Hollywood Drawing

~: fifty-two-boot

The sudden appearance was completely beyond Wayne\'s expectations, but his reaction was very fast. Just when Harry-Berry was about to touch the belt with his hands, he kicked the desk with his feet, and the chair suddenly fell back. Go out a meter.

Harry-Berry was caught off guard and pushed his hands forward too hard, \'Ah! \' fell to his knees with a thud, and there was a muffled sound between his knees and the ground.

"Ms. Halle-Berry!" Wayne stood up from the swivel chair, took two steps back, and opened the distance between them. "I\'m explaining it once, you don\'t meet my role requirements!"

Harry slowly stood up and looked at the serious-looking director. "Or do you think it is inconvenient to be here? You can find any place, as long as you can give me this opportunity, you can come to me anytime before the filming is finished."

Wayne looked at Black Pearl who was still trying to work hard, shook his head helplessly, and shouted, "Nina, Nina! Come in."

Nina, who was not far from the director\'s office, opened the door and walked in quickly. "What\'s the matter, boss?"

"Send Ms. Berry out!" He pointed at Harry-Berry, who was standing there at a loss. "Send her out, to the studio door."

Nina didn\'t know what happened, but she knew what to do, walked up to Harry-Berry and said directly, "Let\'s go, Ms. Berry!"

Taking a deep look at Wayne at last, Harry-Berry picked up his bag, turned and walked out the door. Even Nina could feel the anger in his eyes.

Wayne shook his head helplessly, pulled back his chair and continued to look at the pre-prepared materials.

At ten o\'clock in the morning, the same three people in the same conference room started the tedious audition work again. The first person who came in today gave them a surprise.

As the other party\'s performance finished, Luke didn\'t call the next one immediately, but looked at the director and producer.

"I think this African American is good, it fits the image of the protagonist\'s grandfather, and the performance is basically qualified." Seeing Luke looking at him, John stared at the audition replay and gave his opinion.

"Okay, I\'ll set him up for the time being, Luke, call his agent after the audition." Wayne also thought it was ok, so he settled down immediately.

"Call the next one!"

The door opened again, and a guy came in again, with conspicuous ears and a hippie expression, introducing himself.

"I\'m Will Smith, I\'m from Philadelphia, I\'m a hip-hop singer, and I just turned into an actor. I made a cameo appearance on the ABC TV comedy series "ABC Afterschool Special" and starred in the sitcom "The Fresh Prince", which has been broadcast on NBC TV. .

This year, my album "Homebase" reached No. 4 on the North American Billboard, and my group also won the Best Rap Group Award at the 34th Grammy Awards. "

Listening to his self-introduction, Luke and John looked at each other and felt that there was little hope, and the other party was definitely worth a lot. Although this role was a male protagonist, the salary was really not high, which might not satisfy his appetite.

"Mr. Smith, make a serious expression, yes, make a frightened expression, alright!" Wayne ignored them and instructed the future Emperor Shi, letting him make some facial expressions all the time.

The effect is good, although he is not famous for his acting skills, he knows how to act before and is very talented.

"That\'s right, Will, you\'re going to play the male lead of this film, and your ability is not a problem at all. However, the investment in this project is very low, so if you decide to act, the salary will be very low, can you accept it? ?"

Wayne directly asked him about the salary. If it was acceptable, the male lead would be his. If it was not possible, he would quickly change the audition.

"The male lead?" Will Smith looked at him and asked.

"That\'s right, male lead, I believe that in Hollywood, there are absolutely not many African-American male lead roles now."

"Okay, I\'ll act!"

"You don\'t need to discuss with the broker again?"

"No, it\'s okay to be the male lead. I can make my own decisions." Will Smith showed his signature smile again.

"We will contact your agent, and we can come over tomorrow to sign the contract. I hope we have a happy cooperation!"

"Ok, happy cooperation."

Watching the hip-hop singer open the door and walk out, he let out a sigh of relief. The male lead is absolutely fine. Compared with his future achievements, this role is definitely not difficult.

"You\'re very optimistic about this hey buddy?" Luke had never seen him value an actor so much, even Naomi Watts.

"Of course." He skillfully lit a cigarette. "He\'s going to be a star, I swear."

After the audition results for the male lead came out, the later roles were no longer difficult to find. On the third day, the actor of Hey Man Maid chose a newcomer, Mace Shelley, and the role of the protagonist\'s father was also a newcomer named Aiden Riesman. .

Just after all the actor contracts were signed and all the minor supporting roles were finalized, the crew quickly started to work and was ready to start filming immediately.

"We will officially start tomorrow, what else is left unfinished?" Looking at a group of staff in the room, this was the last preparatory meeting before the shooting. The room was surrounded by Wayne, which made him feel a little high-spirited.

