Hollywood Drawing

~: Forty Two - Jimmy's Ambition

All the demands Wayne asked Jimmy to put forward were extremely self-interested demands. He didn\'t care whether 20th Century Fox would agree or not, at least he had to put forward his own ideas through negotiation.

This kind of negotiation itself is not a problem that can be solved in a short period of time. Even some directors or stars with relatively big names have contracts that are hundreds of pages thick when they sign a contract.

Even the usual treatment in the crew should be clearly stated. What level of hotel you live in, what kind of nanny car you use, how many life assistants you can bring, etc., you must discuss it clearly in advance.

What some big names are even more exaggerated is that even their pets need special care from the crew, and the attendants or friends they bring are also responsible for the crew. Therefore, the crew of a mainstream commercial film has always been a battleground for power and profit.

He asked to be a part-time producer in order to suppress the staff and avoid a situation where the rights of the young crew were out of control.

And the most difficult thing to talk about is the division in the later stage. Now he is not short of money, and he has confidence in his own film. So he wants to try to participate in the later stage of the box office division, even if it is a step-by-step incentive.

The reason why we don\'t want to share the profits is also because we understand the means of these film companies. From production to announcement, a film is controlled by a giant, and the cost of it cannot be verified at all. A film like Harry Potter, which is a global hit, actually loses money in the final accounts. Who can believe it? And not to deal with the little actors who signed profit-sharing contracts.

The box office division is simple and rude, but this kind of contract is generally given to those directors and stars with status, which can not only save the cost of pre-production, but also motivate them to do their own work. Only when the film is successful can they get a lot of money.

After Jimmy left the apartment, he drove all the way to Century City, but instead of going to the Fox Building, he returned to his company, caa.

This brokerage company, which has grown rapidly in the hands of Michael Ovitz, can already be said to be the first in the industry. Although there are still opponents like icm, entertainment agency, and William Morris, they basically don\'t pose much threat to caa.

Back at his desk, Jimmy sorted out the information. He plans to go to the Fox Building early tomorrow morning to start negotiations on new projects. The sooner the film is shot, the greater the benefits to him.

"Jimmy got off work right away, why did you come back to work at this time?" The person opposite looked up.

"Director Greenberg\'s new project has been approved." Jimmy picked up the water glass on the table, opened the lid and took a sip. "I have to work overtime to prepare the negotiation materials with Fox."

A male agent on the right turned his head, and said yin and yang, "Jimmy is different from us now. He is a busy man now."

The person opposite also echoed, "Jimmy is really busy."

"Stephen, don\'t make fun of me." Jimmy put down the glass and said to the other side, "I\'m going to die of worry now."

He ignored the yin and yang colleagues on the right. Everyone was a small broker who had just left the mail room. If someone performed well at work, some people would always feel unhappy.

The manager opposite Stephen said with obvious envy: "I want to be as busy as you and worry about work, but unfortunately I don\'t have the chance."

In Hollywood, not only actors and directors are waiting for an opportunity, but their agents are also waiting for an opportunity to make their mark.

Hearing the word opportunity, most of the surrounding colleagues looked at Jimmy with distorted eyes. They don\'t think about what Jimmy did for the job, they just think he had **** luck.

"Jimmy, have you heard? A partner proposed to give you a separate office. I think you will soon leave this little cell."

"Is that so? I\'m sorry, I\'ve been too busy during this time, and I haven\'t paid attention to these news." Jimmy listened to the smile and turned away. He knew this matter and it wouldn\'t be too long. On next Monday, he will have his own news channel.

Looking at Jimmy, who was tired and energetic, and the colleagues chatting around, the jealousy in his eyes spread like a virus. Jimmy knew how it felt, and he\'d seen other people in that light before.

But now he has changed, and everyone thinks he has stepped on shit. Not only are there starlets like Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, but the most important client is Wayne Greenberg!

Everyone has several such director clients, and they all have potential, but 99% of them are ordinary people.

But looking at it now, this guy Jimmy has a director client with a North American box office of over 70 million and a global box office of over 100 million. These made the surrounding group of colleagues, who used to come out of the mail room together, drool with envy.

A successful director client is enough to change the fate of an agent. Just think that every time he can add a few actor clients to his films, it will wake people up with laughter.

In fact, Jimmy also has some uncomfortable places in his heart, such as Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. They have just become famous, and the company has arranged co-management brokers and cross-management services.

