Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and ninety-six - various invitations

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"There are a few more invitations."

Jimmy raised his hand and rubbed his temples, took a sip of his coffee. "Before I came over this morning, I got a call from Sony Columbia\'s Paul Knight, who also wanted to talk to you.

Not only Sony Columbia and Universal Pictures, Steven Spielberg of DreamWorks, but also Marvel Comics, another giant in the comics industry, have also sent invitations to invite you to visit if you have time. Check out Marvel\'s headquarters. "

Because "Batman: Hour of War" was released for two weekends, the outside world has basically understood the potential of superhero films. This kind of profitability is comparable to animated feature films, and it does not require the production cycle of animated feature films. People turned their attention to him, the initiator.

In the past, the only series that could rival the profits of animated feature films, there was only one Star Wars in Hollywood, but it was basically impossible to copy Star Wars, and this kind of film series with cultural attributes could not be produced in a short time.

Wayne\'s continuous production of "Joker" and "Batman: War Hour" is equivalent to opening up another new possibility for this already solid and saturated market.

Comparing superheroes with Star Wars, the benefits are simply not too many. The most important thing is that movies with this attribute can be copied continuously.

"Steven Spielberg?" Wayne muttered softly.

This good old man sent an invitation again, and he could basically guess why, it should be the R-rated World War II epic, "Saving Private Ryan" that was hacked by Harvey Weinstein backstab at the Oscars.

It is now recognized in the circle that if you want to have a box office when shooting an R-rated movie, then find a way to ask Wayne Greenberg to shoot. This is the most guaranteed way.

But everyone knows that it is difficult. Since his debut, Wayne has never taken over projects initiated by others. All the films are planned by himself, and he is backed by Warner Bros. himself is a major shareholder of Warner Bros. There is no possibility of filming for other companies.

"DreamWorks, please help me. As for other invitations..." Wayne scratched his chin lightly, trying to analyze the benefits that could be obtained. "Let\'s put the rest on first. After a while, I\'ll come back from the farm and I\'m considering whether to agree or not."

"No problem." Jimmy nodded, took out a bound resume from his briefcase and handed it to him. "This is the New Zealand director you asked me to investigate. The specific information is on it."

Wayne took over his resume and turned the pages with interest. Peter Jackson had already gained some fame at this time, and he was not considered a rookie director. A Silver Lion Award can explain many problems, proving that he has Possess the ability to make independent films.

While flipping around at will, looking at the dazzling working experience above, he asked, "Have you communicated with him? What is the attitude of the other party?"

Jimmy laughed suddenly. "Believe me, in the face of the olive branch thrown by Hollywood, no director in the world can refuse! Especially when I told this little director that we still have the copyright of "The Lord of the Rings", he agreed without any hesitation. Finish your job by October and fly to LA."

Disclosing the copyright of The Lord of the Rings to the other party was informed by Wayne in advance. No one knows the New Zealander better than him. Suitable candidates for the film and television production of "The Lord of the Rings".

As long as he has this copyright in his hand, he is sure to let Peter Jackson work for Warner Bros. for many years. You must know that not only the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has created many miracles. The Hobbit in the back, the Silmarillion, etc., can be photographed all the time.

Although The Lord of the Rings claims to be the most difficult to adapt magical masterpiece in history, when it is put into the hands of this New Zealand director, it can bloom into a huge movie history spectacle.

As for the problem that the other party only seems to be shooting this series, and he goes out on the street after leaving, Wayne has also made a plan, then let him keep shooting this series for himself, and the copyright in his hand is enough for him to shoot for many years.

However, this time to find each other, not to start "The Lord of the Rings" in advance, but to make the gorilla. Compared with the huge and complex Middle-earth, this film is much simpler. It is also the director who compares successful work.

"Ok, this Peter Jackson, you are responsible for communicating and coordinating with him."

"No problem." After Jimmy finished his business, he was about to stand up and leave. When he was officially the busiest, there was too much work on Wayne that he needed to deal with.

"I\'ll go back first, and I\'ll notify you of other situations."


In fact, Jimmy didn\'t find out that among all the invitations he brought today, Wayne was most interested in the visit invitation from another comic giant in North America, Marvel Comics.

