Hollywood Drawing

~: 304 - I need a new assistant director

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Because the name Batman was sued, which made several people in the living room a little bit dumbfounded, but why did they think of suing now? The name Batman was born as early as 1939.

No matter which country the relevant laws are, after such a long period of time, the objection period has already passed, which sounds nonsense enough.

However, what is even more nonsense is that the Los Angeles International Court of Justice has also taken over this lawsuit because of its international influence. Normally, this kind of outrageous appeal will not be accepted by the court, and whether Warner Bros. can receive a subpoena is a matter of fact.

After all, their ultimate purpose is to ask for money. With Batman\'s current hot state, even 1% of the entire series of income can make an irrelevant person rich.

"It\'s not the most outrageous..."

Jimmy shrugged, and in the eyes of several people who couldn\'t believe it, he continued: "There is a man in Los Angeles named Stephen Terry who said that the storyline of "Batman: War Hour" was created by him in 1987. Yes, he also told his friends about it orally back then.

Then he thinks that this story came out, and after you heard it, it was adapted into "Batman: Hour of War". Otherwise, the story of Batman\'s growth has never appeared in the previous comics and movies. "

"Whatthef**k?!" Wayne was listening as a joke, but he was still shocked by the shamelessness of these people. He knew that these things didn\'t need to be done by himself, and the legal department of Warner Bros. could handle them. to the desired result.

However, Wayne remembered very clearly that he did backup the script framework in advance. He was not guarding these messy people, but Frank Miller.

Now that the whole film is in hot release, it has also caused a very large viewing trend. If Frank Miller wants to draw the Dark Knight, he must first come to Warner Bros. or DC Comics for approval.

"Nina." Wayne knocked on the coffee table, waited for the assistant to look over, and said, "Go back and help me make a copy of the earliest certificate and fax it to Warner Bros. Don\'t let such a wonderful person think there is a chance Tear the flesh from me."

Nina nodded. "No problem. The novels you published earlier and the script frameworks you wrote to the association are all in the safe in the manor\'s study. I\'ll make a copy when I go back."

"Wait, Jimmy." Bella Grant looked at the agent curiously. "This Mr. Stephen Terry, what is his claim? To prove Wayne used his story?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows, took a sip of his coffee and said, "I don\'t think you\'ll believe it, he wants 3% of the box office revenue of "Batman: War Hour" and a $100 million compensation. ."

"God, isn\'t he awake?" The editor-in-chief of the beauty shook her head. She felt that this person was just fooling around. He didn\'t have any basic common sense, so he dared to blackmail the media group.

"Who knows." Wayne and Ben didn\'t take each other seriously, at most it was to bring him some fun.

After the advent of the Internet age, he did see many such lawsuits back then, and almost every popular movie did not run. Sadly, many people did succeed and got a lot of settlement money.

Of course, there are many more bizarre than this.

Now James Cameron\'s two giants want to change the director of this "Titanic", will be sued in 2012, the prosecution is a woman called Princess Samantha - Kennedy.

She insisted that the film "Titanic" plagiarized her unpublished personal biography, that is to say, the heroine Ruth\'s experience in the film came from her, and she asked the distributor Paramount Pictures to destroy the film All copies, and all box office revenue, belong to her alone...

There was a lot of uproar about this incident at the time, and various gossip media kept reporting, but the court felt that this woman, who was not a princess at all, sued the movie 15 years ago, and there was no evidence at all. .

Many people know that the background of the film is in 1912, and the prototype should be hundreds of years old. Apart from dictating to the media, this woman called the princess has no evidence at all, and the lawsuit will soon disappear.

There is only a bunch of tabloid media left, frantically using this incident to hype up James Cameron\'s popularity.

And in 2011, after the release of a movie called "Desperate Drive", a female fan sued the movie, saying that the trailer for the movie was seriously misleading, because the trailer was full of exciting racing scenes. , just like the "Fast and Furious" series, the feature film has nothing to do with racing and extreme sports.

The female moviegoer felt cheated by the film company and asked to refund her movie ticket money and make some spiritual compensation, and also won the support of women\'s rights organizations.

But this kind of lawsuit against movie trailers will not even have a chance to go to court. The court and the film company have not dumped the fans and rights organizations.

