Hollywood Drawing

~: 338 - I want Iron Man and Black Widow.

"Where\'s Jimmy?"

Packing up his belongings, Wayne put the draft of the storyboard and the documents such as the arrangement of the camera in advance into the safe.

The assistant lady glanced at the time. "I called fifteen minutes ago. It should be there soon. We can go out and wait for him."

Taking the notebook handed over by her boss, Nina put it in the briefcase, and the two went out of the office, locked the door, and walked out of the studio together.

As long as he starts to work, Wayne will lose most of his ability to live. Almost everything from eating and drinking to dressing, he has to worry about the assistant at any time. Even the cigarettes he does not leave his body every day are prepared by Nina.

She has long been used to such days, she understands that this is where she shows her value, and it also shows that the boss completely trusts her.

It is relatively better now. When the shooting period begins, Wayne\'s energy will be completely focused on work, ignoring all problems other than work. He shoots footage normally during the day, and at night customizes and adjusts the shooting plan for the next day. There is no overtime or overtime, because he is basically doing things related to the film except sleeping.

"excuseme." As soon as he walked out of the studio, a middle-aged white man greeted him, and he should have waited for a while depending on the situation. "Hello, Mr. Greenberg, I\'m Spencer Franklin, can I take a moment to chat with you?"

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mr. Franklin."

Squinting lightly, Wayne stretched out his hand to greet him while looking at each other from top to bottom. "Of course no problem, Bruce mentioned you to me."

He waved to Miss Assistant and Sergey, indicating that they should not be in a hurry. The two turned around and walked towards the rest area at the entrance of the studio.

"Stuart Baird has voluntarily resigned." Spencer Franklin\'s first sentence after sitting down named his purpose. "I didn\'t expect this kind of **** to happen, please apologize to Ms. Berry on my behalf."

Don\'t look at the understatement he said, in fact, it is not easy to force the director who signed the contract to give up voluntarily. Of course, he knows what happened between Stewart Baird and Harry Berry. If there is no Wayne Greenberg, this kind of He didn\'t bother to ask about the little things.

But when it was time to turn his face, he didn\'t hesitate, even if the director of the film was found by himself, he wouldn\'t hesitate a bit when he turned his face and didn\'t recognize anyone.

"If Ms. Berry wants to." Spencer-Franklin saw that the other party had nothing to say, and continued: "You can continue to come back for the audition, and "Highest Crisis" welcomes her to join at any time."

Shaking his head gently, Wayne knew that the other party was taking this opportunity to have a relationship with him. "Forget it, Harry, she took over another project. That\'s it for today. I have another date. We are neighbors. We will have a chance to have a drink together in the future."

That\'s right, as soon as Spencer Franklin heard this, he knew that his goal had been achieved, and the other party recognized his favor. The two stood up and shook hands again before saying goodbye politely.

After watching the other party get on the tram, he turned around and walked towards the studio of "Highest Crisis" when he was out of sight. With Wayne\'s weight and voice in Warner Bros., it\'s totally worth him to come over and sell well. Who knows if there will be an intersection in the future? This circle has never been as big as you imagined.

"Harry-Berry has signed a brokerage contract with the company for a period of three years." After getting in the car from the gate of the studio, Jimmy did not talk nonsense and began to report on his recent work. "In 20th Century Fox\'s "Independence Day", it has been confirmed that she will be given a role, and I will go to negotiate a contract tomorrow."

Wayne nodded, it was just a small black supporting role, Townsend Rothman gave him enough face, and he let Harry Berry in without audition work, no matter what the purpose was , he will also remember each other a favor.

Jimmy mentions this kind of thing and briefly mentions it. The following things are the main reason for coming here today. "After several contacts during this period, the attitude of Marvel Comics has loosened, and the idea of ​​letting you adapt its heroes has gradually seen the reality.

The first two times I had contact with Kevin Feige, they were very firm in rejecting the proposal to sell their heroes, but this time the tone was obviously loosened, and I also lowered the target, as long as Iron Man and Black Widow are the two. personal characters. "

That\'s right, in the face of the invitation from Marvel Comics, Wayne never thought about cooperation at all. The reason why he let the agent hang them is because he is thinking about the other party\'s "sons".

In this special period, it may be the only chance to win Marvel heroes. In order to avoid accidents in the future, he would rather take advantage of the fire and buy it back to eat ashes, and it is impossible to easily let go of a good opportunity.

"How did you let them go?" Nina opened her mouth in surprise. She has been helping Wayne to collect information, and understands that since the appearance of superhero movies, companies with superhero copyrights in their hands, How tight is the copyright of these characters.

