Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and two - shooting yourself in the foot

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"film-noir! Film Noir and Warner Bros.!

With the popularity of "Batman: War Hour", controversy has once again aroused in North America and even the world. Whether it is North American movie fans or world movie fans, people have begun to pay more attention to the director behind the film\'s fog, Wayne Greene Berg!

Just at 8:00 last night, on the CNN evening program, which was broadcast live to the world, a special program was broadcast. The host took us to review a special video. The pictures ranged from black and white to color. Different movie colors have the same Strong light and shadow contrast.

From Humphrey Bogart and Rita Hayworth in black and white light and shadow, to Nicolas Cage and Naomi Watts in colorful light and shadow, they are so unique in the night and full of In stark contrast, these films have a special name: Film Noir!

In 1946, two French film critics noticed that many American crime, gangster and detective films released in France in the 1940s had strong thematic moods such as noir or darkness, and they gave films with this "quality". Film, named film noir (filmnoir).

Although noir films are still classified as genre films, in the eyes of audiences, media, and film critics, they have always been regarded as carnivals by niche fans. But since Hollywood entered the 1990s, this situation has changed a lot.

This has to mention a young college student. At the beginning of October 1990, Wayne Greenberg pulled $1.2 million in investment from his father under the circumstances that no one was optimistic, and he produced "Happy Death Day" without hesitation. ".

Even if no distribution company was willing to release the film, Wayne Greenberg took it to the Saint Denis Film Festival to try his luck, but after the audience at the Saint Denis Film Festival, the film\'s distribution is still a long way off .

Faced with various difficulties, this young college student who has not graduated did not give up his efforts, and his persistence finally moved God. Twentieth Century Fox called him and decided to release this low-cost alternative horror film.

As soon as the film was released, it immediately gained the popularity of countless young people, and it easily scored more than 100 million US dollars at the global box office. At the same time, a dark rose in Hollywood has blossomed.

Wayne Greenberg, whose creative energy is extremely energetic, has been out of control since then. For several years in a row, he has used his unique shooting style to gradually turn film noir from a niche genre into one of the choices of public fans. , brought it to a position comparable to mainstream films.

In subsequent Hollywood, a large number of imitators appeared every year, successfully enriching this type of film.

This is like a fate. After Wayne Greenberg cooperated with Warner Bros., the second film produced a "Joker" that can be remembered in film history. This film frightened the current cinema market, and a dark whirlwind was blowing around the world in a short period of time.

Not only is it a movie that made Wayne Greenberg a god, but it is also a hammer that hit many overseas markets. For the first time, "Joker" made movie fans all over the world crazy about film noir, and it was also the first time that it made movie fans all over the world go crazy. , saw the charm of the Hollywood film industry.

Therefore, after the Oscars in 1994, countless media and movie fans complained about the film. Little golden man.

Now this "Batman: War Hour", although the large-scale lens can be controlled, its core is still a noir film in the Greenberg format, which no one can deny.

Maybe this is God\'s arrangement. The earliest noir films came from Warner Bros. gangster films in the 1930s. When they first appeared, they were deeply influenced by the German expressionism of the 1920s and the poetic realism that permeated French films in the 1930s. influenced by ism.

Warner Bros. Films invested in 1941, and the suspense film "The Maltese Falcon" by John Huston is recognized as the first masterpiece of film noir. It established a series of characteristics of film noir from narrative method to image style. , and created the first period of film noir.

Then came a series of classics, such as "Sunset Boulevard", "Double Indemnity", "Under Gas" and so on.

The birth of Wayne Greenberg, the hand in hand with Warner Bros. under the arrangement of God, all phenomena are showing that another greater era of film noir will be opened by this young man..."

Looking at the entertainment section of the "Los Angeles Times" in his hand, with a full-page report on this large column, Wayne shook his head helplessly, took a deep breath of his cigarette, and threw the newspaper on the coffee table.

"How is it, did I write well?" Sitting across from the sofa was Bella Grant, who came early in the morning. She and her manager Jimmy went to the farm together in the same car.

"You don\'t know, Warner Bros. lifted a stone and slammed it on its own foot, and then went crazy with pain, and had to endure it silently."

"What? What happened?"

Before Wayne could speak, Anna Greenberg, who came with coffee, walked over with Nina with waffles. After putting down the things in her hands, she asked curiously.


Bella Grant smiled and took the coffee, thanking him politely.

