Hollywood Drawing

~: 769 - You turned down Wayne Greenberg's marriage proposal?

"When people can\'t control you, they definitely start to hate you. People who can control their mouths are amazing, whether it\'s eating or talking."

"You can have your own temper, but the purpose of your temper is to make people fear you, not to hate you more because of the dirty words that come out of your mouth."

"Brutal temper is never an unforgivable defect, but because temper can\'t control one\'s own mouth, it affects more people\'s work mentality. It is an unforgivable defect. A man\'s temper is as intolerable as a woman\'s obesity. Because the violent temper affects the work that should be carried out normally, like a fat woman\'s giant ru who is worthless."

"The one who climbs to the top is always the silent, dedicated, chattering magpie, who can only climb to the middle of the mountain forever."

The above casual jokes by Wayne became Christopher Nolan\'s first lesson after joining the team. But soon, he saw something more exciting to him.

Not just the first simple shot, after Zach Snyder presided over the simple shot, a large number of reporters poured into the rest of the set. Producer Charles Rowan led the horns, who were interviewed and photographed by a large number of reporters.

Perhaps the only thing to disappoint reporters is the image of Ben Affleck. Because of the shooting scene, today\'s corner is just casual clothes and baseball caps. Obviously, the crew had absolutely no intention of putting him in a Superman suit for reporters to take pictures.

In the face of strong demands from reporters, Charles Rowan simply refused. It is precisely this crew that has the strength and confidence to refuse.

In fact, the reason for this is very simple. The promotion of the crew must be carried out in accordance with the plan customized by Warner Bros. The filming has just started, and it is not yet time to release the full-body poster of Superman.

What surprised Christopher Nolan was Zach Snyder who was interviewed by reporters later. During the whole process, Wayne stayed in the director\'s trailer and never showed up. This arrangement and intention are very clear. The action tells everyone, at least for now, that Zach Snyder is doing directorial duties on the set.

Especially in the subsequent shooting, for nearly a week, Wayne just hid behind the director\'s monitor to watch most of the time. Unless some necessary scenes, the filming person was always Zach Snyder.

Obviously, Christopher Nolan\'s agent is right. Wayne Greenberg takes great care of his own people. He is deliberately training Zach Snyder, and he is constantly giving Zack Snyder the opportunity to take pictures, even if At the back, producer Charles Rowan has some vague opinions.

"Hey, Amy, I just saw that our heroine sneaked into the director\'s trailer"

"Shit, be quiet, Annie, don\'t be heard by that cranky **** Zach."

During the crew’s lunch break, set supervisor Annie Kurjian sat next to director of photography Amy Mokley with a sandwich in her hand, mouth by mouth, with gossip on her face.

The biggest change since the crew was officially filming for a week was Zack Snyder\'s respect for Wayne. But this is normal. In the face of a Hollywood bigwig who supports him so much, Zach Snyder didn\'t personally send the heroine into the trailer, which is already his restraint. …

"Come on, Amy."

The set supervisor pouted, glanced in the direction of the director\'s trailer, and whispered, "That big guy doesn\'t care about people talking about his private life. Just this morning, many gossip tabloids published him and Amy. -A photo of Adams in the same car."

Many people in the crew are full of curiosity about Wayne himself. After all, this is not Wayne\'s team. In fact, both sides are relatively unfamiliar.

Especially about the legends in the circle of his director, who have heard some more or less. What people didn\'t expect was that Zach Snyder, the nominal assistant director, became the main filmmaker. This made Wayne\'s body even more mysterious. After all, the other party didn\'t have much time to direct them to work.

In fact, the crew is still in the run-in period, and every staff member is observing each other, including Wayne, who has been hiding behind the director\'s monitor, who is actually observing everyone silently.

What was unexpected was that Amy Adams, the heroine who was signed because of the cheap price, would take the initiative to climb into Wayne\'s trailer the next day and became the first staff member to communicate with him in depth. .

However, this also verified one thing for everyone in the crew. Their leader, as rumored in the circle, is indeed a playboy.

Despite all the gossip about Wayne, the filming went smoothly from the start, which is one of the reasons Wayne hasn\'t shot multiple times in nearly a week. In his opinion, since Zach Snyder is doing well, why not let him continue?