Compared with the last filming, this time it was much more convenient at Warner Studios, and the size of the crew was much larger than last time.

In addition to the main camera, lighting, props, and scenery, the entire team also has deputy positions that double their number. Warner\'s complete film production system has given them too much convenience.

"Everything is ok." John, the production manager, saw Wayne looking at him, and instantly understood what he meant. "It has been communicated with Merrill Lynch Insurance, and the funds can be spent at any time."


"There\'s no problem with the actors, they\'ve all been notified." Luke took out the notebook, looked at it and started talking. "Tomorrow all the main actors will come to the studio on time."

"Okay, we will focus on filming, and we won\'t leave Warner Studios until all the shots in the studio are shot." Wayne was a little fascinated by the feeling of being in control, and the production manager didn\'t give him the slightest restraint.

No wonder those commercial film crews will cheat others for their rights. It feels so addicting that everyone is centered on you. This is still a small investment project. If it is a large group of hundreds or thousands of people, it will definitely be more enjoyable.

"All the shots are expected to take three months to shoot, and most of them are shot in the studio. Many of us are working together for the first time. We need to run in as soon as possible. I believe in your professional level." His own staff, Wayne waved to dismiss the meeting.

"How do you feel? Do you feel like being a king?" Jimmy returned to the office with him and chatted casually.

The preparatory work went well and everyone was in a good mood. It was easy to enjoy the shade with the back of a big tree. There was almost nothing they couldn\'t provide at Warner Bros. Studio.

"Hey, Jimmy, although the feeling of being a king is very addictive, you will never understand the pressure of it." This is true at all. From the beginning of the preparatory work for Wayne, the pressure naturally came to him. on the body.

As time goes on, the pressure will only increase.

"You will do a great job, just like last time, I believe in you!" Jimmy praised him with a smile, looked at his face and continued: "Your contract with caa is still an internship contract, we will find a time to transfer the contract Change it? What do you say?"

"Okay, I can do it anytime." This was something that he had promised the other party long ago, and he was not going to fire Jimmy, so there was no obstacle for him to change the contract.

"I will come up with the terms of the contract as soon as possible and will guarantee your interests." Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief, he got what he wanted.

"Ok! Let\'s go together? I have to go back early today to prepare for tomorrow\'s shooting." After packing up the things to bring, the two went out and called Nina, and took a battery car together.

At eight o\'clock the next morning, all the people in the studio were silent, and everyone who performed their duties made preparations.

Today is the first day of filming, and no one wants an accident. Wayne was also sitting behind the monitor, looking at the shooting plan in the director\'s notebook.

"Director Greenberg, take my part first?"

He raised his head and saw Will Smith standing in front of him. This offbeat actor is very funny and can be said to be a typical representative of Hey Pi\'s white heart.

"Yes, the scene is very simple, believe me, it\'s not difficult for you at all." Wayne pointed to the chair where the prop was moving, and continued: "It will bind you to it in a while, all you have to do is I became confused after hearing the sound of the tea cup. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Okay, I\'m fine!"

Yes, it\'s still his old strategy, putting all the simplest scenes in the front and filming them in order to improve the tacit understanding of the crew, and also to help newcomers and actors to slowly find their acting status.

"Everyone pay attention, let\'s try shooting first, Robert, pay attention to adjusting the camera." Hearing the director\'s shout, everyone withdrew from the center. Will-Smith and Aiden and Rebecca, who played the heroine\'s parents, also said they would do it. ready.

"The first trial shooting of the first act of "getout", let\'s start!"

Wayne sat behind the monitor, his eyes fixed on the monitor screen, and he didn\'t need to be a photographer, allowing him to focus on the shooting process wholeheartedly.

"Cut! Well done!" Wayne stood up and walked over to the white parents. "Rebecca, you have to pay attention to the expression on the cup, which is kind of with some weird pride. You have to turn yourself into a weird psychiatrist."

"Okay, Director!" Rebecca nodded in agreement immediately, which was not difficult for her.

"Let\'s do it again. If the effect is good, we will start shooting." He sat back on the director\'s chair and waved to Luke.

"Everyone\'s attention, the second trial shooting of the first act of "getout", let\'s start!"

Just as they were busy shooting in the studio, countless reporters flocked to Warner Studios with long guns and short cannons.

And when Wayne, who had just finished the first shot, was continuing to direct the camera position, Jimmy ran in front of him with some dishevelled clothes.

"Heh, Jimmy, this isn\'t your style, what happened?" Wayne asked him curiously, looking at the messy agent with his shirt exposed.

"Watch TV, Wayne, ask John to come back to the office with me."