Hollywood Drawing

~: 706 - Farm

Every time he returns to the farm where he has lived since childhood, Wayne will temporarily abandon all work and thinking, completely stop the rapid operation of his brain, and quietly enjoy the rare peace.

Under the porch of the rough wooden villa on the farm, old Greenberg leaned on a rocking chair with a huge pipe in his mouth, taking a sip of the black tea on the table next to him from time to time.

Don\'t look at Ruben Greenberg at this time with a huge revolver pinned to his waist, his plaid shirt can\'t hide his fat belly, and a cowboy hat on his head, like a domineering red neck. But every time he glanced over at the child not far in front of him, his face would always unconsciously reveal a penetrating aunt\'s smile.

No matter what other people think, at least Wayne, who was sitting in the rocking chair on the other side of the table, thought so from the bottom of his heart.

"This kind of dog is really good. It has a fierce appearance and a strong physique. In fact, it has a very good personality. It is loyal and stable, and it has enough tolerance for children..."

Old Greenberg glanced sideways at his son and muttered: "Forgiving and friendly, strong enough endurance and patience, these three fierce-looking little guys are simply Fendi\'s 24-hour personal nanny, who only cares deeply. Three great lads for company and service."

After speaking, seeing his son still squinting and leaning on the rocking chair without saying a word, old Greenberg pouted secretly, turned his head directly, looked at him seriously and said, "Boy, about your various This kind of shit-like news has been hyped by the media this year, and I heard that you and the heroine in "The Matrix"..."

"Dad, can we not talk about this?"

Helplessly interrupting his father\'s words, Wayne sat up from the rocking chair and reached out to touch the cigarettes and fire on the table. "OK, I think, let\'s talk about these dogs."

"Listen, Wayne."

Old Greenberg reached out and took off the cowboy hat, put it on his stomach, tilted his head and looked at his son, trying to make his voice full of seriousness. "You little bastard, I want to remind you, don\'t play too much with women, or you will definitely fall into trouble."

Saying that, he deliberately glanced at the living room of the wooden villa behind him, the meaning of which was quite obvious. Inside, Bella Grant was sitting with Anna Greenberg, and it was obvious that the two women were having a good conversation, constantly discussing literature while watching TV.

"Ok, Dad, can we talk about something else..."

Breathing out a large cloud of green smoke, Wayne helplessly raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender. He\'s no longer the kid who just entered Hollywood and didn\'t know anything, especially about his father\'s past.

As far as he knows, his father, Ruben Greenberg, was still a **** with five poisons before he married his mother.

"All right."

Knowing that the child is older, his unique world view has been formed, and he is no longer the little boy who looks at him with admiration. Old Greenberg waved his hand a little angrily.

But he seemed to think of something again, this time his expression was even more serious than before, and even the pipe in the corner of his mouth was placed on the small log table between the two.

"One more thing, whether you like it or not, I have to remind you, Wayne!"

Since he moved to Los Angeles, Wayne has actually seen his father\'s expression for a long time. He nodded suspiciously, indicating that he was listening carefully.

Old Greenberg simply straightened his upper body, looked at his son, and continued to say solemnly: "The achievements you have achieved far exceeded my and your mother\'s expectations, including the speed of wealth accumulation! Look, the one in the white house. All kinds of news about Bit and Time Warner have never been interrupted, and even many ordinary people are well aware of it.

So, I don\'t care if your future plans are to continue filming, or something else. Even if you hold more shares of Warner Bros., don\'t touch politics! Don\'t even touch those dirty politicians! ok? "

As the former boss of a Hollywood film company, the old Greenberg has a very thorough understanding of this industry. He is very sure that based on the achievements of his son, Warner Bros. and Time Warner must pay a lot of money to tie up their son. shares, which is the law of operation of the entire commercial society.

"I understand, Dad, I won\'t touch those people and things."

Nodding, Wayne gave a positive answer. He knew that his father said this for his own good. Because many well-known North American billionaires, the only places that can make these people fall into trouble are to touch things and people that should not be touched, and have ambitions that they should not have.

Many people may have doubts about the rich and politicians, these two completely unrelated combinations. In fact, the most important feature of North American politics is that no matter whether it is the Congress, the White House or the five-cornered building, the top politicians are all inextricably linked with various capital consortia in North America.

And after counting the capital consortia in the whole North America, the media group is the most special. The reason is very simple. The importance of the various perfect publicity platforms of the media group is even higher than that of all others.

"You are far better than me."

Seeing his happy nod, the old Greenberg knew in his heart that his son was not dazzled by power, ambition and money, so he put away the seriousness on his face, picked up his pipe again and leaned back into the rocking chair, turning his eyes to the three bullies again. Playful little Fendi.

"In less than ten years, I have achieved the achievements that ordinary people look up to in their entire lives. Boy, what your mother often mentions now is you, her greatest pride."

"Dad, I\'m not stupid."

