Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seven - good father.

Wayne returned to the farm in Ventura County, on the one hand, to avoid the trouble of the media, on the other hand, to put some pressure on Warner Bros., hoping that they can deal with things as soon as possible.

Undoubtedly, there is also the most important aspect, as he said, he is learning how to be a basically qualified father.

The reason why little Fendi likes to stay on the farm is because there are grandparents who love her and accompany her, and all kinds of animals that make her full of curiosity. And once back in Los Angeles, she has to deal with her parents who have disappeared most of the time because of work.

This situation will basically not change much in the past few years, so all Wayne can do is try to remember how old Greenberg did in those days, and then spend more time with his baby while he has time. daughter.

He liked the way his daughter looked at him, as if he was looking at a superman who knew everything. In his big round eyes, there was a child\'s unique adoration.

"You promised our little princess that you would take her on a trip to Galveston?"

There were two consecutive shots of \'bang\' and \'bang\', and the old Greenberg threw off the revolver with one hand, and a few orange-yellow shells were thrown out immediately. While taking out a bullet from his pocket and stuffing it into the huge revolver, he glanced at his son beside him and asked casually.

"When I read to Fendi last night, it seemed that I did promise her." He tilted his head and recalled a little, and Wayne\'s voice was full of uncertainty.

Galveston is a port city located in the southeastern part of the United States, less than 100 kilometers from Houston in a straight line. Backed by a metropolis, close to the Gulf of Mexico, and subtropical climate, Galveston has become a well-known tourist destination.

In his childhood, Wayne was taken by his father on a crazy driving road trip. The destination of that road trip was Galveston.


After reloading the bullet, the old Greenberg turned the bullet skillfully and looked up at the target hanging on the tree not far ahead. "You also promised Fendy that you would take her to camp in Big Bend National Park?"

\'Boom! ’

The iron target hanging on the big tree not far away, with a huge roar, as if it was grabbed by a huge force in an instant, and it was twisted out of shape.

It could be seen that the iron target was almost torn apart, with a small bowl-sized hole in the middle. Sawdust flew across the maple tree with the target hanging, and when the huge roar disappeared, only the tattered target swaying back and forth and a large hole in the maple tree remained.

"fxxk! You little bastard."

Old Greenberg was obviously taken aback, turned his head quickly, and looked at his son angrily.

At this time, Wayne was still holding the gun with both hands and did not move. The expression on his face also clearly told his father that he was also taken aback. overestimated.

"Hey, Dad, at least I hit something this time, didn\'t I?"

Shrugging awkwardly, Wayne slowly put down the huge revolver in his hand under the angry gaze of his father, but the author was still stubbornly explaining. "This is your 21st coming-of-age gift from you, and it\'s the first real fire ever..."


Looking at the six-inch version of the Colt python in his son\'s hand, old Greenberg gasped heavily, turned and walked out of the woods.

"Hey, Dad, I still remember what you said when you handed this guy to me on your 21st birthday." Wayne followed behind his father, with a look of enjoyment on his face, and started chattering. "You want me to use this most suitable guy for men to protect my mother and my children in the future. You see, I just practiced a shot, and I swear, I definitely didn\'t use it to shock your ears.. …”

"son, if you say more, I\'ll use the big guy in your hand to give you a shot..."

The wood where the two were located was a few hundred meters behind the villa. This was where they usually played with guns. Sergey stayed outside the wood and waited. And what this Russian bear saw at this time was an exasperated old cowboy trotting out of the forest, followed by a chattering young man.

"Hi, boss, hi, Ruben."

Seeing them come out, Sergey stepped forward with his long legs and asked curiously, "I heard the voice of the Colt python, it is definitely the largest model, that thing is a miniature hand cannon, What are you hitting with that stuff? Bears? Tigers?"

"Damn, Mr. former special forces instructor, take care of the big guy in your boss\'s hands. I already regret giving him this gift."

Old Greenberg touched his ears with lingering fears, looked up at Sergey, and said loudly, "Don\'t take that thing out of the farm, I suggest that if you want to take it out, you\'d better help us. Mr. Greenberg keeps it."

Obviously, apart from giving it to his son, the old Greenberg has never played with it himself over the years. The power of this gun is a little too powerful.

That\'s right, this thing is not suitable for daily entertainment at all, nor is it suitable for daily use, because the power of that thing is a bit too much, even a bear can never hold a bullet from it. Wayne and Sergey looked at each other, and they both had smiles on their faces.

The gun was only listed for a year that year, and the old Greenberg bought it as a gift to his son. This double-action revolver, designed and produced by the American company Colt, is usually used in . 44 Magnum ammunition, almost any mammal will be turned into minced meat with a high probability.

"That\'s right, kid!"

Old Greenberg remembered the small talk he had just had with his son, turned his head and said, "Traveling to Galveston, going camping in Big Bend National Park, these are all good ideas that I came up with with great difficulty, and now it seems that It\'s not out of date, isn\'t it? It\'s just, how are you going to fulfill your promise to Little Fendi?"


