Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seventeen - I don't like women with long faces

Burbank, the cafe across from Warner Studios, Nina sat by the window, sniffing the aroma of the coffee in front of her, until she nodded satisfactorily, then pushed the coffee to the opposite position without anyone else. In front of the man who devoured the sandwich.

"Thank you."

The two of them were used to this, and Wayne didn\'t lift his head. He mumbled and took a sip of the moderately warm coffee, then continued to pick up a sandwich and put it in his mouth.

Looking at the wolf on the opposite side, Nina shrugged slightly, raised her wrist to check the time, and said, "Boss, I received two calls this morning, to be precise, two invitations."

"Ha, go on."

Stuffing the last little sandwich in his hand, Wayne took the coffee and drank it.

In the same scene, as if rehearsed countless times, Nina took out a cigarette from her handbag and handed it to the man. Seeing that the other party lit a cigarette comfortably, leaned on the back of the chair, reached out to test the temperature of the black tea, and gently pushed it along the table.

"Steven Spielberg called and wanted to invite you to a cocktail party at DreamWorks. He didn\'t hide his purpose. On the phone, he asked me about the progress of the Greenberg Studio project and tested us. Possibility of needing financing.”

"It seems that the whole circle knows that I\'m short of money." After taking a big puff of cigarettes, Wayne picked up the black tea and laughed and joked to himself, "There really are no secrets in this circle."

Hearing his words, Nina raised her hand, habitually pushed the wide glasses on her face, and turned her head to look at the street scene outside the glass window.

In fact, there are many rumors about Wayne in the circle now. As early as a few years ago, people in the circle generally had a conservative impression of him. The reason is that his ability to make money is top-notch, but he has never invested like most of the rich, but would rather hold a large amount of cash flow in his hand.

The dollar is depreciating all the time, this is the consensus. The most common investment preservation methods for the rich in Hollywood are nothing more than stocks, real estate, art, or luxury goods that celebrities love, such as private business jets and sports yachts.

But all these seem to be unattractive to Wayne. A few years ago, he held a large amount of money in his hand, but he only had one property in his name, and apart from this top manor on the top of Beverly Hills, there was no other property. Assets that can be liquidated in bulk.

However, with the passage of time, the rumors about him in the circle have now become "prodigal" and "arrogant investor", the cause is the animation studio headquartered in New York.

In the past two years, Blue Sky Studio has completely updated its hardware facilities, and the facilities that can accelerate the development and accumulation of the studio, and the money it burns, are all provided by Wayne. Not to mention private investors, in the most simple cognition of the insiders, animation studios are completely money-burning machines that can only be played by media groups.

Most of the people in the circle think that he saw the Joe Gang leader follow suit because of the great success of Pixar\'s return to fruit.

If investing in an animation studio is a legitimate investment, then using your own money to make movies is completely challenging Hollywood\'s decades-old traditional concept. Almost every elite in the circle has been warned not to use their own money to make movies no matter what the time.

There are many reasons for this, but the biggest reason is that as long as you don\'t make movies with your own money, you will always be invincible. Not to mention the relevant successful practitioners, even the major Hollywood film companies, 90% of the money invested in movies comes from borrowing chickens and laying eggs.

Everyone knows that the film industry makes money, and it makes a lot of money, but the history of Hollywood over the past few decades has constantly told senior practitioners in the circle that investing in movies is no different from gambling.

This year, Greenberg Studios seems to be acting in a low-key manner, but the large-scale audition activities for "The Lord of the Rings" and the preparations for "Chase" and "King Kong" all show that Wayne has been invested in films in the past two years. The profits blinded the sanity and began to invest wildly in risky, non-adapted, sequel films.

"It seems that many people want to see me go bankrupt."

In the past two years, Wayne has basically stopped watching all kinds of gossip tabloids, but from the face of the assistant, he also guessed that there are not many reports on his "prodigal" investment behavior, and it is very likely that he will overwhelm the traditional ones. Those Lace Affair.

Picking up the coffee and taking a sip, Nina reached out to fan the drifting blue smoke, shrugged and said, "There is always someone who has more confidence in you, isn\'t it?"

Shaking his head with a smile, Wayne asked, "Tell me, who is the other person who wants to be interested in studio projects."

The rumors in the circle will not come out of nowhere. Most people guessed correctly. Greenberg Studio has started projects continuously, and the funds are indeed not abundant.

