Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and sixty-seven - 2 kinds of directors

In Christopher Nolan\'s heart, he actually prefers to control the crew and shoot and make his own films according to his own ideas. Of course, he knew very well how much he had to pay for being arrogant and arrogant, and that was why he was caught in a brainstorm.

No one can resist Warner Bros., especially for a director, the temptation to work with Warner Bros. is, in a way, far more than any other Hollywood studio.

This is the first of the six major Hollywood movie giants. What is commendable is that this company treats co-directors very well. Not to mention, Wayne was not given by Warner Bros. because of his talent and ability. free creative environment.

Perhaps ten years ago, Warner Bros. was not as attractive to directors as it is now. After all, the first film industry giant was most often ridiculed by insiders for managing the chaos at the grassroots level and liked to meddle in its big projects. It was the project they intervened, and basically they didn\'t get a good ending.

And the executives are not wrong. Then, if the project did not achieve the expected results in the end, the fault can only be the person in charge of the project, the producer and the director.

But in recent years, since the meritorious CEO Jeff Robinoff took office, the company has rarely heard similar rumors. They mainly focus on sequel films and attach importance to the concept of perfecting the construction of offline peripheral channels, which has also made this company the number one revenue in Hollywood year after year.

"Mr. Greenberg."

Picking up the slightly cold coffee, he raised his head and took a sip. Christopher Nolan turned his head with a serious face and looked at the man of his age beside him. "If you invest in me, will you give me the rights to the later stage of the project."


Hearing the other party\'s question, Wayne nodded slowly and said with great interest: "It seems that you know a lot about the operating rules of Hollywood, so let me say it clearly, even if the script is written by you, the footage is shot by you , and even the operation of the entire crew, you are responsible for it alone, but in the post-production work, you can only get editing suggestions at most, at most!"

Speaking of which, he watched the change in the other\'s face, leaned into the sofa completely, and put his left leg on his right. "Since you know Hollywood, you should know that even editing advice is not what you want to get. Chris, you need to prove your ability to everyone first."

The truth is so cruel, even if 10,000 people say you are a genius, you can only play by Hollywood rules until you prove your ability.

It\'s not that I\'m optimistic about your projects and abilities, so I give you rights beyond the scope in advance, that\'s impossible. Hollywood wears the halo of film art. In essence, this is the most rigorous business society. The director is the one who shoots the footage. As for all the post-production work such as editing and soundtracking, that is the work of the producer.

Professional things are handed over to professional people. This is the underlying logic of a mature business society. The director participates in the post-production work, and it is very likely that he will edit the film according to his own ideas for the so-called "artistic pursuit". But the producers will never, they only respect the market demand, and they will only make films according to the market demand. …

"Can I go back and think about it?"

Obviously, these three choices are very helpful to Christopher Nolan, and he really does not want to waste opportunities that may affect the trajectory of his life.


Wayne nodded happily, his fingers lightly on the armrest of the sofa, nodding one by one. "But there is not much time left for you. I will soon join the "Superman" crew and start the official shooting. If you want to join my team, you must join the group as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the work."

"In three days at most, I will definitely give you an answer."

The worried Christopher Nolan walked out of the manor and got into the agent\'s car. He didn\'t say anything along the way.

Facing the silence of his client, even though the agent was eager to know the process of the meeting, he still did not ask. But looking at the faces of his clients, he was very suspicious of this rare opportunity, and he was afraid that they would slip away from them.

When passing a cafe, Christopher Nolan motioned his agent to stop and go in together.

"That\'s the way it is. Although I don\'t know what he appreciates about me, he did give me three very good choices."

After listening to him finish the brief meeting process, even the manager\'s doubts suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

Just like what his client said, Hollywood bigwigs like Wayne Greenberg have no time or reason to know their clients, but the other party has shown a strong appreciation for him. This is actually very important. Makes no sense.

"Chris, what are you hesitating about, promise him, join his behind-the-scenes team, it\'ll be the best you\'ve ever had in Hollywood."

Looking at the client drinking coffee silently, the agent suppressed all doubts and persuaded: "One thing is certain, there is something in you that Wayne Greenberg appreciates, at least he thinks that you can give him the job Bring help, that\'s enough.