The question is, if the trailer is really convicted of cheating, then both Marvel and Disney at the time would have to pay for their underpants, plus a life sentence...

Therefore, there have never been many such strange cases. Since the development of the Hollywood film industry, such cases have been accompanied by film companies.

Its ultimate purpose has always been only one, and that is to ask for money.

What is the composition of Hollywood studios? That is the back garden of a group of real Jewish capitalists. Even if they can produce evidence and get the settlement money, basically no one can spend the money quietly afterwards.

Hollywood studios, even the gang of century vampires on Wall Street have swindled the money, and the Wall Street financial companies that have swindled can\'t win the lawsuit, there is no place to justify it, let alone ordinary people.

"Okay, let\'s go prepare the barbecue. Just listen to these things, Jimmy, and leave them all to Warner Bros." Wayne stood up and greeted a few people to go to the backyard together. It\'s rare that the farm is so lively, he The mood is also very good. In such cases, the legal department of Warner Bros. is the professional. There are many large lawyers there for a long time, and they have signed special litigation contracts with large law firms.

In the open space in the backyard of the villa, there was a large iron stove for barbecue. Wayne and the others worked together to fill the stove with carbon, then put the prepared beef and cover it.

This kind of barbecue method is more common in North America. The stove uses the principle of high pressure, and even large pieces of beef can be roasted.


Sergey carried a beer, put it on the open space, and distributed a bottle to each of them. "Should we put our lunch here, we can have a small party."

"Of course no problem, just ask my mother to bring the food over."

Wayne was sitting on the steps, each with a beer in hand, and Nina and Bella Grant sat together, chatting about the topics in the fashion magazines.

"Jimmy, I think I\'ll need a new assistant director soon, get me a job posting."

"What happened to Zach?"

Jimmy raised the bottle and touched him, asking curiously.

After drinking a big gulp of cold beer, Wayne almost groaned in comfort, a state of complete relaxation that he hadn\'t experienced for a long time. "When they come back from Europe, I will arrange for Zach to shoot a film alone, and Luke will also be transformed into a producer. My team needs fresh blood."

In his vision, Zack Snyder would definitely lead the filming independently. This is the main factor in whether the construction of the DC universe can be accelerated. Moreover, everyone has their own preferences, and it is impossible to always let Zach be the assistant director. .

"I will release the news when I go back. Believe me, this position will be robbed." Jimmy nodded and said.

In the past two years, Wayne\'s core team has been very stable. Otherwise, many positions will be sweet, and now there is an assistant director position vacated. Jimmy believes that there will definitely be people who have proved themselves to compete for this job.

Following such a successful director and a behind-the-scenes team with unparalleled stability and first-class professionalism is the best learning opportunity for many young directors. Even some young directors who are in their early career will be willing to join in.

While Wayne was hiding on the farm for vacation, the summer fight continued. "Batman: War Hour" dominated all schedules from June to early July, and the box office has maintained a healthy decline~www.novelhall.com ~ Just when all the media and film critics thought that the film would be hot until mid-July, Universal Pictures\' "Ghosts and Horses", in its first weekend in early July, from "Batman: At War" The Moment snatched the weekend championship.

This unexpected work, without a large-scale publicity, was surprisingly popular with children, and family fans became the main force at the box office, reaping $3,780 at the box office within three days of its release.

Although "Batman: War Hour" has passed through the period of fans\' popularity, it also earned $4.01 million, $3.72 million, $2.57 million, and $2.63 million in the first four working days, with a slight increase of $4.57 million on Friday. , $5.67 million on Saturday and $5.35 million on Sunday.

Although the film fell to the second place on the list, it also successfully received 28.52 million US dollars again. The total North American box office has reached 230.51 million US dollars, and it is still a big box office in the theater market.

Also this week, the theater alliance led by the three major theater companies tacitly reduced the screening scale of "Batman: War Hour", and the number of theaters in North America was reduced to 1,988.

Both Warner Bros. and Wayne knew that this was just a normal business adjustment. It was a miracle that this film could occupy a large-scale screening resource for four weeks in the highly competitive summer season.

Now another dark horse at the box office has appeared, and it is very normal to free up the theater line for the other party.

Unlike "The Clown\'s Soul", which runs away after earning one ticket, this film will have a long screening period, and this is not a short-term film type. The firm trend at the box office has already explained a lot of problems.

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