Her images are very popular with Wayne\'s parents. Her fair skin is the key point. She looks exquisite and has a slender waist and an explosive body. Coupled with her professional skirt that has not changed all the year round, her hair is up and she has the shrewdness of a strong woman. .

The most important thing is that she is not a real insider. Although she is engaged in media work related to movies, she does not have the chaotic private life of female stars, which won the favor of Anna Greenberg. In Wayne\'s mother\'s mind, although she didn\'t want to interfere with her child\'s private life, she was sure at the first time since she saw the beauty editor this morning that this is the most suitable candidate for her son\'s girlfriend.

Glancing at Wayne and seeing that he had no objection, Bella Grant said, "A few days ago, a gossip tabloid took a photo from a strange angle and published the news that Wayne was about to break up with Warner Bros. The rumors caused a lot of reactions from film companies for a while."

"That\'s right." Jimmy interrupted with a wry smile. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he shrugged and said, "Suddenly, at least two dozen film companies sent me calls or invitations, but Stan and I have absolutely no idea what happened! Until now, many unreliable invitations are still being sent to the studio."

"Those should be luck, or the little soldiers who are testing." Bella Grant took a sip of coffee, pointed to the newspaper that Wayne had just dropped, and said:

"Finally, Warner Bros. found out that it was a tabloid owned by its parent company Time Warner who was hyping this news. They just wanted to increase the topic on a routine basis. No one should believe this kind of thing. This kind of gossip is almost every year. Wayne will appear many times when the movie is released, but he just quit the promotion...

In addition, the media took a photo of Townsend Rothman visiting the farm yesterday, which touched the heart of Warner Bros. This report and the show reported by CNN Universal were urgently created by Warner Bros. In this way, it was proved to the outside world that there was no problem between you two. "

From Bella Grant\'s point of view, Warner Bros. is not overly nervous. Since the old fox of Townsend Rothman has made his move, he must be sure to tempt Wayne. They can\'t do nothing now.

And the executives of Warner Bros., it is not good for them to call and ask Wayne because of the news of the gossip tabloids. In that case, they seem to distrust him even more, and it is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

This way of stating a position, although occupying some media channels and spending a little money, can clearly tell many people that there is no problem between Warner Bros. and Wayne, and everything is groundless.


Jimmy rubbed the sides of his head and said with a bit of a headache, "I suggest you take time out today and give Jeff a call to talk about anything, otherwise, I\'m afraid Warner Bros. CEO will come tomorrow too. Manor! You have to let him know that you have no other thoughts in your mind."

"Okay, I will!"

Wayne didn\'t really care about the farce at all, he just watched it as a joke, just thought it was a bit ridiculous.

In his heart, those film company executives are all personal, and they will not believe this kind of fake news. He didn\'t expect that someone would actually send an invitation to Jimmy to test his reaction.

Having said that~www.novelhall.com~ Even if Wayne really parted ways with Warner Bros. and sold his shares in Warner Bros. to get out, it would be impossible to choose those small and medium film companies to cooperate.

Even if he doesn\'t shoot the DC Cinematic Universe, there are many films that suit him in his mind. Small and medium-sized companies in these films can\'t afford to play with him, and they can\'t give Wayne the media resources and sky-high remuneration he wants. This is the reality.

"It\'s not that Warner Bros. is nervous. The box office trend of "Batman: War Hour" is too strong, Wayne." Jimmy can understand the feelings of Warner Bros. Keep calm.

"Have you never cared about your own films? You won\'t return to the farm and leave all your work behind, right?!"

"Yes, basically, it can be said that I only need to know that the film\'s results are good. I am enjoying this calm state now, but I have not completely given up on work."

Wayne waved his hand and picked up the other newspaper they brought, which reported the latest box office trend of "Batman: War Hour".

During this period of time on the farm, he really did not deliberately understand this aspect. Apart from occasionally writing a project plan every day, he spent the rest of his time watching TV with his mother, and accompany his father to shoot and hunt. Basically, he completely entered the Vacation status.

Golden Retriever Fendi\'s situation is getting worse and worse. Most of the time, he sleeps next to him, and Wayne knows that his good friend doesn\'t have much time.

He cherishes this rare peaceful life, and understands that there is not much time for him to relax his whole body and mind. When the crew that has been promoted outside returns, he can\'t just ignore everything like this.

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