Don\'t look at the studio\'s account a few months ago, there were still more than 100 million US dollars, but as long as it is a real money investment in film projects, the speed of spending will be like an open dam, and the savings will never flow out fast. .

The investment in "Shakespeare in Love" has thrown in more than ten million dollars, of course, which also includes part of the public relations expenses of the film in the upcoming awards season.

The estimated production cost of "Chase" is about 20 million US dollars, and the estimated production cost of "King Kong" is about 160 million US dollars. These two projects can be said to have already started production, although Greenberg Studio and Warner Bros. Investment, only need to undertake half of the investment, but the financial pressure is still not small.

The only good news is that movie investment is not a one-shot deal, and you don\'t need to invest all of your money at once. But there are also "A Dog\'s Mission", "Tomb Raider", "Resident Evil", and the amazing superhero of Avi Adela chasing his **** and urging, these projects are placed on Wayne\'s desk , must be produced.

Therefore, if there is a suitable financing target, he really does not mind accepting investment. After all, these projects are of a race against time.

"Remember that Mr. Rockencourt?" Nina put down the coffee cup in her hand, looked across the table and said, "Christopher Rockencourt, we met at the reception before."

Seeing the flash of memories in Wayne\'s eyes and a trace of confusion on his face, the assistant rolled her eyes covertly and reminded again: "It\'s that investor from New York who likes to keep changing female stars just like you. …”


Glancing fiercely at Nina, Wayne muttered a foul language.

There is no doubt that he has recalled the film investor, and the reception that he remembered meeting was at the Vanity Fair party after the Oscars. At that time, there was a certain Oscar winner who was with the New York film investor.

"That\'s right, it\'s him." Seeing her boss remembered, the assistant spread her hands and continued: "His intentions are very direct, so he asked on the phone whether Greenberg Studio needed investment, and he also I hope I can ask you to play ball."

Considering the necessity of accepting financing, Wayne\'s fingers kept tapping on the coffee table. It wasn\'t until a few minutes later that he looked at the assistant and said, "Let\'s wait until we finish the audition for The Lord of the Rings. Well, next week, let me ask Christopher Rockencourt first."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, and under the suspicious gaze of the assistant, he lowered his voice and continued to instruct: "You ask Anthony Pellicano, the eye of Hollywood, to investigate this person carefully during these few days."

"Okay, I understand." Nina nodded knowingly.

The reason why he would ask Christopher Rockencourt first, Wayne\'s intention is obvious, that is to see if there is anything cheap. This involves a convention in Hollywood\'s acceptance of film investment, that is, whether the money for investment projects comes from inside or outside the circle.

If you accept investment from people in the circle, there is no doubt that it is basically difficult to do anything. But if the funds come from outside the circle, he really doesn\'t mind, and he has a tacit understanding with Warner Bros. to play borrowed chickens to lay eggs. It is best to keep the borrowed chickens in his own home.

But if you accept the investment from DreamWorks, you will basically have no means to play. The difference between the two is still quite big. This is also the reason why the first choice for Hollywood film projects is always outside the circle of funds.

It is not difficult at all to borrow chickens to lay eggs with funds outside the circle. Even in just a few minutes, Wayne can think of several common methods.

Just like the most commonly used method of Warner Bros., before each film is prepared, a separately named film studio will be set up, and then it will apply to the head office for loan production. After the production of the film is complete, distribution is of course left to Warner Bros.

In this way, the advantage is that the box office share must first repay the loan from the headquarters, and then reimburse various distribution expenses. If the tacit understanding is sufficient, Warner Bros. can only make a loss in the accounts of the specially established film studio in these two steps. of.

In the end, the left hand turned the right hand, and Warner Bros. bought the film studio at a loss, and then took the copyright of the film for commercial operation, and firmly tied the long-term income to its own hands. It\'s just that there is a tacit understanding and trust between the two parties involved. If the game is not good, Warner Bros. will definitely not mind losing Wayne\'s money together.

Investigating Christopher Rockencourt, it\'s just Wayne\'s prudence at work. Strictly speaking, this is the first time he is ready to accept external investment, and it is impossible to be too careful.

In his impression, Hollywood has never been short of film projects that have received dirty funds and finally got a piece of chicken feathers. Since the commercialization of Hollywood movies, all kinds of money laundering rumors have been around. Almost every successful multi-invested movie has extensive conspiracy theories behind it.

But after all, it\'s just rumors and unfounded speculation by gossip tabloids for sales. However, in his unclear memory, there seem to be some projects, because the source of funds is not clean, so that a certain earth ball grass refunds all the film salary, as well as the little golden man who has not yet warmed up.

