Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and five - when you make a request, you must first tell me what you are going to take in exchange!

Wayne believes that Harvey Weinstein\'s desire to hand "Shakespeare in Love" to Warner Bros. for distribution must not be entirely because of the huge influence of Warner Bros. There must be other reasons.


But there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, this film is handed over to Warner Bros. for distribution, and he is completely happy to see it. After all, he holds a large number of shares of Warner Bros., which is equivalent to making money for himself.


Nowadays, the distribution agency fees of major Hollywood companies are basically never lower than 25% to 30% of the box office of the film. Of course, the specific fee ratio must depend on the film. Even the Hollywood industry internal price will not be lower than 25%.


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Note that this is only the film distribution company\'s distribution fee at the film box office. For example, in the early stage, if you need to advance funds for publicity or to develop film copies, this part of the funds invested in the early stage will be withheld by the distribution company when the theater is divided into box office.


Therefore, Harvey Weinstein is willing to give "Shakespeare in Love" to other companies for distribution. There must be other factors in it. Otherwise, with the greed of this fat man, he will definitely not be willing to hand over the most profitable places. Because Miramax itself has a pretty good distribution capability in North America.


For distribution companies, once a film is released, it will be treated differently from the start. To put it simply, for the time being, we can roughly divide the two treatment methods into internal films and external films.


Harvey-Weinstein wants to release this Shakespeare in Love through Wayne\'s relationship, and its purpose is to get Warner Bros. to deal with the distribution conditions of the internal film. The difference between the two is quite big.


Aside from the ratio of the film\'s distribution agency\'s fee, the distribution company is also very deep in water. Miramax itself is engaged in this industry, so he knows too much how the distribution company can manipulate a film.


For example, the primary task of movie distribution is theatrical screening. Everyone knows that box office revenue is only one of the income methods of Hollywood movies. Even under the operation of companies with well-developed distribution methods, this income is less than a quarter of the total profit of a movie. .


However, the screening in cinemas takes precedence over all other distribution methods. More importantly, the performance of the film in theaters will directly affect the effect of other subsequent distribution methods.


The distributor\'s share of the total box office revenue should be correctly called the movie rental. This figure can reach 90% of the total box office revenue after deducting the screening cost! It is generally believed that the issuer can get 50% of this figure, but in fact this figure is the most conservative and foolish estimate.


However, large companies such as Warner Bros. are used to playing the game of left-handed and right-handed when it comes to film distribution, but if they go back and forth like that, even if the producer knows what the total box office number is, they can still make a big box office in the end. The profits went into their own pockets, and the producers couldn\'t find out if they wanted to, because everything was legal.


This is just the first step for the film to go to theaters, followed by home video releases. As we all know, the sales of home video and DVD are usually much higher than the box office revenue of the movie theater.


Now in the late 1990s, most distribution companies adopt a model of direct revenue sharing, which means that video discs are sold directly to chains in advance at a price of about 50% of the total rental price and total sales price. Sellers, the price was around $8 to $10 in 1998.


but! When publishers receive this upfront revenue from sellers, they typically report only 20 percent of wholesale revenue! In other words, the distribution company only counts 20% of the revenue from videotapes and DVDs into the total revenue of the film, and the remaining 80% will be paid into their own pockets through the unspoken rules of Hollywood\'s undisclosed accounts!


This is not the end. When the distribution company treats external films, the 20% of the income reported by it, minus the distribution fee, Hollywood\'s industry price for video tapes and DVDs is 40%. This is still not the end of the game, minus the extra expenses, such as the publicity investment when the videotape is released, and so on.


Until this time, the investors or producers who participated in the distribution of film income were the film profits. In fact, the profits of this part of the home video have long been not 20% of the copyright fee, but 100% of the copyright fee. Ten to twelve percent or so!


This is the legal, reasonable and compliant way for the six major Hollywood distribution departments to exploit external films. Of course, if it is a so-called internal film, such as a project of mutual cooperation between the six giants, this part of the means will naturally be put away.


In today\'s 1990s, big Hollywood companies like to seek "outside" investors. It is precisely because most overseas film investment funds do not know enough about Hollywood, which has created the current situation. Don\'t worry about the fat sheep to be slaughtered.


Not to mention overseas film funds and film investors, even within the scope of North America, the financial circles in Wall Street and other places are still made nonsense by the rogue tactics of big Hollywood companies, and they can\'t win a lawsuit.