For a while, Wayne really stopped him. He is not as busy as his father, Ruben Greenberg, who can spend a lot of time traveling with his children. You know, there are countless jobs in Los Angeles waiting to take him to solve.

"You\'d better think about how to explain it to Fendi in advance..."

Glancing at his son proudly, the old Greenberg whistled, took his pipe leisurely, and walked towards the rough log villa. Only Wayne, who had a headache, and the Russian bear, who was carefully stroking the Colt python, were left in place.

He could stay on the farm for three or five days at most, and Wayne counted the time silently. This week, even if Warner Bros. doesn\'t come to urge him, Peter Jackson and John Gray will return to Los Angeles in September, when the large-scale audition for "The Lord of the Rings" will begin, and he can\'t let it go. .

There are also some projects of Greenberg Studio, which will be launched in a short period of time. At that time, many things will not be able to bypass his boss.

"Sergey, you say, if I take Fendi and camp on the grass in front of the villa tonight, will I fulfill a father\'s promise?" Shaking his head helplessly, he looked at the Russian bear, Self-joking.

Sergey pouted. "Better than doing nothing and letting our little princess down on her father..."

"Ok, let\'s do it like this." Waving his fist vigorously, Wayne muttered.

After speaking, he looked at his father\'s back. At this time, he already understood that the old Greenberg did much better than he is now. This rough-looking father never missed any of his childhood growth. On the contrary, he also left himself enough childhood memories.

In an instant, many memories came to my mind naturally. He still remembered that when he was thirteen or fourteen, the old Greenberg gave him a Playboy magazine, and he was still leaning on the bedside, talking to him about which girl in the class was the cutest, and about teenage talents. Some beautiful love fantasies.

\'Wayne, if you still want to achieve your ideals, you must not let any girl get pregnant before the age of seventeen. ’

\'How can you prevent a girl from getting pregnant? There are two ways, one is to not have sex, and the other is to take the right precautions, such as the **** little umbrella. ’

\'Wayne, my experience tells me that on the way to achieve your ideal, you must never let any girl get pregnant early, even if you like her no more! ’

\'Aha, boy, would you like to chat with me about your love? Do you have a cute girl you like? ’

Old Greenberg\'s various suggestions that night kept coming back in his mind. Looking back now, Wayne clearly knew that as a father, Old Greenberg had obviously done a very good job.

"boss, boss!"

Sergey, who was like a bear, stretched out his hand and pushed his boss, tilted his head and looked at him, wondering why he was suddenly stunned.

With a smile of fond memories, Wayne turned his head to look at the Russian bear in surprise, and asked, "What?"

He raised the revolver in his hand and gestured, the gun didn\'t look too big at this time against the strong arm of the Russian bear. "I just wanted to ask, will this gun stay on the farm, or should I take it with you?"

"Help me carry it. This is my 21-year-old adult gift, the most precious gift. Help me keep it." At this time, Wayne thought of a lot of details that he had neglected, especially about the beauty with his father Memories, said with a smile: "I will use this big guy to protect our little Fendi in the future."

Both of them knew that this was obviously a joke. This gun was more symbolic and basically had no chance of actual combat. The two smiled at each other and walked towards the villa together.

In fact, it was only after he came here that Wayne learned that many rumors were untrue. Objectively speaking, it is like the relatively controversial issue of gun control.

On the Internet in his previous life, this was a very typical and low-level lie. Many publicists who pretended to be confused would use this as a gimmick. They say that the right to own a gun in the United States is a guarantee of civil liberties and a sacred right conferred by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. In fact, it\'s all nonsense.

Why do you say this? In fact, there are several very well-known judicial cases, very cruel judicial cases.

The most famous one happened in 1975. Two young girls were resting in their house. They heard that a neighbor was being snatched in the next room. Then the two girls immediately climbed to the house. The alarm number was called from the top.

The police arrived in less than five minutes, but the police didn\'t even stop the car, they circled the house twice and ran straight away!

As a result, the two girls who called the police were also found by the perpetrators in the room.

Afterwards, the two girls continued to sue, and the lawsuit lasted until 1981. However, under the attention of countless media, the explanation given by the North American court is: the police have no obligation to protect you before the crime occurs. The reason is very simple, because when the police arrived, the criminal\'s assault on the two girls who called the police had not happened yet!

The judicial interpretation is very clear. Because the crime has not yet occurred, the police have no obligation to protect you. The police\'s law enforcement power can only take effect after the violation has occurred. Therefore, although this lawsuit attracted the attention of the whole North America, the court did not continue to accept the accusations of the two girls!

With the massive media coverage and widespread public attention, all ordinary people have noticed an important thing. The judicial system in North America does not undertake an obligation to protect the common people. In other words, North American judiciary does not assume the responsibility of protecting the general public before a crime occurs.

In this context, starting in 1975, everyone was buying guns like crazy. Various rifle associations, shotgun associations and other organizations have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Behind the frenzied buying of guns, it is extremely in line with the interests of some powerful capital groups. These big arms capitals have been attacking the highest judicial institutions, resulting in a tacit phenomenon that citizens are legal and free to hold guns.