The "Superman" crew was filming step by step in Chicago, and there was also no lack of media attention, but this time the point was a bit crooked, and what made the public more interested was not the superman makeup poster that just broke out, but the paparazzi candidly photographed Wei Wei. En and Amy Adams\' photo.

The influence of the Oscars, which has already ended, was also fading rapidly. A few days ago, there was still controversy in the media. With the expansion of the screening of "Shakespeare in Love", it has become much less in a short period of time.

And "Shakespeare in Love", which has suddenly expanded to more than 2,700 theaters across North America, has become a topic of conversation as more and more people have watched the film, along with the scandal between Wayne and Amy Adams. Start frying.

"Thanks to Wayne for helping me get rid of all my competitors."

The media dug up Cate Blanchett\'s acceptance speech, even a photo of her holding a statuette, and a photo of Cameron Diaz getting into Wayne\'s car with her on Oscar night, and even a photo of her I took photos of Amy Adams and Wayne in the same car, and they were all posted together.

And this is just the beginning. In the next few days, basically all the actresses who have had scandals with Wayne were turned over one by one. Even the magazines in which Cameron Diaz was interviewed in his early years became a new hot spot for a while.

There is a very special existence here, and the existence with the most mentioned name, that is the new Wonder Woman Angelina Jolie.

When she faced the reporter\'s interview request, she did not shy away from talking about her relationship with Wayne, which officially pushed the frenzy of this lace news to Gao Chao. …

Not without the ingenious reporter trying to interview Wayne himself to hear what he has to say about these gossip subjects. But to the disappointment of these reporters, they did not get an interview with Wayne after traveling all the way to the set outside Chicago.

"Bruce Rosenblum never misses a chance for a little hype!"

There were a lot of reporters around the set. Charles Rowan sat beside Wayne with a headache and teased helplessly: "Marketing is a business that he has thoroughly understood. Wayne, don\'t you just look at it like this? , Bruce made a fuss about you and those actresses?"

"He was just taking the opportunity to promote Wonder Woman."

Hearing the producer\'s teasing, Wayne rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Don\'t I allow him to do this? Come on, Charles, if it can make "Wonder Woman" an extra $20 million at the box office, Don\'t say that he just promotes the hype of the lace news, even if he asks me to go off the court and admit to the media in person, I will never hesitate."

It\'s already early April, and it\'s not too far from mid-May. "Wonder Woman" is about to be released. In fact, Warner Bros. is not only hyping the lace news of Wayne and the heroine, but also on major media platforms in North America. More and more information about "Wonder Woman" is being disclosed.

Although it can\'t be called intensive bombing propaganda, whether it is the billboards on the streets of major cities in North America or the vertical posters in major theaters in North America, they have basically been quietly replaced by "Wonder Woman".

"If I were you, I wouldn\'t be as optimistic as I am now."

There was obvious weirdness in Charles Rowan\'s tone, and even the eyes that looked at Wayne were full of the same weirdness. "Aside from the reporters around this crew, will it affect the filming? I\'m afraid, you will have to be careful when you return to Los Angeles."



Wayne and Nina looked at the producer suspiciously together.

As long as anyone with a discerning eye can see it, the hype about Wayne\'s lace news this time is entirely secretly promoted by Warner Bros. and Harvey Weinstein. The former is to promote and market "Wonder Woman", while the latter is to increase the discussion of "Shakespeare in Love".

Does this have any necessary connection with the possibility of being beaten?

Forcing himself not to laugh, Charles Rowan explained: "There were some reporters who surrounded Jon Voight\'s house. Facing the reporter\'s interview, he unceremoniously announced that he would definitely look for opportunities. Kick your **** hard."


Hearing the explanation, Wayne subconsciously burst into a foul language, raised his hand on his forehead, and slapped helplessly.

Jon Voight, a famous old **** in Hollywood circles, is also an Oscar winner. As long as this guy is mentioned, fans will first think of classic movies such as "Midnight Cowboy" and "Ronggui". But insiders, the first thing that comes to mind is his sloppy personality.

It just so happens that he has a more rebellious son, Angelina Jolie. But over time, when people mentioned him again, he was no longer an Oscar winner, and the label became Angelina Jolie\'s father.

"Charles, didn\'t that old **** really want to come?"...

