Hollywood Drawing

~: 768 - 1 trick

It sounds like fate. Wayne remembers very clearly that Christopher Nolan\'s entire career was basically tied to Warner Bros. Even several projects that made him rapidly improve his status in the circle were all successfully produced because of the strong support of Warner Bros.

Compared with the director who has a large number of die-hard fans more than ten years later, Zach Snyder is obviously much more bitter. Since he took over the DC Universe series of movies, he has been constantly instructed by the top management of Warner Bros. It can be said that even if he is given Nolan\'s treatment and power, many things will not be so bad.

Although Wayne knows very well that even if Christopher Noranken joins his team, it will not be long before this talented director will seek better development.

But now Gilmour has been busy preparing for "Resident Evil" by himself, and he urgently needs an assistant director with a similar concept to himself.

The filming of "Superman" is not bad. After all, whether it is Zack Snyder or Charles Rowan, a well-known producer in the Warner Bros. system, they have already made preparations for several months in advance, even if the official filming has begun, Zha Dao can also share most of the tedious work for him.

But after the end of "Superman", it will be followed by "Justice League", the final film of DC\'s first phase. At that time, it is impossible to continue to let Zach Snyder help Wayne manage the crew as an assistant director. working normally.

Then, Christopher Nolan, who appeared at this time, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Later, Wayne also received a call from the other party. After getting the promise of the assistant director position, Christopher Nolan also joined the team as he wished.

The time has come to the end of March, and there is no time to rest. On the third day after the Oscars, Wayne plunged into the "Superman" crew again. Just before April arrived, Wayne and the crew boarded a plane out of Los Angeles and headed to the sin capital of Chicago.

After a long and tedious preparatory work, the filming of this highly anticipated superhero has officially started.

In the early morning, with the fog that has not dissipated, a convoy of cars set off from the hotel and drove to the shooting location outside Chicago. Along with the crew behind the team, there are reporters composed of various vehicles. This is a project that has attracted attention from the entire North America. It is impossible to start it silently.

However, the sufficient preparatory time made good preparations for the shooting work. After the team parked next to a cemetery, all departments quickly started the preparations before the shooting.

"When are we going to let that group of reporters in to take pictures?"

Charles Rowan found Wayne who was in command of the arrangement, pointed to a group of reporters surrounding the crew, and asked, "These guys are going crazy, it\'s best to send them away as soon as possible."

"Zach, Zach!"

Hearing the producer\'s question, Wayne wrinkled slightly, waved to Zach Snyder who was communicating with the lighting team and shouted: "You come to preside over the first shot, according to the shooting plan, after shooting the first shot. One shot, let the group of reporters come in to take pictures, interview, and send them away as soon as possible!"

"No problem, boss."

When he heard Wayne\'s instructions, even though he knew that after the filming officially started, he would have the opportunity to show his skills, Zach Snyder was still pleasantly surprised. You know, this is the first shot material for the official shooting.

Many of the staff around also heard Wayne\'s shout, and many people looked at Zack Snyder with all kinds of envious emotions.

"Can I think that such an arrangement will be the theme of future shooting?"

Walking side by side with Wayne to the director\'s seat, producer Charles Rowan looked at the man beside him and asked in a low voice.

"That\'s right."

Without any cover, after Wayne returned to the director\'s seat, he glanced at the director\'s monitor and said directly: "Charles, this crew is the team formed by Zach and you, and I trust Zach\'s ability. I can help him. Resist all the pressure, but it is impossible to help him carry it all the time.

I can give him the command of the shoot he wants, provided he doesn\'t make those stupid mistakes, of course. otherwise."

Some words don\'t need to be said too clearly. Although Charles Rowan has some opinions, he can understand it. After all, Wayne has already said it for this sake.

He can already think of it now that during the filming of the "Superman" project, I am afraid that most of the shots will be carried out under the command of Zach Snyder. As long as Zack Snyder doesn\'t make mistakes, he gets most of the rights as a director, but only if he doesn\'t make mistakes.






Like Wayne said, when he sat down behind the director\'s monitor, he never got up again. Zack Snyder was in charge of the preparatory work for the whole morning, and even Christopher Nolan, who was still confused, was trying his best to cooperate with Zack Snyder\'s work.

Before the first shot was officially filmed, Zach Snyder leaned over to Wayne and confirmed again in a low voice, "Boss, is the first shot really me?"

"Go, Zach, and show me what you\'re capable of."

In fact, according to the established shooting plan, the shooting tasks in the first few days were very easy, especially the first day. This scene is very simple. Louis Lane followed the clues to find the cemetery where Clark Kent\'s father was, and then forced Clark Kent to appear.

It can be said that there are only so many shooting arrangements on the first day, and the background of the shooting is only this cemetery. Of course, the reason why such a loose shooting task is arranged is to give reporters time to take pictures and interviews.