In fact, for decades, the highest judicial bodies and government agencies have been in a state of ambiguity on this issue. And owning a gun is a right that an individual citizen should have. When was this bill recognized by the judiciary? Year 2008!

It was not until 2008 that the highest judicial body gave a clear statement for the first time, telling ordinary people in North American states that holding a gun is an individual right. The Downer case was the first time that the Personal Gun Rights Act was applied to the whole of North America.

Therefore, things are not like rumors on the Internet at all. Before 2008, North America did not recognize the legality of personal gun ownership at all. This is the most ironic.

There is also a widely circulated saying that there have always been rumors that the reason why North American people are buying guns is because they think that the bad guys have guns, and I must have them, because we use our own guns to protect from bad guys. right to harm.

But the general fact is that this land is really scary to say that it is scary. Every day there are continuous gun battles, and all kinds of conflicts come for no reason. But if it\'s not scary, it can make sense, because the bad law of the bad guys in North America is very special.

Most of the places where the bad guys in North America stay, each city has a clear division. Normally, these gangs can do whatever they want, and the police will not care about them. It is a state of self-destruction.

What\'s more special is that most of the "bad people" in North America are not the kind of bad people with brains, but a combination of animal savagery, ignorance and stupidity. The gang members with Nico as the main body do things without regard for the consequences, because they don\'t know what the consequences are.

Don\'t try to understand. The simpler way is to think of them all as a group of stupid animals, fighting each other for food, mating rights, or simply fighting each other. Normal people will definitely not explain to animals, don\'t kill each other, they will go to jail, and they will eat guns!

So, on this land, if you are not a successful person or an elite person, you better do your homework in advance, which is the Nego neighborhood and the colored neighborhood you cannot go to, and which is the middle-class neighborhood and the wealthy neighborhood. Yes, it\'s not difficult to do this kind of plan.

If you have nothing to do, don’t wander around in dangerous neighborhoods. There is a high probability that there will be no danger of being shot. If you do this and still get shot, then you can only blame your fate. After all, God not only protects good people, but also accepts it. A "bad guy" prayer isn\'t it?

In fact, there are many other Internet impressions about guns and shootings like this. For example, people outside North America have the impression that the NBA is a world-class sports league. In fact, basketball, in the ranking of major sports leagues here, the top three are more difficult, and sometimes they are squeezed out.

Wayne has discovered the strange perceptions of the people around him since he was a child. Most people think that basketball is a sport only played by old ladies. This is the first impression that many boys in this age have stuck in their minds, because all tough guys run Going to play football...

But what is the epitome of basketball in the 1990s? To describe it in one sentence, it is a duel with a ball! Even so, basketball has not become the tough guy sport in the hearts of most people in North America!

Of course, this is just a relatively common statement. Every industry has no shortage of diehard fans, and there is never a shortage of great people, just like the Hollywood dream factory.

"...Handsome appearance, cruel to beautiful camera language, constantly changing star girlfriends, beliefs of countless young people, fantastic legendary directors, endless controversy along the way, and God\'s preference. This is Wayne Greenberg."

At night, except for the occasional sound of cattle and horses, there was only silence in the farm. In front of the rough log villa, lights flickered in a large tent. Little Fendi\'s pale green eyes widened, leaning against his father\'s arms, listening curiously to Bella Grant reading the newspaper.

The three bully dogs surrounded several people, panting with their tongues out. Their very special mouths opened directly to the ears, as if they were smiling, full of ugly and cute temperament.

"The fans may be here for a surprise, maybe for the charming dark storm, maybe, they are here for one person." Bella-Grant saw that the father and daughter were listening carefully, and secretly said He pouted and continued to read the "movie" in his hand crisply.

"In the past eight years, the belief of the fans has never changed. If you ask them, they will tell you that there are only two kinds of directors in this world, Wayne Greenberg and others …”

After years of baptism, the media praising Wayne in different ways, in fact, he has long been accustomed to it. But at this moment, when his daughter was leaning against his arms, with a look of admiration in his eyes, he suddenly felt that what the reporters wrote was really good.

As designed, little Fendi is a very easy to satisfy girl, and when her father tells her that she can go camping tonight, she immediately forgets the cowhide her father bragging about, and never talks about Galveston trips, and Big Bend National Park. camping.

"Ok, okay, Bella."

Wayne waved his hand, preventing the beauty editor from continuing to read. "There is no need to read the various box office numbers in the back. Those are of little significance to Fendi."

"Boy, little Fendi is looking at your eyes now, like looking at a superman."

Bella-Grant shrugged and said helplessly, "I bet she was complimenting you just now, although she couldn\'t understand it."

"Hmm, isn\'t this what it should be? This report is well written. Maybe you can contact this editor when you go back, and have some long-term cooperation in the future."


In front of the children, Bella Grant resisted the urge to speak foul language, rolled her eyes at the man, got up and prepared to get out of the tent, leaving a small space for the father and daughter. "I\'ll go back to rest, you\'d better read fairy tales to our little princess."

"Thank you

you,. Thank you for staying with us tonight. "

"You\'re welcome, you will be a good father, boy."