"Who knows? Maybe he just wants to rub his daughter\'s heat. Trust me, he can do such a thing."

The core purpose of marketing, the first underlying logic is how to quickly capture the public\'s attention, let them remember, and continue to spontaneously discuss.

Obviously, Bruce Rosenblum is still the marketing guru, and under his covert push, he is constantly mentioned at the same time as Wayne\'s tidbits, as well as the upcoming "Wonder Woman."

However, Wayne now seriously doubts the safety of agreeing to the plan. After all, you can\'t have **** with someone\'s daughter, and at the same time prevent the other party from expressing anger properly as a father, right?

At the same time, Naomi Watts, who had just returned to Los Angeles after filming in New Zealand, was invited to appear on the NBC classic talk show "The Tonight Show". Obviously, the reason why this talk show with the highest ratings is to invite her at this point in time is also for Wayne, a hot character in recent times.

It can also be said that both sides get what they need. "King Kong" is about to be transferred to post-production. The reason why Naomi Watts happily accepted the invitation, in addition to the help of Warner Brothers, also shoulders the task of promoting the new movie.

"The Tonight Show" is an evening talk show founded by NBC in 1953. Each episode consists of three parts: monologue, guest interview and band performance. Unlike other hilarious talk shows, each episode of this show is as long as fifty minutes and can be said to be a household name in North America.

Today\'s "Tonight Show" host is still veteran talk show star Jay Leno. After he retired and was taken over by "Jimmy Fat Lun", the ratings of this show have been rising steadily. But Hollywood stars like the "Tonight Show" trend, or from the Jay Leno period.


When entering the guest interview session, after a simple desk, Jay Leno looked at the guest on the sofa with an exaggerated expression, shrugged and asked, "Can you talk about Wayne, everyone knows that you are the only one The actress who can be called the hostess of Greenberg Manor, what do you think of the other actresses around him?"

Jay Leno\'s question, with an obvious sense of ridicule, still caused a strong roar from the scene. This is what the audience obviously wanted to see and hear.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Since Naomi Watts came to the show, she was naturally ready to be asked questions, not to mention that the two sides had briefly discussed the topic before the show started. She shook her head with a smile, pointed to the audience who were booing and whistling at the scene, and said funny:

"First of all I have to make it clear that I\'m called the mistress of Greenberg Manor purely because my daughter\'s last name is Greenberg. Damn, if it wasn\'t for little Fendy, who would have known that **** Wayne, Will you kick me out?"

This is a talk show type show, anyone can hear it, and her answer is actually a joke. But the roar of the audience at the scene grew louder in an instant.

After the laughter, Jay Leno motioned the audience to be quiet, turned to Naomi Watts again and asked: "Nami, Wayne has been at the top of the most popular list of North American women in recent years." To be honest, facing such a charming man every day, don’t you really have no idea of ​​wanting to be with him?”…


Facing the live broadcast, Naomi Watts thought for a moment, then put away the joking look on her face, looked at the host seriously, and said, "It\'s because I have been with Wayne for so many years that this is the first time I\'ve been together. Once I know what is jealousy.

Youknow, the fact that I have to recognize is, how can so many women like him! So, my reason, my upbringing, are telling me not to try to marry him.

Jay, you know, Wayne didn\'t do anything wrong, and neither did the girls who liked him. That\'s one of the reasons why I don\'t marry him, because if my identity changes, then marriage will bring out the worst in me. "

"You mean, bad?"


Naomi Watts nodded. "Now, whether it\'s the girls who like Wayne or Wayne\'s own private life, I can look at it calmly, because we are friends and life partners. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But once the identity changes, the bad emotions caused by jealousy will make me want to pour hot water on the face of the girl who likes him. This is too bad, and it is definitely not the life I want. "

"Okay." The host Jay Leno rolled his glasses and immediately asked: "You mentioned marriage just now, does this mean that as long as you think, you can officially become a Mrs Greenberg?"


Naomi Watts shook her head angrily and explained helplessly: "Yes, when little Fendi was born, Wayne once told me that if I nodded, he was very willing to give me a marriage. It\'s a pity , was rejected by me."

"Wait." Jay Leno opened his mouth in surprise. "You mean, you, turned down Wayne Greenberg\'s proposal?! God, did I hear that right?"

"In a way, it does"

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