The reason is the same. Once the investment and production projects that the Hollywood industry participates in, that is, the internal films that are regarded by the distribution company, similar methods cannot be said to disappear completely, at least they will be restrained. After all, everyone plays like this. , who doesn\'t know who.


"Harvey, $2.5 million is nothing to me..."


Although in his mind, he has been thinking about whether the other party has hidden other deep meanings when he handed over "Shakespeare in Love" to Warner Bros. for distribution. Wayne, however, did not show any surprise when he heard that Big Fat Man had opened a lobbying fund of 7 million for this year\'s awards season, although the price was higher than the normal Oscar lobbying price.


The moment he spoke, the one who was happiest was not the two brothers sitting on the side, but Cate Blanchett, who had been nervous all the time.


The Australian woman\'s interests are highly aligned with those of the Weinstein brothers in this matter. She knows better than anyone how much she can benefit from this public relations feast.


"Miramax will also come up with $2.5 million, for a total of $5 million." Harvey Weinstein explained: "I will make a perfect copy when this awards season arrives, no, with more impeccable means, Let Shakespeare in Love on the Oscar stage!"


From the perspective of God, Wayne understands better than anyone else. Don\'t look at this big fat man\'s public relations lobbying for "Shakespeare in Love", which took place in the late 1990s. However, it is the recasting of the Oscar game rules that made this public relations lobbying the top three in the opponent\'s entire Oscar lobbying career.


As long as there are no accidents, according to the achievements of "Shakespeare in Love" at the Oscars, the $2.5 million is simply not worth it!


"Listen, Harvey."


Wayne put the beer bottle in his hand on the table, leaned forward with his upper body, stared at Harvey Weinstein with a serious face, and said with a warning tone: "Money, before the awards season comes, will enter your designation. account. I don\'t need to know your PR plan or the specific lobbying process, but I want the results, ok?"


"Ok, no problem."


Hearing his words, the eyes on Harvey Weinstein\'s fat face slowly narrowed. He simply nodded and agreed happily. "It\'s not the first time we\'ve worked together, you should know my abilities."


"Very good, I\'m looking forward to your means..."


For this collaboration, Wayne\'s meaning is quite obvious, that is, like the one in "Blair Witch", he only pays the money, and doesn\'t care about the rest. As for what tricks Harvey Weinstein will use, those have nothing to do with him.


The two Weinstein brothers didn\'t stay long. After negotiating the business, they got up and left the manor after a few words of greeting. Only a bunch of young men and women were left under the awning.


Looking at the back of the two brothers leaving, Wayne was amazed in his heart. He knew that if there were no accidents this time, Steven Spielberg would still have a big downfall.


The time when I publicized "The Departed", it was only a large-scale gold-dollar offensive throughout the awards season. The main means is actually to spend money, so that "The Departed" will never lack the layout of various mainstream media in this awards season, hold a large number of targeted film viewing parties, and hold a large number of canvassing receptions for members of the academy, etc., etc. .


But this big fat man is different. Not only does he use the gold-dollar offensive on the island, but he also bombards college members with emails, presents gifts, and solves all kinds of needs. He also hires "sought-after" on a large scale and threatens the media in the media. The biggest competitor, "Saving Private Ryan", has been described as a vulgar film that attracts attention with **** scenes.


It can be said that this product has no bottom line at all. You must know that this circle has never been large, and normal practices will take care of each other\'s faces. But this big fat man doesn\'t know what face is at all. In order to increase the probability of winning his film, he directly hacked "Saving Private Ryan"!


At least he still remembers that, even after the 71st Academy Awards, the media still let the good-tempered Jewish old man yell at Harvey Weinstein every time he talked about Harvey Weinstein, which shows how shameless the big fat man is.


"eon, ambitious sweetheart, it seems we need to have a good talk."


When the two Weinstein brothers were sent out of the manor by the car arranged by Hela, Wayne smiled and looked at Cate Blanchett, who was sitting cross-legged beside him. "Kate, believe me, $2.5 million is not a small number at any time..."


As Wayne\'s sarcastic voice fell, Cate Blanchett\'s face, although still maintaining a beautiful smile, her entire body sitting on the reclining chair, involuntarily tense up in an instant .


