Hollywood Drawing

~: 339 - Fly to Boston

"Hollywood Draw(!

Before the last day of November 1995, Hector-Henry had secured all the actor contracts, and several major role players began to report to the crew one after another.

A black Rolls-Royce Silver Spike is steadily heading towards Warner Bros. Studios. Wayne is leaning on the sofa holding a bottle of water. A faint trace of exhaustion can be seen between his brows. Nina sits opposite and looks at it. Fashion magazines, looking up from time to time to cast a concerned look.

In the past few days, the script of "The Departed" has been handed over to several main creators of the crew one after another. Everyone takes the complete script very seriously. Even after get off work, they will discuss opinions or understandings with him by phone from time to time.

After the first few main actors read the script around, this discussion gradually diminished.

Wayne gradually put all his energy into his work. Seeing that the crew was about to move to Boston and officially started filming, the golden retriever Fendi, who had been with Naomi Watts at home, went into shock on a sunny afternoon. .

After the veterinarian\'s examination, it was concluded that it was too old, and its bodily functions were severely degraded, and there were still a few months at most, during which any deep sleep could make it out of this world.

But Wayne knew that this was the law of nature, no one could resist, and no amount of money could buy more time.

Seeing that the film was about to start shooting, he could only put his work first and put all these troubles behind him.

Rolls-Royce parked outside the Warner Bros. studio, and several people ignored the reporter\'s question, got on the tram to the studio under preparation, and walked directly into a large temporarily arranged conference room.

They came relatively late. When they came in, they found that the main creators of the crew had assembled most of the people. The actors and the behind-the-scenes staff were clearly separated. Except for Gilmore and Robert, who were discussing the issue of the camera in a low voice, everyone else looked at each other in silence, waiting for the meeting to be officially announced. start.

"Oh, look at our Mr. Batman, the change is really big." After sitting at the end of the conference table, Wayne teased Christian Bale.

A few months ago, the British actor still looked strong and gloomy. After this period of time has passed, the biggest change in the whole person is the temperament.

Time is always a good medicine to dilute everything. After a few months, the symptoms that were left because of being too deep into the play and often unable to distinguish between the inside and outside of the play have completely disappeared in him now.

Christian Bale smiled. "This period of time is mainly about in-depth experience. I have to say that playing a policeman is much easier than playing Bruce Wayne. At least I don\'t have to lock myself in the room and constantly practice gloominess in front of the mirror."

"Ok, it seems that the two months of police career have really helped you a lot." Wayne shrugged, rather curious about the other party\'s current state.

Unlike other actors in the crew, Christian Bale got the general storyline of the script early, and he knew which role he was going to play a few months earlier, because he didn\'t have to be distracted by the audition problem, which prepared him for it. Work brings considerable convenience.

Just two months ago, the British actor, through a Warner Bros. connection, joined the Los Angeles Police Department as a trainee patrol detective in Beverly. Of course, he doesn\'t have any law enforcement powers, and he does it just to experience real police life.

The profession of police seems to be very close to ordinary people, and you can see them on the road almost every day, but if you ask passers-by what kind of life the police live and what their occupational status is, it should be 80% of the people. It\'s not clear that this kind of law enforcer is a semi-mysterious group.

Although the frequency of this occupation in movies is high enough, and most of them appear as villains, their real working status in reality is still unknown to most ordinary people.

"It\'s really not an easy job." Christian Bale saw everyone around him staring at him, and understood that everyone was curious about his two-month internship. Raising his eyebrows at several acquaintances around him, he said with lingering fears:

"In the past two months, I believe I have seen a lot of ugliness in human nature. Guys, this is still in the rich area of ​​Beverly. When I think about other parts of Los Angeles, it makes me feel very uncomfortable. The police work is not only The salary is not much, and there are always sudden troubles and dangers.

You know, just about half a month ago, when it was about to get off work that evening, two of my colleagues pulled over a suspicious Chevrolet sedan that shouldn\'t have been near Beverly Park at all. When we went to the front for a routine check, the driver took out his revolver and shot at us, but luckily he was directly shot dead..."

No one would have imagined that actors who simply wanted to experience the life of the police would actually encounter street firefights. They are not real patrolmen with cheap lives. They are all millionaires. For the sake of acting, they risk this Whether the risk is worth it or not is a matter of personal opinion.

