Hollywood Drawing

~: Fifty-one - you'll help me, won't you?

Wayne and Naomi sat face to face at the dining table, eating his favorite veal.

"Where\'s Hela? Why aren\'t you here today?"

"I told her that we needed some private space and let her rest early!" Naomi cut the steak on the plate, and her feet moved slowly.

He was stuffing food into his mouth when suddenly he felt a small foot wrapped in silk stockings slowly swimming up from his trousers and stopped on top of his thigh.

Glancing at the woman who was eating seriously, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the wiggly foot.

"Nami, is there anything new?"

"Of course, in order to reward you, I ordered a new Catwoman costume and a Batman suit together. Would you like to try it together?"

"Very willing, ma\'am."

After finishing speaking, Wayne ate the beef from the CD, pulled her up and walked directly to the master bedroom on the third floor.

"Don\'t worry Wayne, there are only the two of us in this building. I changed a long leash, and you can walk your kitten slowly."

"You go change your clothes, I have a good idea." After speaking, he quickly walked into the study and picked up a small camera from the Kang family. This is his newly discovered fun, and it has just been listed not long ago.

"Nami, do you mind leaving some rare memories?"

"Of course I don\'t mind, we can watch it together later..."

At seven o\'clock the next morning, Wayne got up early and went for a run around the garden, ignoring Naomi, who was still sleeping, and after breakfast, came to the studio with Nina who was waiting. .

Today\'s main job is still auditioning. Only two main roles can be determined, and there are not even one suitable actor for the three actors.

Entering the interim director\'s office, Nina took the initiative to help Wayne make a cup of coffee. After watching him sit down at his desk, he immediately began to read the materials. Nina felt that she understood Naomi\'s words a little. This is an uncompromising job. mad.

And as a nanny-like personal assistant, the most important job is to handle all the chores for him.

"Boss, what is this? A kind of camera for making movies?" Nina wanted to go out to see him enter the working state, but found a strange new thing.

She didn\'t get along with Wayne for a long time, but she got along with her boss very casually. Nina understood that he didn\'t care about his usual attitude. As long as the work was done well, everything was easy to say, so she always asked directly if she had any doubts.

Putting down the resume in his hand, Wayne saw the little assistant holding the camera curiously. "It\'s also a kind of video camera, but to be precise, it should be called DV, Digital Video digital video camera. The company of the book came to the studio to promote new products, and I took two."

Nina fiddled with the little things in her hands curiously, and placed them on the cabinet behind the door, aiming at her and her boss. "Is that so? This thing can make movies too? It\'s much smaller than a film camera."

Looking at the woman taking a selfie, Wayne shook his head and ignored her, and continued to pick up the actor resume. "In the future, some people may use it to make movies, but it is impossible now. This technology is still difficult to popularize. It will take at least a dozen years to develop this method to replace film cameras.

But this thing is very convenient for daily life, do you like it? It\'s yours, and you can record some of your favorite images yourself. "

After speaking, he remembered the madness last night. He used DV to film the game between the two of them.

"Thanksboss! Put it here first, and I\'ll take it away when we get off work at night." Nina made another face at the camera, looked back at the boss who was working with her head down, and gently opened the door and walked out.

As soon as she walked out of the office, she saw a beautiful African-American woman standing at the door. She was tall, with a **** African-American body, a sweet face, and most importantly, her lighter skin tone, which made people look attractive. Human stunner.

"Hi, I\'m Director Greenberg\'s assistant? What\'s the matter with you?" Nina took the initiative to greet her. This girl\'s appearance is too easy to win the favor of strangers.

Harry-Berry was still looking at the door, trying to determine if it was the director\'s office, until the door opened and a white girl came out and took the initiative to say hello to her.

"Hey, I\'m an actor who came to audition yesterday, can you let me in and talk to Director Greenberg, I\'m in a hurry." Looking at this assistant director with a mediocre face and a mediocre figure, Harry immediately put on a warm smile .

"He\'s working, I\'ll ask." After speaking, Nina turned to open the door and walked back to the room.

Wayne looked at the assistant who just went out and came back with some doubts, noticed the black pearl at the door, and understood what was going on. Without waiting for Nina to speak, he said directly:

"Let her come in, you can do it first, don\'t worry about it."

Nina shrugged, walked out of the office, watched the beautiful girl come in, and closed the door. She has heard some rumors in the entertainment industry, and naturally she thinks more, after all, this African-American girl is really beautiful.