Chris, give up the "Memento" script in hand. Even if this project is filmed and produced, what kind of results can it achieve in the end? $10 million at the box office? Twenty million dollars? $25 million?

But even if you can get such exaggerated results, there is absolutely no way for you to directly join the other party\'s crew, which will help your future career. "

Seeing that Christopher Nolan didn\'t say a word, the agent was very anxious, and he had to continue to persuade: "Listen, Chris, Wayne Greenberg\'s attitude towards his own people has always been firm in the circle. His reputation, and his style of hosting work on the crew has always been known for his selflessness.

He is not the kind of director who does everything by himself. Instead, he is more like Steven Spielberg. The working style of directors like them is by no means lacking in opportunities for you to learn.

Think about it, don\'t you want to give it a try, the feeling of directing a crew of more than 200 people? Join his team and you can learn a lot. "

"Alright alright"

Christopher Nolan shook his head with a wry smile. Obviously, joining Wayne Greenberg\'s team is the best chance for him in any way.

As the agent said, from the speed of Wayne Greenberg\'s shooting, it can be seen that the other party is not a director who has to deal with everything big and small. …

This is very important, because making a movie is like wading in muddy water. A director like Wayne will bring all the relevant staff here at the beginning of the project. In the muddy water of the beach, let everyone go together step by step.

Precisely his kind of director is more like a combination of a producer and a director. To put it bluntly, he is like a foreman. Commanding the big construction site of the studio, all departments work together to produce the ideal film through cumbersome mutual cooperation and rigorous work plan.

In fact, the more famous, is another director. For example, Quentin Tarantino in Hollywood, Jiang Xiaojun in the East, such directors have one thing in common. They will think clearly and understand all the issues that can be considered before the filming of the film, even the artists, Do it yourself.

Directors like this usually take a few years to make a film, and they prefer to have everything under their control once the shooting begins.

These two kinds of directors can be said to be two extremes. There is no one who is good and who is not. But working in the former team can get more learning and training opportunities, which is certain.

"I will contact Wayne Greenberg\'s assistant as soon as possible. You are ready. I heard that the "Superman" project, with a crew of several hundred people, is waiting for Wayne to join the team to preside over the shooting."

Seeing him nodding in agreement, the agent immediately took out the phone and broadcast it, but then he stopped the movements in his hands and the exhortations of broken thoughts. "Chris, did Wayne Greenberg say what will you do when you enter the group?"


The question of the agent made Christopher Nolan stunned. Yes, after joining the opponent\'s team, where will you be?

All along, he has simply ignored this very important issue. If you give yourself an assistant director, executive director, even if the photographer\'s job is fine, but if you have an assistant director\'s assistant or something like that, wouldn\'t it all be ruined?

"Later on, I\'ll get in touch with Wayne Greenberg."

Greenberg Manor, since Christopher Nolan left, Wayne even ate breakfast and took the two actresses to lie on the lawn to enjoy the sunbathing, with a smile on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Obviously, whether it is the two actresses who have been observing him, Nina, who knows him very well, and even the housekeeper Hela, they all find that their boss is in a very good mood now.

"Boss, are you optimistic about that Englishman?" The assistant lady put down the magazine in her hand and asked casually.

"Many of his ideas about movies are very similar to mine." Wayne nodded, leaned on the reclining chair leisurely with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "Well, this is a very talented director."

Hearing his comment, even Cameron Diaz, who was beside him, unknowingly took off the stuck big sunglasses from his face, and turned to look curiously. to Wayne.

As a woman who has been by her side for several years, she knows it too well. Even though this man seems to be polite and gentle to everyone, in fact, the other person is extremely arrogant in his heart. In recent years, the last person behind the scenes who can get such evaluation from him is Zach Snyder.

"Compared to Zach?"

Obviously, Nina also thought of this, and blurted out the question.

Zach Snyder, a director recognized by the Hollywood film circle, who is in the same vein as Wayne in terms of director style, scale, and habits, has received high praise both inside and outside the circle in recent years.

Many people even swore that if Zack Snyder was given enough creative freedom, he would be a shrunken version of Wayne Greenberg.

"It\'s different. Many of Christopher Nolan\'s ideas and ideas are more in line with me than Zach."

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