"And then, Chris."

The head of the props team, Weeks Hart, sat across from him and asked, "Hey, didn\'t you **** your pants because you were scared?"

Christian Bale rolled his eyes at him. The two had a lot of contact during the filming of "Batman: War Hour". All the props used by the protagonists were made by each other, so the relationship between the two has always been good.

"I was really terrified at the time." Even in front of so many people, he didn\'t hesitate at all, expressing his truest feelings. "You don\'t know, the feeling of someone shooting you with a gun, especially the \'whoosh\' of the bullets is just horrible, not like what you see in the movie!

Luckily I was following a pair of senior detectives who emptied their magazines directly on the gangsters. After the incident, I waited for my mood to relax, only to find that they had found more than ten kilograms of contraband from the car, **** Mexican! Are they going to turn Los Angeles into a dumping ground for contraband? "

It can be seen that after this incident, Christian Bale is full of disgust for powdered contraband, and the expression on his face is undisguised.

"Hey, hey, hey! Chris, don\'t kill everyone with one stick." Schwartz tapped the table and pointed to the assistant director beside him. "Gilmore is Mexican too, but he\'s different from the traffickers. He\'s a very nice guy."

Christian Bale said quickly: "Sorry, Gilmour, you know I didn\'t mean that."

Gilmour clearly understood what the other party was thinking, smiled and nodded like him, indicating that he didn\'t care.

"You\'re not a real cop, Chris." Seeing that everyone in the conference room was almost there, Wayne pressed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray and interrupted their chat. "So just know a little bit about how they work, don\'t overthink it. And, even without the Mexican traffickers, Los Angeles would have been a dumping ground for that stuff."

This sentence made everyone in the conference room laugh. That\'s right, there is an entertainment industry that has reached its peak, and the entertainment industry will always be accompanied by all kinds of contraband.

Whether it’s a big star or an insider behind the scenes, they’ve all stuck with these things more or less. Every day, there are countless carnival parties in this city, and this kind of exciting thing is the absolute protagonist of the party.

"Okay, I called everyone over today because we will fly to Boston to start the official shooting in two days." Wayne knocked on the table, and after the conference room was quiet, he continued:

"Everyone go back and deal with their own personal problems. The main camera shots will be shot in Boston, so we will stay there for two to three months, during which I don\'t want anyone to trouble me! I believe you all received it. Ector\'s notice, right? Take care of your minority staff, if you cause trouble, I will only find you!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes sternly looked around the conference room, making sure that everyone was listening carefully, then he retracted his upper body leaning forward, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked at the second producer of the crew.

"Actor, are the filming locations and hotels over there ok?"

"No problem." Hector Henry nodded. "I have already communicated with the local city government and signed a contract. For those outdoor scenes that need to be cleared, they will help clear the streets and cooperate with the crew."


After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the actors on the left, and swept past Brad Pitt and others. "Many of you are working with me for the first time, and I have something to say up front. I can\'t have contraband on my crew, or whoever affects their work because of those things, I will speak directly with the contract."

Like all previous projects, no matter whether it is an actor contract or a behind-the-scenes contract, the anti-drug clauses are clearly marked on it. Everyone knows that the actual meaning of writing is not significant. After the work is over, no one will stare at you or not. Leaf smoke.

But it can remind everyone that the crew can come up with a contract at any time to deduct the remuneration you should have received for your hard work.

Afterwards, Wayne communicated with several behind-the-scenes supervisors about the work arrangements after the filming started, and then ended the final preparatory meeting.

"The Departed" is expected to take about ten to twelve weeks to shoot ~www.novelhall.com~ This kind of realistic film, if the shooting goes smoothly, the time may need less.

There are not a lot of special effects shots in the film, and the pressure of post-production work is naturally reduced too much, so Wayne prepared plenty of time for the shooting work. , his requirements will be relatively strict.

This is not a purely commercial film, and his purpose is not all box office numbers. In the end, he still has to go around the Oscars, and there is no room for perfunctory performances of the actors.

Two days passed in a hurry, and most of the crew took the chartered plane of Warner Bros. and flew to Boston together, and the official shooting of the film was about to begin.

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