Hollywood Drawing

~: 303-200 million, blackmailed Batman

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"This week, "Batman: War Hour" once again reached the top, winning the third summer box office champion after its release!

After winning the weekly box office championship twice in a row and reaping more than 150 million US dollars in a short period of time, Wayne Greenberg\'s film has performed exceptionally strong this time, which is far different from "The Clown". state at the time.

This "Batman: Time for War" seems to have brought people to the summer season two years ago. It is not inferior to the situation of "Joker" that crushed the market. The box office trend is extremely stable, and every time the decline is Stay healthy.

In the first four working days of the weekend, the film received a box office of $6.62 million, $5.4 million, $5.5 million and $4.47 million. After four working days, with its strong word of mouth, it received a box office of $21.99 million!

When another weekend came, and no major productions were released this week, "Batman: Hour of War" completely monopolized this rare weekend. The box office on Friday ushered in a strong rise and easily won $8.26 million.

With the increase in the number of people on Saturday, many young people chose to watch the film repeatedly, and the box office rose again. The top is very strong.

In the third weekend, it hit $27.57 million. "Batman: War Hour" successfully exceeded the $200 million mark within two and a half weeks of its release in North America. As of press time, the total box office has reached $201.99 million!

According to the current market situation, the large-scale screening cycle of this film will continue for a long time. According to the latest forecast released by the third-party forecasting company Edmints, the box office of "Batman: Time for War" will eventually settle. Certainly not less than $300 million.

Ranked second in this week\'s box office chart is "Die Hard 3" produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Bruce Wesley\'s box office appeal has not diminished. "Batman: Time for War" survived the squeeze and occupied a part of the market share very strongly.

This well-received popcorn movie, in the face of strong competition, was not completely defeated. Instead, it continuously suppressed the newly released "Braveheart" and unexpectedly received a total of 70.58 million US dollars. box office.

The third place is "Braveheart", Mel Gibson\'s ambitious work, which was spurned by fans as soon as it was released. Many fans strongly expressed that they did not like this story about the history of Scottish rebellion. film.

After detailed investigation, many fans found that Wallace, the protagonist of the film, was an out-and-out "informer" in history, which aroused the disgust of the public even more. The film has only been released for a week and a half, and it has only received 27 million US dollars. Paramount\'s investment is destined to require overseas market screenings and offline operations to recover..."

In this "Premier", the prospects of each film are analyzed in detail, and the North American box office forecast is given at the end.

Wayne\'s eyes jumped directly to the end of the article and found that they were familiar with the North American forecast for "Die Hard 3", which was between $100 million and $120 million, and "Braveheart" was about $50 million. .

And "Batman: Time for War", they directly applied data from third-party companies, saying that the film\'s final box office will not be less than 300 million US dollars.

This figure is in line with his expectations. After several years of hard work, the audience has already received a very high degree of acceptance of this type of non-funny film.

At least the audience in North America, the world\'s largest ticket bank, has definitely regarded his films as mainstream commercial films, rather than habitually regarded as Cult films or genre films.

This is a very big improvement, and it is also conducive to the promotion of superhero movies in the future.

In fact, everything still takes time. Wayne himself is very sure that as long as one to two years of precipitation and brewing, when the fans\' expectations for superheroes are full, the second Batman will be able to cross the foreshadowing period. Start your own DC** prelude.

In his memory, once Marvel and Disney together, they started with Iron Man without any rush, and filmed one after another. After more than 20 films, people have successfully identified the production of Marvel films. Regardless of whether the filming is good or not, as long as it is released, it will become a box office feast.

The successful experience in this, he is ready to use it directly, since he already has the most successful model, he is not ready to play any innovation to take risks.

The situation is very different now. The superhero movie of this time and space has been tinkered with in advance by him. Although it faces high special effects costs, it has indeed achieved initial success.

The DC movie plan will definitely go on, and Marvel\'s side is not necessarily what it will be like, whether the other party can form its own cosmic style, or even whether Iron Man can appear smoothly, Wayne is making two mistakes.

Now even if he doesn\'t reach out his hand randomly, Marvel may still be powerless. The value of superhero copyrights appears in advance, but Marvel\'s copyrights are scattered everywhere. The higher the value, the less likely they are to take it back.

And from the bottom line of Wayne\'s life, it is impossible to sit back and watch the rise of Marvel movies. Unless he gives him enough benefits, he can just dig two holes in advance, which can make this doomed comic company difficult.

"Hi dear?!"

Bella Grant stretched out a hand and shook it back and forth in front of Wayne\'s eyes before he recovered from his trance. "How about you, don\'t you just watch the compliments of you? Now you have become the darling of the media and film critics!"

