Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seventy - what the **** is going on in your head

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"I heard that the script for the "King Kong" project was specially changed by Wayne for you?"

"Yes, the cause actually goes back a few years. We were filming Batman: Hour of War, and when the crew moved to New York, we took advantage of the rare vacation, Wayne, and we visited like ordinary tourists. the whole Big Apple.

As we boarded the Empire State Building together and sat down to eat in the revolving restaurant, Wayne had a whim. Ha, you know, no one knew what was going on in Wayne\'s head, he was just curious and wanted to try and get a gorilla up the Empire State Building.

After "Batman: War Hour" was filmed and returned to Los Angeles, he adapted this script based on the old movie "King Kong" decades ago..."

On the TV, Naomi Watts talked eloquently in front of the audience and the live broadcast, especially when the topic was brought to "King Kong" by the host tacitly, Naomi Watts was even more ready. The rhetoric tells a story that makes people cry and laugh.

Precisely in this chat-style question and answer, the audience\'s attention inevitably shifted to "King Kong". And the effect of the program was even better than expected. At least many families who are used to watching "The Tonight Show" are full of curiosity about this remake of "King Kong".

To a certain extent, local sci-fi films such as "King Kong" are the mainstream in the North American commercial market. And "King Kong" has been remade by various directors for decades, which also has this factor.

"Bruce Rosenblum\'s style hasn\'t changed at all, he\'s willing to use any means as long as it can market a Warner Bros. movie."

It was completely dark early in the morning. In the Fox Building in Beverly Century City, a lighted office, several executives in suits and leather shoes, with a big belly, were also watching the live broadcast on the TV.

The current 20th Century Fox, eo Townsend-Rothman, leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, and said casually with a thick cigar in his hand:

"Bruce Rosenblum really doesn\'t waste resources at all, first consuming Wayne, and now continuing to consume Naomi Watts, this old guy has always been so good at attracting public attention."

"People only saw the lace news of Wayne Greenberg, but they ignored that the streets, movie theaters, video rental stores, TV stations, newspapers, radio stations in major cities in North America, as long as the channels that can appear in the public, have been published. Full of informational posters about Wonder Woman. @essence\/shuge*First update~~”

The distribution director of Twentieth Century Fox nodded, his expression also full of casualness, and said, "Unbelievable! Even in major mainstream movie merchandise stores, various movie merchandise from "Wonder Woman" have been put on the shelves in advance Look, in less than a week, the intense publicity frenzy about Wonder Woman is definitely going to come like a torrential rain."

According to the situation in Hollywood in the past two years, 20th Century Fox is one of the only six majors that have a good relationship with Warner Bros. Although the six majors keep circulating in cooperation and competition, objectively speaking, in the past two years, 20th Century Fox has cooperated with Warner Bros. far more than the competition.

Of course, the small friction between the two companies has always existed. But the cooperation in the general direction has indeed covered up some inconspicuous conflicts.


There was a knock on the office door, and then Terry, who was already an executive of the distribution department, pushed the door and walked in. He glanced at the program on the TV and sat directly across from Townsend Rothman, reporting:

"We have just communicated with the financial department, and we can only delay it until May at the latest. According to the original contract, before May, it is the deadline for Wayne Greenberg\'s North American box office share payment."

Hearing his words, several people present frowned unconsciously, including Townsend Rothman, apparently no one was willing to hand over this "huge sum" of money.

It\'s not 20th Century Fox, they plan to play tricks on this share, and they haven\'t thought about it at all. After all, Wayne is not an outsider in the circle, and it is unrealistic and has no chance to realize it. What troubles Fox is the company\'s lack of liquidity.

At this point in time, they are of course unwilling to release more than ten million dollars easily.

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"Townsend, you have always had a good relationship with that child." The shareholder representative Faith Kleiman, sitting at the end of the sofa, looked tentatively at the head of Fox and said, "I heard that the child respects you privately. , can you talk to him and deliver the share a few months later?"

"It\'s hard."

Without waiting for Townsend Rothman to speak, Terry, the current number one horse boy, shook his head and retorted: "There has always been news circulating in the circle that Wayne Greenberg urgently needs a large amount of cash flow to start as soon as possible. A large number of commercial projects in his studio. Even some time ago, he rarely accepted some film investment.