In this way, there will be four to six brokers co-managing services, which is a rigid requirement of caa. One is to provide better services for customers, and the other is to increase the cost of brokers\' job-hopping, especially with customers, it has become basically impossible. .

So his focus now is on Wayne. As long as he holds this cutting-edge director, he is not afraid of anything.

"Jimmy, come to my office, I have something to talk to you about." The phone on the table rang, and it was the partner in charge of the TV and film business, Wright Lauder.

"Your chance is here, Jimmy, I wish you good luck!" Stephen on the opposite side cheered softly, he was a rare manager with a calm mind.

On the third floor, Jimmy knocked on the door, walked into Wright\'s office, and sat in front of him. "Boss, what\'s the matter?"

"You\'ve done a great job in Wayne Greenberg\'s business!" Wright looked at the novice agent, and no one expected him to pop up a billion-dollar director client. He remembers when Jimmy went to school to sign the director, and when he came back, he was ridiculed by the whole office.

"That\'s Wayne doing a good job himself. To be honest, I didn\'t expect it." Jimmy said cautiously. "His prospects don\'t stop there, he\'s about to start a new project with Twentieth Century Fox."

Wright did not continue to talk about the project, and suddenly said: "The company has prepared a new office for you. You can use the network and resources the company now has. I hope to see you become a partner. That day."

Jimmy knew that his importance was going to increase greatly. When he went to school to sign the little director, his stupid act would bring him even greater rewards!

"Thank you, I will do my best." Jimmy said confidently.

Wright put his hands on the table, leaned forward to look at Jimmy, and asked in a casual tone, "I heard that Wayne Greenberg is still signing an internship contract?"

This sentence immediately alerted Jimmy. "I\'m going to talk to him about a new contract as soon as possible, but that\'s after the negotiation with Twentieth Century Fox, and now Wayne only cares about his new project."

"You have to hurry up on this matter." Wright saw that he understood and leaned back on his chair.

Jimmy nodded solemnly. "I will!"

"Don\'t be careless, Jimmy, every client may leave his agent at any time." Wright patiently explained his experience to him. "Anything that makes a client unhappy can be the reason he fires you. And I heard that icm is very interested in Wayne, maybe it will step in and steal your client."

The boss\'s words aroused Jimmy\'s vigilance. Any director who made his first film in North America earning 70 million US dollars would be coveted by other companies.

"I will give you the greatest support, don\'t worry, if you have any difficulties, you can speak at any time." Wright\'s tone became close, as if Jimmy had a good relationship with him.

This sentence even sounded the alarm in his heart, and his heart kept sinking. If there was no accident, Wayne, who signed a new contract, would definitely have a few more co-managers.

The reason is very simple, Wright\'s subconscious meaning is, don\'t be afraid, if there are other companies competing with you, I will send a few more people to help you.

"There is no problem for the time being, boss, Wayne and I have a very good personal relationship, and there are no unexpected situations~www.novelhall.com~ Other companies can\'t poach him." Jimmy can\'t do much, even if it is a co-management service strategy, he It can\'t be stopped, but there is one thing no one can compare.

Wayne trusts him, and their personal relationship, thanks to the recent release of the film, has grown very well. This is very important, as long as the relationship and trust are still there, no one can take away Wayne.

All he lost was some monetary gains. Even with the special strategy of caa, after all, the commission of four people is much lower than that of one person.

"That\'s it, boss, I\'m going to work first, and I have to work overtime to sort out the documents and prepare for the negotiation with Twentieth Century Fox." Seeing that Wright had nothing to explain, Jimmy stood up and took the initiative to say hello and leave.

Jimmy went out and went back to his desk. Everyone else had already gotten off work. Jimmy sighed deeply.

What else can he do about the co-management service? The company has always been in this system, not against him alone, and Wayne\'s first project was so good that even a giant brokerage company like caa couldn\'t ignore his achievements.

With a million-dollar investment and a global box office of over 100 million dollars, there is still room for growth in the future, and there are still many remote areas that have not yet been released. What is the ROI? A hundred times more!

Even in the classic Hollywood investment case, this is the kind that rank first. For such a director, his next film, not to mention whether the production level will improve or not, as long as he can maintain the level of "Happy Death Day", the various companies that want to cooperate with him will be lined up from Los Angeles to New York in the future.

After sorting out the materials for the negotiation tomorrow, Jimmy looked at the dark sky, went out and got into the car to go back to rest. He wanted to use a better working condition to keep everything in the present and hope for the future!