"It seems that the rumors in the circle are not wrong."

In the same cafe, not far from Wayne, Liv Taylor and her agent watched the entire process of their lunch. The agent approached his client a little and said with emotion: "That Nina Klein is completely a hand in Wayne Greenberg\'s life."

Nodding silently, Liv-Taylor stared at Wayne, thinking about how to use the short lunch break to create convenient conditions for herself.

There have been various rumors in the circle for a long time. As Wayne\'s personal assistant, Nina not only manages all his wealth, helps him plan his career, but is also fully responsible for everything in his life. Geniuses always have some quirks, as they see it, just having a lunch, and Nina naturally arranges everything.

No one thinks these things are strange. Compared with the stars in the circle with more strange quirks, Wayne\'s ability to live only deteriorates when he enters the working state.

The public is always more tolerant of geniuses who are extremely dedicated. Whether it is in the East or the West, people basically do not criticize geniuses who are "not diligent in the four bodies and indistinguishable from the five grains".

"Where to look."

The agent reached out and patted the client\'s arm, and turned his head to the outside of the cafe. "In a moment, when Wayne Greenberg returns to the studio, you\'ll find an opportunity to strike up a conversation."

Turning her head, Liv-Taylor looked at the door of the cafe, where seven or eight reporters with cameras, or paparazzi, were squatting there. She instantly understood what the agent meant.


Looking in the direction of the man and the paparazzi, she turned back and forth twice, and finally she looked at her manager and nodded firmly.

"go, take advantage of now."

Seeing that the two of Wayne had gotten up, pressed a few banknotes under the coffee cup, and walked out of the coffee shop talking in a low voice, the manager gently pushed Liv Tyler.

With the establishment of "Superman" and "Wonder Woman", there has been a lot of media attention on Wayne. As soon as he and Nina walked out of the cafe, more than a dozen reporters waiting at the door surrounded them.

"Hi Wayne, did you choose Angelina Jolie to play Diana Prince because she had **** with you..."

"Wayne, Wayne, can you talk about Superman?"

"Mr. Greenberg, will your relationship with Naomi Watts be influenced by Angelina Jolie?"


Shaking his head helplessly, Wayne ignored the reporters who were frantically pressing the shutter, and walked quickly to the studio across the street with his head down.

He understands the thinking of these tabloid reporters who go crazy about sensitive topics in order to get themselves to say something. No matter what they say, as long as they speak, they have nothing to write about. As for whether the report is true or not, it is pure nonsense. If the gossip tabloids do not distort some things, how can there be sales.

The security personnel at the entrance of the studio, after seeing this scene, immediately trotted towards the opposite side.


Just looking at Wayne walking forward with his head down, he felt that he had bumped into someone suddenly, and then heard a woman scream.

Not caring about the flashing lights of the paparazzi around him, he bent down immediately and stretched out his hand to grab the woman who had been knocked down by him. "Are you OK?"

But the moment he saw the woman\'s face, he couldn\'t help frowning.

"Sorry, Director Greenberg, I got caught up in the reporters..."

"Go ahead."

Wayne glanced at the panicked woman, and without thinking too much, nodded and walked towards the studio.

The woman seemed to be frightened, and couldn\'t help but hugged his arm, also lowered her head, and followed closely with her footsteps. Coincidentally, this scene was all photographed by the surrounding paparazzi.

"I\'m here to audition for the screen star of the Elf Princess. The crew informed me that the audition time has been moved to the afternoon..."

After getting on the tram, Wayne looked at the woman carefully. This is a typical American girl with unusual black hair, and even wearing flat sneakers, she is not much shorter than him. The light blue eyes are like two gems, and they look at you so seriously while they keep talking.

It is very rare that this woman is close to 1.8 meters tall, but her figure does not appear generous. At the same time, he can keep himself a hot figure unique to North American girls. I have to say that this can be regarded as a kind of talent.

As we all know, women in North America mature very early. If you only look at the figure and face, Wayne really can\'t determine the age of the other party. But according to his experience, the actress should be in her early twenties, and the other party is very good at showing her strengths. Through simple clothes, she will highlight all the tall and hot body.

"I\'ve seen your "Peerless Heavenly Tribulation"."

Although the woman had been chattering since she got on the tram and deliberately acting out her excitement to see him, Wayne chose not to expose it. He wanted to see what trick this woman was trying to play.

