Hollywood Drawing

~: 337 - place for racism

"Hollywood Draw(!

Just the day after the audition ended, Hector Henry hurried back from Boston without any rest, and immediately began a tense negotiation with the actor\'s agent about remuneration and treatment.

Because all the actors who participated in this film already knew their purpose, and also knew that the crew could not give high remuneration, so they had already prepared for a pay cut, which made his work progress surprisingly fast.

On the same day, Jennifer Connelly\'s agent, Ronicia, first reached an agreement with the crew on behalf of her client, and called her client and lawyer before leaving get off work. On the contract, he wrote his name.

Such an easy negotiation for signing a contract is completely different from the preparation of Hector Henry. It was originally the most time-wasting and caring salary link, but he did not make any effort at all. All useless.

You must know that he has been working in this circle for two years, and he knows the normal negotiation process very well. Maybe those actors are more persuasive, but the team of agents behind them are all a group of vampires, who can earn an extra penny, and Saw with the crew for two months.

These are just ordinary second-, third-, and fourth-tier actors. At most, they will only talk a little bit about the salary. As long as the crew insists, there will be no major accidents. The trouble is the daily treatment after joining the group.

For example, what star hotel to stay in according to the coffee space regulations, the hotel room level, the consumption amount of daily three meals, whether there is a professional trailer for rest, whether there is a makeup trailer for single use, etc. These trivial matters in the shooting work, must be clearly stated in the contract.

The more famous the actor is, the more he will compare it. In this realistic circle, they are never the same actor, and it is almost common for them to overestimate themselves.

And after a period of wrangling, this kind of contract will eventually be successfully signed, but the negotiation work in the middle is a headache that every producer cannot avoid.

This is just a small actor. If it happens that the crew wants to sign a first-line a coffee, then it is not something that can be negotiated in a short time. If it involves the kind of scarce resources in Hollywood, this kind of negotiation will last at least three or two months. , like the contract Wayne signed, could be over a few hundred pages long, like a tome.

In fact, this year is not bad. The box office appeal of every superstar is amazing. As long as they decide to join the film, they can get basic guarantees at the box office. Film companies are also willing to pinch their noses and spend money.

But in the next ten or eight years, after entering the new century, Hollywood studios will be more and more tired of the return on investment of blockbusters, because big stars like Tom and Steve Spielberg Famous directors have all become the biggest winners because of the box office sharing contract system.

In this period when their appeal is the strongest, in order to make them sign the contract smoothly, in addition to the money figures that can scare people to death, there are a series of other strange conditions and treatments.

When Johnny Depp was in the last two films in the Caribbean, not only did he get the sky-high salary that made Disney vomit blood, but the treatment at work was even more unimaginable. Not only did his group of assistants, friends, etc. get paid from the crew, the crew He also has to hire a caretaker for his pet dog.

This, combined with Johnny Depp\'s weird and difficult personality, and his occasional trouble-making behavior during filming, has made him one of the most well-known and difficult people in the world. Others play the big cards at most, but he has raised the big cards to another level.

But this is just what he looks like when facing the crew. When facing his fanatical fans, he will change into a different appearance. He is all kind and kind, and he is definitely a high-quality idol, just so weird.

This is not a rare exception. Most of the actors who can go to a coffee have more or less difficult places. These people have to show their special treatment all the time, especially in the crew, their status is even higher than normal director.

This is also one of the main reasons why Wayne never considers A-level superstars to join even if he has the capital. They will indeed bring great benefits, but behind the scenes, they may cause much trouble to the work.

"Done? Well done!"

Before getting off work, Hector Henry sent the contract to Wayne\'s office. Facing the praise of his idol, he just smiled a little embarrassedly.

After half a day of careful thinking, he knew that the main reason for successfully completing the signing was the person in front of him. The reason why those actors can\'t wait to sign has nothing to do with their business ability at all. They want to join Wayne\'s project as soon as possible to avoid any unpredictable accidents.

