Hollywood Drawing

~: Fifty - Audition

Inside the Warners Studios in Burbank, after Luke identified the soundstage, the crew\'s working location was placed here.

Most of the interior and yard shots of the film will be shot in this studio that is being built, and for simple exterior shots, Luke rents a suburban villa.

After watching it for himself, Wayne decided on the filming location. In the hallway of the makeshift office today, a large group of people sat in line. They were actors who had come to audition for the main roles of the film.

Of all the people in line, the most confident is Naomi Watts. She knows very well that as long as she doesn\'t screw up when she faces the producer for a while, the heroine will definitely be hers.

The one who went into the dressing room with her was a beautiful girl. Although the two had different target roles, they did not have any friendly feelings. Before the roles of the film were decided, everyone would be a competitor.

It wasn\'t until Naomi Watts put on her makeup and walked out of the simple dressing room that the agent of the beautiful beauty didn\'t speak.

"Harry, you have to seize this opportunity. There is very little demand for actors in Hollywood. It\'s too rare for a film like this to be a main character. You have to find a way to impress the director and producer. I\'ll go out and ask. Message, be prepared."

She looked at him blankly and walked out of the dressing room. She understood what the agent meant. The rule in this circle is that if you want to gain something, you must pay.

The rather pleasing appearance is the only capital that can impress those people. She doesn\'t find it difficult to accept this. As long as she can get a role, she doesn\'t mind sleeping through the entire crew like Julia Roberts.

Looking at the shoes prepared by the crew, she carefully touched them from the inside out with her hands. She was careless and didn\'t follow these audition common sense. As a result, she had seen it more than once.

She has seen people with steel needles in their shoes that were pierced through the insteps, and people who carelessly picked up water from someone who didn\'t know who they were, and then sent them to the hospital. The most intense moment of competition for actors is the audition day of the crew, and the opponents who can see are using invisible means.

"The audition has started, get ready! The blonde actor just entered." The agent went back to the dressing room and reminded her.

"She\'s not the main antagonist, have you heard the director\'s information?" Harry didn\'t care about the white characters, he only cared about the agent.

"You audition first. I found out about the director\'s office, which is here." The agent pointed to the right with his hand, indicating that the office was over there.

In the conference room where the audition began immediately, Wayne sat in the middle, with production manager Yoo and associate director Luke on the left and right. Due to the size of the crew, there was only one assistant director, and no casting director was specially hired.

Temporary photographer Luke adjusted the camera angle and nodded to Wayne, indicating that everything is ok and we can start.

The staff opened the door, and the first person to come in was Naomi Watts.

"Please introduce yourself first." Seeing the director\'s expressionless face, John opened his mouth to host the audition.

"I\'m Naomi Watts, born in the UK and from Australia. The only feature film I\'ve been involved in temporarily is Happy Death Day, in which I played the heroine Teri. This time I\'m here to audition for the heroine Rose."

"Ok, just act out this scene briefly, Luke, you help set up the scene." Wayne handed her a page of the script as if he didn\'t know her.

After Naomi took it, she secretly let out a sigh of relief. She had practiced this scene. It was the scene where Chris explained to the actor at the end of the film. It was not difficult for her.

Watching Naomi\'s performance, John looked down at her resume, which was very easy and simple. The heroine had only one experience.

He looked at the director who was leaning on the chair with an expressionless face. He knew that there was a high probability that the heroine belonged to this girl. The audition was just a cutscene, and she must have practiced in advance.

John doesn\'t care about these things. He knows his position and won\'t cause trouble for the other party in these little things.

"Ok, stop. Ms. Watts, the agent who will be notified of the audition results as soon as possible, is here today." Wayne stopped her performance, knowing that she was fine, and there was no need to let her continue.

"Okay, thank you Director!" Naomi bowed slightly, gave him a playful wink when she lowered her head, and then opened the door and walked out.

"What do you think?" Looking at John, Wayne asked softly.

"It\'s not bad. She has a beautiful appearance and basically qualified acting skills. It\'s completely sufficient for this film." John has no special opinion. He knows that this girl can come in first, which has already explained too many things.

"I think we can settle her temporarily, if there is a more suitable one later." Luke looked at the video he just took and expressed his opinion.

"Well, next one."

As the door of the conference room opened, the Heyren girl walked in confidently. As soon as she came in, Wayne and Luke frowned. The appearance was not bad, but too beautiful, and the gap was too big from the character setting in the film.

"I\'m Harry Berry. I\'m a model. I\'ve acted in a movie and a TV series." After Harry introduced himself, he looked at the three people across from him. The young director in the middle was obviously this audition. key decision makers.

