the film in advance. Especially during the day, I want that kind of white that is sunny but chilling."

"That\'s not difficult, don\'t worry, I can handle it." Steve never spoke much, but his abilities were convincing.

Wayne nodded after listening, and after looking at everyone again, he said, "Okay, so much for now, let\'s prepare first."

The people who had something to do started to pack up, and slowly there were only Jimmy and the other four left in the living room.

"Wayne, the cast of the crew..." Jimmy looked into his eyes and said slowly.

"Except for a few main characters, those who have simple lines do not need to audition. All newcomers who use caa can. Pay attention to the issue of remuneration. You and John will discuss it yourself."


"And Jimmy, help me send an audition invitation for the male lead to an African-American hip-hop singer named Will Smith. He should have just won a Grammy, and it\'s easy to find."

Wayne thought about it and said that the other party can definitely handle this role, and he doesn\'t need any acting skills. What the whole film needs acting skills is the role of the maid, and the rest is not too difficult as long as the acting skills are passed.

"Hip-hop singer? Grammys? Well, I\'m afraid he\'s invited, and he won\'t necessarily come. You know, those who sing will make money faster than making movies." Jimmy opened the notepad and wrote down Will Smith\'s name.

"Just try it. If it doesn\'t suit you, you can change it to someone else. This is Hollywood, and no one is irreplaceable, including me." After speaking, he winked at Jimmy.

"No problem, when will the audition be arranged?" The agent ignored his self-joking and continued to record with the notebook.

"Ten days later, we don\'t have the money to hire famous actors, so we should focus on newcomers."

"Ok" Jimmy closed the book, stood up and said, "Then I\'ll go back to the company first, and call me if I have something."

After seeing that Nina was the only assistant left in the room, Naomi sat next to him, holding the script in her hand and asking him, "If my audition is not satisfactory, will you replace me?"

"Don\'t think too much, Nami." He pressed the opponent\'s hand hard. "You got the script before everyone else, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com has practiced for so long. If you can\'t pass the audition, what do you think I will do?"

"Well, look at Wayne, I\'ll be the best performer!" Although she didn\'t get the promise she wanted, she herself felt that the other party was right, she was already several positions ahead of her competitors.

"Nami, listen, I can only guarantee one thing, your audition effect should be at least as good as others, do you know what I mean?"

"Ok, I understand!"

Human affection is indispensable everywhere, especially in this circle. The same role, as long as the performance is not too much, the director will definitely give priority to his own people.

Even if Naomi\'s performance is not as good as others who came to audition, as long as she can ensure that it meets the needs of the film, the role will be hers.

In fact, there are many unspoken rules here, or in other words, there are not many rules, and they are even very common. The red sofa has always been there. But if you just sleep with a director or a producer with a pretty face, it\'s absolutely impossible to get the role you want.

It can only be said that under the condition of similar level, your chances will be slightly higher than others, and just for this little bit, you have to pay a lot.

To put it bluntly, no matter how beautiful a woman is, it is not worth the director and producer to spend tens of millions of investment risks. It can only be said that your ability must be qualified before you can have a slight advantage among the competitors.

If the person who deals with the beautiful girl is a capable producer or casting director, even if they don\'t fulfill their promise in the end, and they don\'t recognize the person when they put on their pants, most of the girls have nothing to do.

Representative, Harvey Weinstein. This guy is playing a low-cost independent production, and playing the award-winning route. The level of chaos in the independent film industry is comparable to that of rock and fashion.