It can be seen that the Australian woman had already thought of this question before she came to the manor, but the man\'s seemingly serious and joking words made her feel extremely pressured for a while. The remarks she prepared earlier are now obviously I dare not speak out.


"Don\'t rush, Kate, don\'t rush to speak."

Looking carefully at the tense woman, Wayne slowly leaned back on the reclining chair. It\'s just that his voice, which entered the woman\'s ears, made Kate Bletchett feel a chill all over her body.


"Tsk tsk, in terms of guts and ambition, I admire your courage. $2.5 million is really nothing to me, but I have to remind you that I suggest you try your best when you don\'t have capital. Don\'t be so presumptuous, what do you say? On the contrary, if you have enough weight in Hollywood in the future, you can make a similar attempt."


Speaking of this, Wayne deliberately stopped, and after a few seconds, he continued: "Kate, looking at your previous performance, I can teach you one more thing. In the circle of Hollywood, next time When making a request, you must first tell the other party what you are going to give in exchange!"


Looking at the man who had put his sunglasses on his face and continued to enjoy the leisurely sunshine, Cate Blanchett was silent, completely losing the good mood just now.


That\'s right, she wants to get that **** little golden man in one step. There is no doubt that as long as you can bet on the golden statuette, judging from the current rules in the circle, this is the biggest shortcut for actresses to go to the front line.


It just so happened that her ambitions were in line with Harvey Weinstein\'s interests, and strictly speaking, also in line with the interests of the man on the recliner.


But as the other party just said, 2.5 million US dollars is not a small number no matter when it is placed. Cate Blanchett believes that who she is now is definitely not worth this price, even if she has been through Hollywood several times, there are only a handful of actresses who are worth this price.


Another point, she completely understood what the man meant. This amount of money was nothing in the eyes of the other party. Obviously, the other party cared that she didn\'t take the initiative to speak first. As I just heard, when you want to make a request, you must first tell the other party what to get in exchange!


"Dear, three years!"


Thinking of this, Cate Blanchett gritted her teeth hard, she understood that as a small person, the only thing she can give and the only thing that can interest the other party is her youth.


"I swear, in three years, no matter what has changed in those three years, I will not have a boyfriend, and I will not have any contact with other men. Even if I am in Australia, as long as you call me, I will fly. In LA, Haney, you know, the only thing I can give is this."




Glancing at the woman who made the vow, Wayne stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, while a long-lost smile appeared on his face. "Very good, Kate, remember my words, next time you want to ask, tell me what you can give first!"


He beckoned to the woman, and when she was lying beside him, he continued, "I will remind Harvey later to invest enough resources in the damned golden figure in the queen."


"Thanks, dear......"


Looking at the tough face close at hand, Cate Blanchett bit her lip hard. She couldn\'t tell the difference between the man with the warning just now and the man with a warm smile now. Which is the real face of the other party.


But she wasn\'t stupid at all, although the man didn\'t give a positive response to the oath he just swore. But she reminded herself secretly in her heart that she had to do it strictly when she said it, otherwise the enormous pressure could come back to her at any time and overwhelm her.




The man reached out and took off his sunglasses, and whistled softly near the woman\'s ear. If Cate Blanchett could see his eyes at this time, he would definitely regret the oath he had just made. His eyes were full at this time. Strange interest and banter.


"Tell me, sweetheart, do you like elves?"


"What?" Cate Blanchett turned her head in surprise, looked at the man, and asked, "What do you mean?"


"In the cloakroom of the master bedroom on the third floor, I prepared a special gift for you. Why don\'t you go and see it now? Trust me, Kate, it must be a rare surprise..."


Slightly stunned, the Australian woman looked in the direction of the main building. "now?"


"That\'s right, let\'s go, a very beautiful set of clothes, as beautiful as an elf queen, I\'ll wait for you here..."


Without any hesitation, the woman quickly got up from the reclining chair, left the wide awning, and walked towards the main building.


When she came back again, this noon in Greenberg Manor, around the awning became a place that all the staff ignored.


The gardeners who mowed the garden and the lawn disappeared, and the security personnel who regularly patrolled the manor avoided this place far away, and the entire lawn awning became silent. In the entire manor, the only person who dared to sit within the sight of the awning was Nina, who was bored reading magazines.