"Can you perform crying? I need you to laugh and cry!"

Laughing and crying? Hearing the director\'s request, she was obviously stunned. "Of course, I\'ll have to brew my emotions later."

A young actor like her has no way to get the script information of the film, so she is not prepared at all for this alternative request.

After trying a few times, she finally adjusted her mood, but when tears shed, she could clearly see the dissatisfaction of the three people on the other side.

"Excuse me, can you give me a little more time? I can perform better." Crying scenes are not difficult for trained actors, but the difficulty is that she doesn\'t know what state the other party needs.

"Just here, Ms. Berry, you performed very well, and your agent will be notified after the audition results." Luke looked at Wayne and interrupted her loudly.

After she went out, John shook his head and said: "This is not good, her skin is too light, and the most important thing is that she is too beautiful, which does not match the role of the role. It will also give the audience a sense of confusion and affect the focus of the film, and his acting skills also Too young."

"Luke, after the audition is over, inform her agent that she does not meet our requirements." Wayne didn\'t talk nonsense and directly rejected Harry-Berry. She was too far from the role setting.

After this, the Oscar-winning actress should have just turned from a model to an actor, and her acting skills are too immature. The most suitable role for her now should be the vase type, but the vase role is also the most competitive, and countless white girls have an advantage over her.

The half-day audition made the three people sitting in the room a little mentally exhausted, each holding coffee and watching the video discussing different opinions.

"Luke, this Rebecca Rhodes is not bad. It suits the protagonist\'s mother very well. You can call her agent in a moment. John pay attention and try to keep her salary as low as possible."

"No problem!" "OK!"

Wayne glanced at the time, stood up and said, "Let\'s stop here today. Let\'s go back and study it. There is another day tomorrow. I hope the audition for the male lead will go well."

Today\'s half-day work only determined the roles of the heroine and her mother. None of the heroine\'s father\'s roles met expectations, and the roles of male and female servants (grandparents) were also difficult to produce.

But this time, he has plenty of time, and he is not in a hurry to make do with it. There are many Hollywood actors, so he can find them slowly, but he is not a special actor.

The most important thing is the actor of the male lead. The sooner the better, the better. I don\'t know if I can meet a suitable candidate tomorrow.

Wayne rubbed his stiff neck, returned to his director\'s office, sat behind the desk and lit a cigarette. Not long after he sat down, he wanted to pack up and go home, but Jimmy walked in with an ugly face.

"What\'s the matter? Jimmy, you don\'t look right."

"Bad news, Morgan Freemanley wants to talk to you, I don\'t know where he saw the script, I think he became interested in the character." Jimmy thought this was disgusting, the other party directly through caa A greeting to him, an imperative greeting.

"Aha? Our small pond can\'t hold his big fish. Let him go to Warner Bros. I don\'t have time to talk to him."

Wayne didn\'t think about such a famous actor at the beginning. His qualifications were too shallow, and he couldn\'t help the other party not to talk about the remuneration issue. Even if the other party likes this story and is willing to lower the price to act, the crew will definitely become revolving around him, and the status of the two sides is too different.

"You\'d better meet him. Even if you refuse him, you must explain the reason in person. Don\'t forget the problems encountered when "Happy Death Day" was released. Having too many enemies is not good for your future." Jimmy persuaded him patiently, Such a famous boss, if you can not offend, or try not to offend.

"Whatever, I definitely won\'t use him, let him negotiate with Warner." He didn\'t take it seriously at all, this small pond really couldn\'t hold the other\'s big fish. "I\'ll go back first and have dinner with Nami."

"Okay, let\'s go out together."

The two were walking out together in a battery car, when Jimmy suddenly realized that something was missing. "No, where\'s your assistant? Isn\'t it usually where you go and where does she follow?"

Without Nina by his side, Wayne didn\'t quite get used to it. He was also used to having someone help him with everything, even driving Nina was a good hand.

"Today she was on vacation. I paid her an advance salary. She should have gone home."

"Well, then she\'s a really good girl. Not many girls go home with a salary." Jimmy said with a sigh.

When he parked the car in the small square of Greenberg Manor, the sky was already dark. Looking at the shadowy garden, he felt that it was necessary to find some security personnel as soon as possible. The manor was too old, otherwise he would have to open the gate by himself every time.

When he walked into the restaurant, he found that Naomi was alone, and Hela, who was always there, didn\'t know where to go.

"How did I perform today? Not bad, right?" Naomi couldn\'t wait to ask about the audition results.

"Don\'t worry, there is no accident, the heroine will only be yours."