"Want a bet, Wayne?"

After Zach Snyder turned away excitedly, Charles Rowan shook his head, pulled a chair and sat beside Wayne. "I bet that within a month, you will take back all your powers and helplessly direct all the shots in person."

"Ha, Charles, we have worked together before, you should come to understand my character"

Glancing at the producer beside him with a smile, Wayne muttered, "As long as no one deliberately challenges my authority, I\'m never a selfish and arrogant crew power beast."

"No, that\'s not what I said."

Charles Rowan took out a cigarette, pulled one, and threw the pack to Wayne. "Do you know what\'s the biggest difference between Zach and you?"

Obviously he didn\'t want Wayne\'s answer. After lighting the cigarette for himself, he continued: "Grumpy is an uncontrollable temper. No matter what difficulties your crew encounters, you can always keep your head clear. Problem solving, but his temper."

Speaking of which, Charles Rowan shook his head. Since the preparation of "Superman" in the past few months, he has seen it countless times. It can be seen many times that Zach Snyder doesn\'t want to lose his temper, but when a staff member makes a stupid mistake, he can\'t control himself.

Many directors are violent, including truck driver James Cameron, who is well known in the circle. The difference is that those directors\' tantrums usually make the crew work more seriously.

According to Charles Rowan\'s observation, Zach Snyder\'s tantrum will only make the staff become more cautious and more unruly.

"Ok, bet." Wayne shrugged, he didn\'t believe that sitting here, Zach Snyder would continue his violent temper. "The stake is a good ice bar, how about that?"

"Shit, props! Don\'t tell me you guys checked here, f**k, better give me a good reason, otherwise"

However, before Wayne could finish speaking, he heard Zach Snyder\'s roar, the slap in the face so fast, Charles Rowan almost finished laughing. Wayne also held a puff of cigarette in his throat and coughed several times frantically.

"You\'re sure not to go and see." Charles Rowan spread his hands.

The muscles on Wayne\'s face couldn\'t stop throbbing, and he had to find an excuse. "You know, it\'s just a little problem, a little problem that happens with every crew."

It didn\'t take long, Nina, who had been wandering on the set, came over and squatted beside Wayne and explained, "The tombstone of Jonathan Kent is the tombstone of Clark Kent\'s father. The props team reversed the birthday."


Wayne raised his hand and slapped himself on the forehead. This kind of shit, not to mention that Zac would lose his temper, even if he was hosting the shooting, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to hold back.

But like he said, this is a crew of more than 200 people, and there are all kinds of small problems like this every day. This is a small society, and there is no way to prevent these bad things. However, this is only a small problem. There are more than one similar props prepared. As long as they are not all wrong, it will not affect the normal shooting.

The first shot is very simple. Under Wayne\'s observation, the camera clearly gave two seconds of footage of the tombstone, and then transferred to Ben Affleck in a casual dress.


Soon, Zach Snyder shouted, basically this kind of simple shot explaining the background, as long as the shooting angle is no problem, there is no such thing as repeating it several times. It is rare that the next drama between the male and female protagonists.


Taking advantage of the gap between the preparations of various departments, Wayne waved to Zach Snyder and called him over again.

"What\'s the matter, boss? You\'re not happy with this shot?"

"The lens is fine, no problem."

Wayne thought for a while, then lowered his voice deliberately, and said: "Zach, if you want to control a large production crew and get all the departments excited, it won\'t work just by being violent, I have a trick here, you Would you like to hear it?"

Zach Snyder opened his mouth in surprise. "what?"

At this moment, even Nina and Charles Rowan, and even Christopher Nolan, who had been around all the time, showed an interested look in their eyes. They quietly pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the so-called so-called What is the trick.

"Shut your mouth, Zach. The first step is to shut your mouth." Wayne said with a hint of ridicule, looking at Zach Snyder with a question mark in front of him: "In any non-work related Time, keep your mouth shut, even if it is necessary for work, tell yourself to shut up first, and what you are about to say, go around in your mind before saying it out.”

"Does this really work?" Zach Snyder was dubious.

"You have time to try it out. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"All right."

Looking at Zach Snyder who was leaving in a murmur, Wayne\'s face was full of smiles.

In the end, Nina couldn\'t hold back, looked at her boss, and asked, "Boss, why do I feel like you\'re making fun of Zach? Is it really useful to keep silent?"

"Of course it works."

With a click, Wayne lit a cigarette again and explained casually: "Dear Ms. Klein, you must know that even dogs are divided like this, let alone people? "Bite people", is it just a simple proverb? I tell you, this is the experience summed up by people in the history of the East for thousands of years!"

Hearing his casual explanation, not only Nina\'s face was very strange, but even Charles Ron and Christopher Nolan, who was eavesdropping, had a strange look on their faces.

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