The eyes behind the glasses of the assistant girl flickered coldly. From time to time, she raised her head to look around the surrounding environment. Every time she lowered her head in satisfaction, she continued to look at the fashion magazine in her hand, as if she completely ignored the ongoing battle of the \'Elf Queen\'. \'Human King\' drama.


While Wayne was "rehearsing" The Lord of the Rings in advance, "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution" was also gaining ground in the North American theater market.


After earning $35.31 million in the North American theater market as a special R-rated film on the first day, with the arrival of Saturday, the film\'s popularity has not diminished at all.


Warner Bros. hyped the finale of the trilogy, launching an intensive bombardment of the film across North America. The film\'s explosive first-day box office and exceptionally strong reputation among fans have become the focus of Warner Bros. promotion.


On Saturday, "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution" was released on the second day off, and it was no doubt that it won the box office champion again, with a box office receipt of 24.52 million US dollars in the North American theater market.


This number has been reduced compared to the first day of release, but after all, this is an R-rated film, and the most ardent fans have basically rushed into the early stage and the first day of release.


On Sunday, because the next day is about to usher in a working day again, the box office figures on that day fell again, reporting a receipt of $19.55 million.


"The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution" ended its first weekend of three-day screening, and the cumulative box office has reached as high as 79.38 million US dollars. With the momentum of crushing the entire theater market, it won the first weekend box office champion.


This achievement can fully announce the success of the film in advance. For a time, Zack Snyder, Charlize Theron, Li Guohao and other names have all become the focus of discussion among fans throughout North America.


At the same time, "X-Men" also started its overseas theater tour last weekend. This superhero, which is completely different from the DC system, was simultaneously released by 20th Century Fox in more than 70 countries overseas. At the beginning, it also caused a huge sensation.


Whether it is the English Five Base Friends, the Latin American countries where traditional Hollywood movies are dumped, or the Europa continent where Hollywood is newly dumped, the film immediately jumped to the top of the local box office list as soon as it was released.


After three days, although "X-Men" has passed its hot period in North America, it has achieved quite good performance overseas. The first weekend overseas box office was reported to be about 7,700 US dollars.


According to the latest information released by 20th Century Fox on Monday, the total global box office of "X-Men" has reached about 280 million US dollars! Although the superhero, both in North American box office performance and overseas box office performance, is incomparable to "Batman: Hour of War" a few years ago, no one can deny the success of this film.


Anyone with a discerning eye can see the fame of "X-Men", and it can\'t be compared with Batman at all. There is a huge reputation gap objectively there.


Twentieth Century Fox is undoubtedly very satisfied with the current box office results. And this box office figure also indirectly affected Warner Bros.


"Bruce, by next week at the latest, I\'m going to see Jim Lee submit his resignation letter from the CEO of dc! Faster, we must start a formal conversation with Wayne as soon as possible."


In the ceo office of the Warner Bros Building, Jeff Robinoff threw the latest newspaper on the table, looked at the opposite side with a serious face, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will also warn some people inside us at the same time. , at this point in time, no one can cause trouble for Warner Brothers!"


"I\'ll get that dc CEO by Friday at the latest!"


At this time, Bruce Rosenblum\'s face was gloomy, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes. "No one is clean. I found a lot of interesting things. If he doesn\'t submit his resignation decently, I will let the board of directors help him find fun!"


Nodding with satisfaction, Jeff Robinoff stood up from behind the desk, with a thick cigar in his mouth, walked a few steps to the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the prosperity of the entire media capital.


After about a few minutes, his voice suddenly sounded.


"Where\'s Wayne? Now he should be in a good mood reading the newspaper. "The Flash", "Charlie\'s Angels", "The Matrix", "X-Men", this summer, he is probably the biggest winner in Hollywood! Look, Bruce, he\'ll be at the top of the Forbes celebrity earning list this year and next."


"I was on the phone with his personal assistant this morning."


Hearing the sigh of his boss, Bruce Rosenblum couldn\'t think of anything else, and responded immediately: "Wayne took the bombshell editor of the Los Angeles Times early in the morning and drove back. The farm in Ventura County. Nina said he missed our little Princess Greenberg, just in time to go back for a few days and a vacation."




Jeff Robinoff turned his head, glanced at Bruce Rosenblum, shrugged and said, "Get ready as soon as possible, I don\'t want Wayne\'s vacation to be too long... "