You must know that Nina is only mediocre on the outside, but she is a financial tyrant on the inside. She has been in Los Angeles for a long time. She has heard various stories and rumors about Hollywood from the people around her.

What I hear the most is all kinds of actresses who are eager to climb up. For a chance and a brilliant role, they often do a lot of things to please powerful people.

She hadn\'t thought about it before, but when she saw the black pearl that she had dressed up so beautifully and just twisted her **** in, she immediately thought of it. After all, Julia Roberts\' brilliant experience has been heard by everyone. said.

Halle-Berry stood not far from the desk so that the man across from him could see his whole body. Then she found out that her performance was destined to be watched by yan for the blind, and the director on the opposite side didn\'t raise his head at all, and kept frowning at the information in his hand.

"You have something to do with me? I\'m very busy right now, Ms. Berry, if you have anything, just tell me!"

Looking at Wayne who didn\'t raise his head, Harry took a deep breath. "Director Greenberg, my agent was notified last night that I was eliminated from the audition."

"Yes, there is too much gap between your image and the character setting in the script, and this is a role that requires certain acting skills. After we discussed it, we feel that you don\'t need to participate in the next audition."

Wayne raised his head and looked at this beautiful girl who was rare among hey people. Her appearance was completely in line with the mainstream aesthetics, and she was very different from a normal hey person with thick lips and nose.

"I think I\'m very suitable for this role." Halle Berry took two steps forward slowly, trying his best to show his figure. "Maybe you can change the character setting a little bit, I believe it\'s not difficult, why can\'t you give me a \'chance\'?"

Going all the way to the desk, she bent down with her hands on the table, and looked into the man\'s eyes: "Or are you prejudiced against me?" Under Harry\'s gaze, she clearly saw the self in Wayne\'s eyes. Appreciation of the figure, this look is too familiar to her.

Wayne leaned back on the office chair, skillfully lit a cigarette, crossed his hands in front of him, and admired the woman. Whether it is her figure or face, it is very in line with the oriental aesthetics in her soul.

"I have no prejudice against actors of any skin color!" Wayne breathed out a puff of green smoke and said calmly, "My words are literally, don\'t think too much, you are very different from the setting of the main character."

Harry-Berry just wanted to speak, but Wayne raised his hand to interrupt, he raised his cigarette finger: "I can tell you clearly, first, the character setting is a mediocre maid, and you are too tall pretty."

He watched Harry-Berry touch his face with his hand, and raised a second finger: "Most of the time this character is dressed as a middle-aged woman, the kind of woman who needs to work, and you are too young for your face. Too young and lacks enough life experience."

Wayne continued to speak and raised his third finger: "The most important point is that this is the role that requires the most acting skills in the whole film. Even if it can be made up for by makeup, the main facial expressions need to convey complex emotions, and the acting skills You are too far away."

Every time Wayne uttered a reason, Harry-Berry\'s face became ugly.

"Can\'t you change the settings?" Harry-Berry\'s expression returned to normal as quickly as possible. "All movie characters are inherently more important, right?"

That\'s right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com For this role, the inside is definitely more important than the appearance, but the appearance is the main foil. Moreover, the story lines are prepared according to this setting. If you change the series, there will be huge problems in the series of plots. It can be said that it is equivalent to reinventing the wheel.

Besides, no matter how beautiful she is, Halle-Berry is not worth the millions of dollars Wayne will risk his career as a director.

"You\'ll help me, right?" Harry rolled his eyes, walked around the desk, and walked behind the desk with the steps of a model. He was less than half a meter away from Wayne, which was more than the distance for normal interpersonal communication.

"I will be very grateful to you!" She paused and repeated: "I will be very grateful to you!"

This is the first time that an actress has appeared in front of him, so Chi Luoluo showed this kind of intention, or the famous Storm Goddess and Oscar winner in the future.

But he also thought about the many rumors about Halle Berry, and there is no need to be surprised. Thinking about what she did for "Dance on the Dead" and the Oscar heroine, isn\'t it normal now?

Such a successful female star definitely dares to bet everything for a small chance. As long as you identify a goal, you will unswervingly pursue it. These characters have won countless praises in Wayne\'s heart, but they cannot change his decision.

Looking at the young director up close, Harry saw his appreciation for her in his eyes, and she suddenly laughed. I heard that many directors and producers often watch your actions, so just give him some food first. sweetness.

"I understand!" She took another step forward.

Before Wayne could realize what was going on, Halle Berry squatted in front of his thighs, his hands quickly reached over, and grabbed his belt.