Also looking at his laughing daughter, Wayne took two big puffs of cigarettes and said in a low voice, "If I wasn\'t named Greenberg, if it wasn\'t my first work, and there was a rich father who paid for it, maybe I Now, I don\'t know which small crew I\'m working as assistant director."

"No, no, no."

Although the old Greenberg had an undisguised smile on his face, he still stretched out a thick finger, waved it between the two, and corrected:

"Boy, you don\'t become Hollywood\'s premier director just because you\'re Greenberg, or because you have a father who\'s willing to invest in you. It\'s because you\'re Greenberg and you have a father who\'s willing to pay for your potential failure, Thus getting a relatively fair start in Hollywood!"

Glancing at his son, the old Greenberg narrowed his eyes with a smile and did not speak. The two men looked at Little Fendi together, and the porch regained its calm for a while.

The brief conversation between the two was all heard by Nina, who was sitting on the other side of the porch. The assistant lady, who hid her eyes behind thick glasses, carefully observed the old Greenberg for a long time, and could see. It\'s just the domineering and rude farmer.

It was at this moment that she suddenly wanted to understand something. No matter what time, my boss keeps a clear head. The biggest possibility is that since childhood, he was subtly influenced by this very clear-headed father.

"Daddy, can I stay with my grandfather?"

Little Fendi, who had been playing in front of the villa, stumbled towards Wayne, jumped into his arms, stared at him with curious eyes, raised his head and asked his father in a milky voice. The kids live back and forth between LA and the farm and clearly prefer the environment here.

After reaching out his hand to pick up his daughter and placing it on his lap, Wayne smiled and nodded. "Of course, of course you can stay on the farm."

At the same time, the three bully dogs, like little tails, closely followed Little Fendi, all lying at his feet stupidly, looking at them with their tongues out.

Wayne stretched out a hand and gently stroked the head of one of them. The other two also scrambled to squeeze up, opening their mouths and frantically licking his palm.

The three dogs that Sergey found through relationships are strictly large bully dogs. Despite their fierce appearance, they look extremely impactful. unbelievable.

"Rahm, Suvi and Bass also like to stay here..."

Sitting in her father\'s arms, little Fendi intermittently told her interesting stories with the three bullies, especially when she saw her father stroking the three little friends, she giggled from time to time.

A few naughty calves in the distance broke away from the herd. From time to time, there were the shouts and whistles of cowboys riding on their horses. Wayne held his daughter in his arms and looked at the cattle in the distance, falling into a familiar calm mood.

Perhaps for little Fendi, the farm is also the happiest place for her, especially the arrival of her father. So after the happy dinner, Wayne picked up a prepared fairy tale book and leaned against his daughter\'s bed, as he did when he was a child, the old Greenberg.

"Hagrid helped Harry put the money in the bag. \'Gold coins are Galleons,\' he explained. Right? Well, it\'s enough for two semesters, and you\'ll keep the rest for you.\'

He turned to Griphook and said: \'Now take us to the underground vault of No. 713, but can we make the car drive slower? ’

Griphook said, "There is only one speed..."

Lightly closing the little wizard in his hand, Wayne looked at his daughter who had fallen asleep, put the book on the table, and turned off the lamp after getting out of bed, ready to go back to his room to rest.


Just when he turned around and hadn\'t walked a few steps, there was a confused cry from Little Fendi behind him.

Turning around, Wayne saw his daughter open her eyes, shrugged and whispered, "hey, sweetie, it\'s getting late, it\'s time for you to enter a wonderful dream."

"Daddy, you forgot to kiss me."

"Oh, **** it."

He patted his forehead exaggeratedly. Wayne smiled and walked back to the bed, bent down and kissed his daughter\'s forehead lightly. "Okay, it\'s time for our little princess to go to bed, good night, Fendi."

"Good night, Dad."

Seeing his daughter close her eyes and glance at the three bullies sleeping soundly by the bed, he slowly closed the door, stood in the corridor, stretched out his arms vigorously.

"It\'s not easy to be a qualified father, ah?"

"Yes, I\'m trying to learn this." Hearing the ridicule from the opposite room, Wayne shrugged and walked towards the door that had been opened. "I thought you were asleep, dear Lady Grant, do you need me to read you a bedtime fairy tale too?"

"If you want, I\'d be willing to relive the good childhood." Bella Grant was wearing pajamas, folded her arms over her chest and shook her head gently. After watching him approach lightly, she took the initiative to step aside. door.

"Hey, then you\'d better call me daddy sweetly..."

Hearing the man\'s words, she rolled her eyes and closed the door, while she exclaimed in a low voice. "fxxk

you, you are such an asshole. "

The room where the two lived was the bedroom where Wayne had lived since he was a child. Not far from the foot of the big wooden bed, there was a tall wooden desk. In the center of the desk was a half-opened book, which Bella Grant had obviously just opened.

There are several similar tomes where the desk is against the wall, all of which are professional film and television production books. Next to the books, there are more than a dozen boxes of video tapes neatly stacked, each with a handwritten name and date on it. These are the various experimental short films he shot during his college career.