"Really? God, you remember my performance." Liv Tyler covered her mouth with one hand, her face full of incredible excitement. "I\'m a fan of your movies, Director Greenberg, I\'ve seen every one of your works more than twice, uh, can I call you Wayne? Excuse me, I\'m so happy... ..."

"You are very insightful in acting, and you will definitely become a first-line actress in the future."

Looking at the woman close at hand, Wayne babbled casually.

Liv Tyler noticed that the man\'s eyes kept wandering on her chest and face, she suppressed the faint pride in her heart, and acted like a silly white sweet. To be able to stand in this circle, she is not stupid at all, she understands some dark hearts of men very well.

"Although it\'s a bit presumptuous."

As the tram gradually approached the studio, Liv-Taylor glanced at the silent Nina, looked up at Wayne and asked, "Can I have your contact information?" Are you? You\'re my favorite director, and I\'m looking for a chance to invite you to dinner. Wayne, over all of Los Angeles, not a single actor expects your direction..."

"Hmm, guide?!"

Looking at Liv Tyler with a smile, Wayne pouted silently in his heart. Seeing the tram stopped in front of the studio, he got up and got out of the car to adjust the buttons of his suit jacket, and shook his head under the surprised eyes of the other party. "There will be opportunities in the future, Tyler."


Nina, who followed him out of the car, couldn\'t help covering her mouth and laughed, especially when she saw the incredible expression on Liv Tyler\'s face, which made the scene even more joyful.

Watching helplessly, the man who was chatting and laughing with him just now walked towards the studio without hesitation, without a trace of nostalgia, Liv Tyler was indeed a little overwhelmed for a while, and froze in place.

She was sure that when the man just observed his figure, he must have been tempted. I just don\'t understand why he suddenly changed his face.

"Is it not obvious enough? Damn it!" Looking at the man\'s back, she muttered angrily.

"How about it?"

At this moment, the agent saw her standing alone in front of the studio, and hurried a few steps to catch up. He couldn\'t wait to observe the surrounding environment and asked in a low voice.

"I don\'t know..." Briefly recounting the process just now, Liv Tyler looked at the agent suspiciously. "Everyone is an adult. Am I not being obvious enough? Or am I not pretty or hot enough?"

"No, I\'m pretty sure, you\'re beautiful and hot." The agent was sweating profusely, reached out and loosened his tie button, and guessed with the same doubts: "The other party is Wayne Greenberg after all, definitely not. Lack of beautiful women who hinted to him, maybe you are still not active enough..."

"f**k, how can I take the initiative? Could it be that as soon as we met, I couldn\'t wait to kneel down and untie his belt?! f**k, what should we do now?"

"Listen to me, Liv." Seeing that she kept making foul language, the agent quickly said, "If it really doesn\'t work, we will give up this role. You just starred in "Peerless Tribulation", even if you don\'t have this role, you will not be short of it Other project invitations, why should we..."

"No, I want this role." Liv Tyler looked at the tall studio in front of him~www.novelhall.com~ with stubbornness on her face. "Holden, don\'t say you don\'t know the success rate of Wayne\'s investment project, think of a way, think about it now. Forget it, help me find out the location of Wayne\'s office."


Not to mention Liv Tyler feeling inexplicable, even Nina, who has been following Wayne all the time, feels particularly unreasonable.

She knew very well that her boss never knew what it meant to be polite when faced with gifts that came to her door, but this time she suddenly rejected the temptation, and it was hard not to make her feel puzzled.

"Why? Boss, that Miss Taylor is hot, isn\'t she?"

When facing her boss, the assistant has always been straightforward. Since she was curious, she simply asked in person.

"She doesn\'t fit my aesthetic."

Back in the office, Wayne flipped through the draft of "Wonder Woman" and responded casually.

"Isn\'t she beautiful? Long black hair, a hot body as good as a model, a pretty face..."

Glancing helplessly at the gossip assistant, Wayne shook his head. "I don\'t like women with long faces."


"Call Charlize Theron and ask where she is." Ignoring Nina, who was speechless, he ordered directly: "Tell her, if she doesn\'t catch up, this role will miss her!"


The assistant nodded, pulled out the mobile phone, and exited the office lightly. She only hoped that the South African diamond was really delayed due to flight delays and other reasons, otherwise, no one could say whether the man in the office would really be replaced.

"Tsk tsk tsk, she\'s so pretty, does she have a long face?" Nina muttered in a low voice and dialed the phone.