"I\'m not that superficial."

Wayne rolled his eyes, leaned back on the sofa, and happened to see old Greenberg and Sergey coming back with guns, and two gray rabbits in the hands of the Russian bear. After a few people said hello, the old Greenberg took Sergey and hurried into the workshop and continued to tinker with those guns.

"Contrary to what I imagined, your father is not strict at all." Bella Grant\'s eyes kept chasing Old Greenberg\'s back, until he disappeared on the stairs on the second floor, then turned back to look at Wei Wei with a playful look. kindness.

"I thought that your usual unsmiling working state was learned from your father when you were young. You know, every child will be influenced a lot by his father on the way to growth, especially boys."

"He\'s tough sometimes, especially when I\'ve made mistakes, but it\'s not that often." Wayne mentioned his father, with a smile on his face unconsciously. In his heart, he loved this life. \'s parents.

"But I\'m very lucky. I can feel his love for me since I was a child. He has always been a good father. I can get the results I am now without his support for my studies since I was a child."

As long as he mentions the relatives around him, Wayne will remove all masks, and he is grateful to his parents from the bottom of his heart.

From the unsuitable American education at the beginning, to the existence of being a good friend with his father, whether it is Reuben teaching him how to be a man, or constantly telling him to be a "goodman", the growth process can be clearly felt to fatherly love.

Wayne shook his head and said with a smile, "Well, if you are willing to stay for a few days, you will feel the enthusiasm of old Ruben."

"I only have three days of vacation, I hope I can have a good time here." Bella Grant raised her eyebrows, sticking out her tongue and licking her red lips.

"Jimmy, come all the way, what else do I need to do? If it\'s all right, we can go and prepare the barbecue together. Mom let the cowboy down a calf. Trust me, the beef on our farm is very good. ."

Wayne ignored the teasing of the beauty editor and turned his attention to the agent.

"Two things, too much money has been put into the account of Greenberg Studios. The buyout fee for "Blair Witch" has also been called in by Universal Pictures. You have to make arrangements as soon as possible or avoid tax."

Jimmy seemed to say these words to Wayne, but he kept looking at the assistant lady who was flipping through the magazine until Nina nodded slightly, and he continued:

"And a little trouble to tell you, Batman: War Hour was sued, and it was sued by two different people."

"What? Prosecute?"

The agent\'s words raised his interest. It is very common for Hollywood studios and film directors to be sued. In almost every popular movie, someone can\'t help but jump out and want to get a piece of the pie.

It\'s just that Wayne\'s previous films were either made by himself from start to finish, or the copyrights were clear and clear, and he had never encountered such a strange thing.

The key is that the cost of this kind of thing is very low. As long as there is a slight chance of winning the case, those people will stick to it, add negative news to the film that is being released, and then wait to settle with the film company and collect settlement money.

"Yes." Jimmy didn\'t look at him in a hurry at all. Instead, he showed a play-watching expression, and he also showed a complicated expression, because this kind of prosecution of the nature of touching porcelain was so strange that he could not laugh or cry~www .novelhall.com~ I received a lawyer\'s letter yesterday, and then I and your lawyer Ryan contacted the other party\'s lawyer. The person who sued you is the mayor of Batman City, Turkey, on the grounds that Warner Bros. and you, never got permission from Batman City, and said that there is only one Batman in the world, but you used theirs without permission city ​​name..."

Hearing Jimmy\'s narration, Bella Grant, Nina, and Wayne grew up involuntarily together, unable to believe that such a wonderful thing would really happen.


"Hey, Wayne! No swear words!" Anna Greenberg, who was busy in the kitchen, immediately raised her head and reprimanded him when she heard her son\'s loud swear words.

"Okay, Mom, oh, I mean I got it." Wayne raised his hands to his mother and made a gesture of surrender, watching her withdraw her head before continuing to look at the agent with surprise.

"Doesn\'t it feel like nonsense?" Jimmy shrugged and made a look I\'d known for a long time.

"What\'s more nonsense is that the Los Angeles International Court of Justice has decided to accept this lawsuit! Warner Bros. has dispatched the legal department to fight the lawsuit with the other party, and it is impossible for the other party to blackmail a penny!"

To be honest, Wayne thought of many reasons for the accused in an instant, but he did not expect such a strange thing. Batman appeared as early as 1939, and the story was created by Bill Finger and drawn by Bob Kane himself.

The original artist, Bob Kane, is still alive, and has always had a close relationship with DC Comics. Isn\'t the other party not thinking about this kind of lawsuit? Or do you just want to blackmail a little money, and you are shameless with jealousy?

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