Jimmy opened his mouth and raised his eyebrows, laughing like a fox. "I just contacted Wells Fargo and asked them to collect the loan in advance, and didn\'t do anything else."

The assistant can understand at once, and now relying on the East and West to make a living, the capital chain is extremely tight. At this time, if any bank doubts their repayment ability, it is of course to make a decision to collect the loan in advance. Very normal.

But this pair of Marvel comics is the grass that overwhelms the camel. In the case that they can\'t attract investment, they don\'t even dare to publicize this matter, in case other banks and investment institutions come together to collect loans.

If this situation occurs, it is absolutely like an avalanche, out of control.

And Wayne\'s financial transactions, including investments in Warner Bros. loans, were all in partnership with Wells Fargo, and Jimmy wanted to ask them a favor at almost no cost.

"We just want Iron Man and Black Widow." Wayne sneered at the corner of his mouth. He was ready to poke the roots of Disney\'s future. As a major shareholder of Warner Bros., he was willing to make a move as long as it was a possible threat to him.

"Jimmy, while keeping the price down, you need to reduce the share of the film after the film is made. If necessary, you can make some concessions on the price of buying the copyright. Also, let Wells Fargo cooperate with your negotiation and put pressure on them. ."

"Okay, I understand." The agent nodded.

This is also preparing for the future. If you want to buy the copyright of Marvel\'s characters, you will give the other party a certain share of the film and television adaptation. This is the case with 20th Century Fox. Sony Columbia and Universal Pictures have signed such contracts. It is certainly no exception. No matter how embarrassed Marvel is, it will not make concessions on this. This is one of the fundamentals for them to maintain the company in the future.

So Wayne would rather give more cash than give more film and television shares. Who knows if he will launch these two hero projects in the future? Even he wasn\'t sure about it.

Warner Bros. certainly has the ability to make it, it just depends on whether he likes it or not.

For two heroes whose superpowers are also "rich", Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are quite similar. Even if they are independent from the DC universe, it is not completely possible to open another series to let them link up. Can\'t.

Also, in the hands of 20th Century Fox, there is still a huge treasure, and at some point in the future, cooperation is completely feasible. Iron Man and Black Widow were one of the capitals he later negotiated with Twentieth Century Fox.

While Wayne was calculating the Marvel superheroes, another person who was unlucky because of his phone call was also gnashing his teeth and trying to calculate him.

Stewart Baird has been in Hollywood for many years. Although he has never been a big man, he is just a good editor, but he has a good relationship with many low-level people.

When a lucky paparazzi took a few special photos, he got the news through a friend who was around the corner, and immediately contacted the paparazzi who was up for sale.

250,000 US dollars, in order to get a few photos and negatives, he paid a full 250,000 US dollars, and these things can\'t be kept, he must find a way to use them as soon as possible, no one can guarantee that the paparazzi still has the negatives. .

If there are other photos, it is only a basic operation to sell two goods, and it is not impossible to sell three or five. These low-level people who are not even serious reporters have no idea what the bottom line is for the sake of money.

Stewart Baird went to the city center on purpose, found a small shop that developed photos, went into the darkroom himself, and developed dozens of the same photos.

After confirming that there is no problem with the photo~www.novelhall.com~, he immediately made a phone call, made an appointment with a friend of his, and risked his life in the park in the city center. The two discussed it for one night.

They know what it means to do this. If they don\'t protect themselves carefully, the young man will really be held accountable, and the consequences will definitely be very serious.

If you want to smear a celebrity in the circle, break out a scandal that makes fans lose fans, and bring enough trouble to the other party, there is a most direct way, and that is to destroy the other party\'s character design, which will break a large wave of fans. As for the perception of idols, it\'s okay for fans to turn around, but it\'s normal people\'s hearts to turn fans into black.

"Respect women! Ha, the dream lover of North American women, hehe..."

Stewart Baird gritted his teeth, muttered and drove cautiously out of the city center.

Maybe doing this will only bring some trouble to the young man, and maybe it can only make some women change from liking each other to hating him, which won\'t cause him much harm, but the British are still willing to try.

Even if there is only a slight possibility to cause trouble to the other party, he is willing to do it. He is just more obsessed with black beauties and wants to complete his hobby through normal "dealing", what\'s wrong with this? This circle is not the only one doing this.

Continuously swearing at Wayne is just a normal reaction. I don\'t even know that he is Wayne Greenberg, so why does one sentence obliterate the opportunity that I have finally obtained after years of hard work?

Stewart Baird couldn\'t see what the consequences of this were, but he knew that it would make him feel a little more comfortable, and only a little was enough.

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