"I just had a phone call with Brad Pitt\'s agent, and it should be smoother to listen to the other party\'s tone." Hector Henry put away his smile and began to report to his idol. "From this perspective, it only takes half a month at most for all the actors to enter the crew."

Having said that, he glanced carefully across the desk. "only……"

Wayne had been flipping through the contract and listening to his report over and over again. After hearing what he said, he started hesitating and raised his head to look over. "If you have something to say directly, I will put my energy into the shooting after the work starts. If there is a problem, bring it up now, otherwise you can only solve it yourself after the shooting starts."

"No, you misunderstood." Hector Henry quickly shook his head, knowing that the other party didn\'t understand what he meant. "I want to ask you, about Christian Bale\'s contract, how are we going to talk about it, the actor\'s salary and treatment are also the same as others?"

This question is what makes him scratch his head the most. The whole crew knows that Christian Bale did not audition at all. He is one of Wayne\'s hand-picked male protagonists.

And Hector Henry also specifically inquired that the British "Batman" has a good relationship with the director. As early as the end of the filming of "Batman: War Hour", the role had been set for him, Christian - Bell has also been waiting for preparations for this role, and has not accepted other invitations.

To put it bluntly, this crew belongs to Wayne, and he has to ask him to make decisions on everything. Who can guarantee that the crew controller wants to treat his love?

Hector Henry didn\'t want to offend his idol without his first important job. Think of another alternative director, Tim Burton, who takes Johnny Depp with him wherever he goes. In his perception, Christian Bale is obviously the kind of role of Johnny Depp. .

"Talk about it as you please, Ector." Wayne looked at his cautious expression and knew what he was thinking.

"Christian\'s salary and treatment, according to the standards of Brad Pitt and Jack Nicholson, try to keep their salary as low as possible, that is what you have to consider, not use your mind to guess what I think, Don\'t worry, you are the producer of the crew now, no one can question your work except me, am I clear enough?"

"Phew." He let out a long breath, and Hector Henry nodded solemnly. "I know what to do, and I guarantee that within half a month, the actors will all enter the crew to prepare for the shooting."

He understands that this is the first hurdle for him to transform into a producer. Now, with the big guy Wayne standing behind him, his job has been made countless times easier. Learn how to become a qualified producer.

As long as I can successfully complete the work, with the success rate of Wayne\'s production projects, I have a high probability that I will follow him to success. After returning to Warner Bros., I will become a veritable producer. In the future, the company will invest in various Projects, have the opportunity to let him as the leader.

Other projects are not as special as Wayne\'s. More than 90% of them are centered on the film company\'s producer. The director is just a tool for shooting footage. Whether he can join the post-production work depends on it. Producer\'s meaning.

"Mr. Greenberg, oh, well, Wayne." Hector-Henry shrugged, his body completely relaxed, and his nervousness gradually calmed down. "The place in Boston, compared to Los Angeles, is much less friendly to staff of other skin colors. We have to inform everyone about this matter, especially the lower-level staff, otherwise there will definitely be chaos! "

This time, when I went to Boston to survey the scene, book the logistics hotel, etc., the deepest impression on him was not the economy, nor the living conditions, but the local social atmosphere, the widespread discrimination against people of color, and the old white world, other than that In addition, you can feel unfriendly in all aspects.

Wayne nodded, turned around as he spoke, and put the contract he just signed into the safe. "No problem, you can remind Schwartz and Gilmour later, let them remind the heads of all departments, and discipline their employees."

He knew that the other party\'s reminder was right~www.novelhall.com~ The discrimination problem in Boston is very famous. Those old-fashioned old whites can even be compared with those red necks in DZ.

Not to mention ordinary people of color, even the heroes of that city, several legendary stars of the Boston Celtics, failed to get the slightest respect, and they did more than DZ.

From the Lord of the Rings Bill Russell, the first-generation Iron King John Havlicek, to Tom Heinsohn and others, they have never been treated as urban heroes. Ironically, these great stars, In places other than Boston, he has a huge reputation and has gained enough respect.

The two then chatted a few more words about the local situation. Wayne glanced at the time and happily ended the first conversation between them, ready to go home from get off work.

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