The two of them lay on the big bed, Bella Grant leaned against the table, and looked around the room again. From those professional film and television production books, experimental short videotapes, to a wooden guitar, a 16mm hand-held camera in the corner.

In the end, his eyes stayed on the man\'s face, and he looked at the man lighting a cigarette before asking, "It can be seen that there is almost no trace of entertainment in the whole bedroom. Does this mean that you have been extremely self-disciplined since you were a child?"

"Well, maybe..."

Looking at the woman in surprise, Wayne exhaled a large puff of green smoke comfortably, and replied vaguely.

"You know, Wayne."

Seeing the man\'s inattentive attitude, Bella Grant stretched out her hand, snatched the cigarette from his mouth, put it in her own mouth and took a big gulp, then put it back into the other\'s mouth and said:

"About 1975, a well-known psychologist in North America named Kiest-Mihai deliberately tracked some very successful people in North America, that is, elites from all walks of life. I want to see these people, why To be able to do their best in their respective careers!”

"Huh?" Wayne muttered, "What secret did this psychologist find?"

Ignoring the casualness in the man\'s tone, Bella Grant continued: "Kistor Mihai found out that it wasn\'t because of how much higher their IQ was, how much higher their EQ, how much higher their education, and how much better their family was.

He found the only thing that can sum up these successful people, the leaders of various industries. That is, when they are doing their own work and doing the career they like to do, they can often enter a state of ecstasy and completely shielded from external interference through extreme self-discipline.

He expressed this state in one word, flow. The original meaning of flow is to flow. Since then, more psychologists have been using this expression, not only in North America, but also psychologists in other overseas regions. "

"What do you want to say?" Tilt his head, Wayne asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I want to talk about you." Bella Grant couldn\'t help rolling her eyes again. "Once you get into work, you become a complete workaholic, and you maintain extreme self-discipline from childhood to adulthood. This shows that the conclusion of the psychologist Ziest Mihai is absolutely correct, you guys. That\'s the nature of successful people."

Speaking of this, she deliberately paused, looked into the eyes of the man beside her and asked, "Wayne, is self-discipline the key to successful people like you?"

"Is this an official interview? Bella." Seeing the woman\'s serious expression, Wayne smiled and shook his head.

Feeling the man\'s hand, she started to move in her pajamas, Bella Grant pouted. "of course not......"

"Well, I\'ll tell you, don\'t listen to the nonsense of any psychologist!"

Seeing that the woman was curious about this, Wayne simply moved his body upward, reached out and put the burning cigarette into the ashtray on the bedside table, explaining: "Only people who are extremely focused can achieve great success beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It\'s impossible to control your sleep, even your diet, body shape, and everyday clothes.

Let me tell you, these things are in conflict with the word self-discipline. Because people who are extremely focused can\'t be self-disciplined, this is the state of that **** successful person! "


The beauty editor frowned slightly and asked, "Then why are all successful people talking about their self-discipline?"

"Hey." Wayne sneered and waved his hand. "Don\'t be stupid, it\'s just chicken soup to fool the public. It\'s a way of putting gold on the face of the so-called successful people. Of course, it has to be said better. Therefore, don\'t believe any psychologist\'s investigation, and don\'t believe those successful people. The poisonous chicken soup, whoever believes it is an absolute idiot."

Of course, some things he didn\'t say were too realistic, because they were too realistic for most ordinary people to accept. There is a major premise for what he said about the status of a successful person. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is that you must first have the talent of more than 99% of ordinary people.

Just like Wayne himself, everyone said he was self-disciplined, that he was a workaholic. But no one would notice. After he started to work, he forgot to eat and sleep, and he couldn\'t hold anything else in his mind except for the filming of the crew.

It is because the work will enter such a state that the importance of Nina is even more prominent, because once the film starts to enter the shooting state, the assistant lady manages almost everything he does except work. Including preparing the clothes to wear every day, what to eat, etc. all life problems.

That is to say, once he has entered the working state, Wayne will become a person who is not diligent, does not distinguish between grains, and even lacks more than half of his living ability. You must know that self-disciplined people will not have such a state, and people who are extremely focused on one thing like them will not be able to relate to self-discipline.

"Damn, I should really record your words."

Bella Grant sighed helplessly and said bitterly: "If it were published like this, the sales of the Los Angeles Times would definitely increase."

"Huh, do you think I\'ll admit it?" Wayne said hilariously: "If I were to face the media, I would definitely tell them that my current achievements are all due to my extreme self-discipline. The public likes to hear this so that they can See the hopeful talk, don\'t you?"

"Yeah." Bella Grant nodded involuntarily, her eyes suddenly widened, and she turned her head to look at Wayne viciously. "Shit, you forgot to bring a small umbrella when you came here, don\'t move around..."

"Huh? It\'s okay, we can choose a way that doesn\'t require a small umbrella, can\'t we?"

"fxxk! You pervert..."