Recently, Colin Howard, Wayne Greenberg\'s vampire-like accountant, can\'t wait to come to the company every two or three days to urge the share, even if the boss can ask Wayne Greene. Berg talked privately, and it was difficult to get the other party to agree. "

The North American box office of "X-Men" is as high as 213 million US dollars, and other things aside, according to the provisions of the producer contract, 20% of it will go to Wayne. That\'s by no means a small sum of money, especially for Twentieth Century Fox now.

Due to the successful beginning of the "X-Men" series, the second "X-Men" has been prepared by the team led by Brian Singer.

It is precisely the choice of 20th Century Fox that is exactly the same as that of Warner Bros. The success rate of this kind of film is much higher than that of the failed sequel film. In order to avoid various disputes, they have never considered accepting external financing.

The investment amount of the second film of "X-Men" is as high as 110 million US dollars, which directly drains most of the working capital of 20th Century Fox. In fact, the second part is not bad, at least the preparations for the project can be successfully started. The third part in the plan is the place that makes Fox executives extremely headache.

If the second film is as popular as expected, when the third film is ready, the actors will not be as fooled as they are now. At that time, large-scale salary increases will definitely be unavoidable, especially those characters with high popularity.

In fact, a single "X-Men 2" will not make Fox\'s liquidity stretched. Here we have to mention another key project "The Rest of the Desert Island".

Looking at the genre, a drama with such a simple scene should be in the category of low-budget movies. But in order to ensure the success rate, from the director of the film to the main cast, none of them can save Fox money.

Director Robert Zemeckis, the main actors include Oscar winner Tom Hanks, Oscar winner Helen Hunt and others. It can be said that the project has just entered the preparatory period, and the salary of the staff has almost drained the blood of 20th Century Fox. . Error free update@

"Townsend, if we\'re finished with another three months or so in arrears..."

Bos Ivey, an executive of the film and television production department, frowned and suggested in a low voice: "Wayne Greenberg, definitely won\'t break up with us easily, it will only take about three months for the company to receive peripherals. Refunds from the channel.”

Townsend-Rothman shook his head. "Boss, have you ever thought that if you drag on for a while, the deadline for global sharing will also be..."

Bos-Ivey shrugged and complained: "Shit, let\'s go sell **** together!"

This kind of feeling is very bad. There are not many projects released by 20th Century Fox this year, but all the big money-guzzling projects are all put into next year. Even at one point, several executives recalled the embarrassment of the "Titanic" era.

"Let\'s put it aside for now, and I\'ll talk to Wayne on the phone in person later."

Raising his wrist and looking at the time, it is now nine o\'clock in the evening, Townsend-Rothman waved his hand, ended the topic, looked at the crowd and said, "All our focus this year is this "Star Wars" , If we want to maximize our interests, then, between Disney or Warner Brothers, there must be a company that goes completely to the abyss..."

That\'s right, seeing that May is coming, it means that the summer war is about to start. Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros. have actually reached a tacit understanding in private, and at this point in time, some actions can already be started.

It is rude to say that every weekend in the summer season is a time of extremely fierce competition. If you want to successfully break through, it is inevitable to release films in the same time frame. (This chapter is not over!)

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The bayonet sees red. Not to mention other things, just talking about the beginning of the summer season, the only movie that has released a lot of movies is Disney.

Several people present knew very well that today\'s Wayne Greenberg and DC comic superheroes are equivalent to George Lucas and "Star Wars" ten years ago. So obviously, let the new "Star Wars" and "Wonder Woman" collide head-on, and the result is likely to be a lose-lose.

What\'s more, "Star Wars" is not a project invested by 20th Century Fox. They are just publishers. Even if they want to take the world\'s first IP and touch the DC comic superheroes, the father of Star Wars can\'t nod. .

So, there is only one solution left. After a Fox executive met with Bruce Rosenblum of Warner Bros., Disney became a fat pig on the chopping board.

"I have communicated with Emperor Cinemas and AMC."

Talking about business, Terry got up and turned off the TV, and said to several executives: "The attitudes of the two are very clear, and if necessary, both of them are willing to reduce the scale of other films in order to make The North American release of Star Wars, set aside as many theaters and screens as possible.”

When necessary, what is necessary? Several people present know well that this necessary situation has little to do with Fox, and the key is to look at Warner Bros.

Of course, no matter it is the announcement, or some means of tacit understanding between the two parties, it cannot play a decisive role. Everything depends on "Wonder Woman", which will be released in May. _o_m As long as this film is as strong as expected, all subsequent plans will proceed as scheduled.

It\'s not uncommon for the voices to sing "Wonder Woman". Since the end of the Super Bowl, there have been many similar voices. After all, no matter how you analyze it, it cannot change the attributes of a movie with a female as the protagonist.

Even the year before, "Charlie\'s Angels" had just achieved an unexpected success, but it couldn\'t change the views of some professionals. How much did Charlie\'s Angels cost to produce? The production cost of "Wonder Woman" is as high as 200 million US dollars!

According to the roughest calculation, "Wonder Woman", which cost 200 million US dollars to produce, must earn at least 600 million US dollars in the world before it can guarantee not to lose money.

Don\'t think that 600 million US dollars is very simple. Hollywood can\'t produce a few movies with this kind of box office volume in a year. What\'s more, before any movie is released, it is equivalent to a gamble. No one can accurately predict whether it will succeed or fail. This is the experience that Hollywood has summed up for decades.

When the discussions on some sensitive topics were over, the shareholder representatives who had been silent all the time looked at the crowd and joked, "You said, will the director called Exploding Bay capsize the Wayne Greenberg gutter?"

"It is possible, but the probability is negligibly low."

Townsend Rothman was the first to shake his head. "Maybe Michael Bay is the most popular director in the past two years, and he is also the director with the fastest rise in appeal, but you have to know that the road he is walking now is the one Wayne has walked five or six years ago."

Terry nodded and said with emotion: "Yeah, not to mention Wayne Greenberg\'s personal fans, just the number of fans of DC comics, it\'s really amazing."

Townsend-Rothman looked at the night sky outside the window, twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, and muttered: "A cruel truth is here, aside from the quality of "Wonder Woman", even if this movie **** like a Shit, there will still be a lot of fans who don’t believe in evil. Whoever ignores the brand effect of Greenberg’s production is the real fool.”

Why does Townsend Rothman equate Wonder Woman and Wayne with Star Wars and George Lucas ten years ago? That\'s why, because the films of these two series are too similar to the attributes of these two directors.

Even Townsend-Rothman suspects that even if "Wonder Woman" sucks, those die-hard fans that Wayne has accumulated over the years, as well as fans of DC movies, will buy tickets frantically after the movie is released. At that time, it is difficult to say whether "Pearl Harbor" can withstand this first wave of offensive.

In the face of such a situation, assuming that "Wonder Woman" is really bad, it will only affect the subsequent box office trend. At least the first two weeks of the release, there will never be too much impact,

your first. (This chapter is not over!)

770 - What the **** is going on in your head

A wave of fan economy attacks can’t stand it. Even if the follow-up performance of “Wonder Woman” falls off a cliff, it probably has nothing to do with “Pearl Harbor”.

And don\'t forget, Warner Bros. will see their own revenue pillar series with their own eyes, because the influence of fans\' word-of-mouth makes others cheap? At that time, Warner Bros. will be in a hurry, and there is a high probability that it will play that trump card in advance, "Justice League".

So, in Townsend-Rothman\'s case, "Wonder Woman" certainly has the possibility of failure, but the probability is so low that it is completely negligible. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The brief meeting would end, leaving only Terry and Townsend Rothman in the office. It was getting late, Terry waited until everyone left, instead of going around in circles, he reported directly to Townsend-Rothman Hui:

"Boss, it has been confirmed that the project that Avi Adela is busy with is the superhero of Marvel Comics. The reason why it has not started yet is because Wayne has little cash flow, but it is foreseeable. In the future market, superheroes will no longer be priceless. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion·No mistake starting~~

Even I suspect that Warner Bros. may not understand Wayne\'s approach. Once his studio\'s amazing superheroes are a big success, the first thing that will hit the market is probably the market that DC has already occupied..."

"There\'s no reason." Townsend Rothman frowned. He was very sure that Wayne and Warner Bros. were tied to the same boat. Who would believe that someone would dig a hole in the boat board under their feet?

"Wayne, what the **** is going on in your head...".

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