This comic giant, founded in 1939, was renamed Marvel in 1961. In his eyes, it can be said to be one of the biggest treasures besides DC.

However, compared to DC Comics, which is backed by Warner Bros. and Time Warner, Marvel\'s situation at this time is not very good. It has almost sold all the sons that can be sold.

With the downturn in the North American comics industry, Marvel has been on the verge of bankruptcy in recent years, relying on loans and accepting investments to survive.

Wayne once thought about investing in this company, because he knew very well that the company would turn around in the future, relying on Iron Man to rise again.

But this company has scattered shares, many internal factions, and its debt ratio has always been high. If he wants to save Marvel Comics, Wayne believes he can\'t do it. He only knows how to make movies, but he doesn\'t know anything about such a complex big company. .

The final conclusion is that with that energy and money, it is really not as good as making ready-made DC movies. Compared with Marvel, DC has too many conveniences. The concentration of the copyright of comic characters can already make him give up all abacus. DC Comics is still a wholly-owned subsidiary of Warner Bros., and many things do not need to be resolved by wrangling.

As far as Wayne has learned, almost none of Marvel\'s first-line well-known heroes are in his own hands. The copyrights are either mortgaged out for loans or sold to Hollywood production companies at a low price, and they are completely in a quagmire.

"Boss, when are we going back to the farm?"

While he was in a trance, Nina pushed up her glasses and asked.

"Oh." Wayne asked curiously, "Are you sure you don\'t need a vacation? It\'s enough to have Sergey following me. After these few months, there may not be such a good opportunity in the next few years."

Nina rolled her eyes. "No, going back to the farm with you is just like a vacation."

"Okay, then we\'ll go back tomorrow." Wayne shrugged. "I have made an appointment with Bella tonight. She will come directly after get off work. You know, I have no habit of putting lady pigeons."

Nina knew what kind of virtue her own boss was. She said that he was a big scumbag and a playboy. She was definitely complimenting him. In fact, she thought more than once that if his private life was not so chaotic, it could be considered perfect. male too.

Wayne hid in the manor on vacation, but "Batman: War Hour" did not rest. After the film landed in overseas markets last Friday, on Monday, Warner Bros. finally received detailed feedback.

The more than 40 countries where the film first landed are almost the main dumping grounds for Hollywood films, led by English-speaking countries and regions, including the Asian market, such as Benzi, Wanwan, Bangzi and other markets, have achieved very good results.

With more than $100 million at the box office in its first weekend, Bruce Wayne, as one of the most famous superheroes in the world, did not encounter the acclimatization that Warner Bros. was worried about.

Whether it is the traditional western region or most of the eastern region, on the day the film was released, it topped the box office chart in the region at the same time, and its ferocity was no less than that of "Joker".

Because the Internet was not yet developed in the 1990s, the timeliness of overseas box office calculations could not be guaranteed, and the information transmission was not so fast, but from the statistics that have been fed back, "Batman: War Hour" has already received 1.1 billion dollar box office.

At the same time, relying on the well-established global hair network, Warner Bros. has also started selling and licensing films in a large area. Everyone knows that as long as the popularity of Batman does not subside, these things will continue to create more profits. .

Warner Bros. adopted a strategy of authorizing and selling the peripheral items of the film except for North America, and the only thing they retained was the film\'s TV premiere rights and videotape rights.

The benefits that can be created by this part will be greater and will last longer.

Early on Tuesday morning, Wayne was woken up by a big wet tongue, and the golden retriever was lying on the bed, staring at him with big eyes.

"You little bastard!"

Yawning~www.novelhall.com~ He got up and pushed open the bedroom door. The golden retriever then ran out and went to find a place to excrete.

After getting back into the quilt, Wayne looked at the beautiful editor-in-chief who was sleeping soundly beside him, couldn\'t help but stretched out his hand again, and started to walk from under the quilt on her bomb-like body.

"Damn, we don\'t seem to have slept for a long time?!" Bella Grant twisted helplessly, opened her eyes and looked at him and said, "At least last night I can be sure, you used me as a tool to vent, shit. , now my back still hurts, you animal with excess hormone secretion!"

"Hey honey, don\'t say that." Wayne teased her as he held her in his arms and looked into her beautiful eyes. "I don\'t know who has been telling me to force! You shouldn\'t be hurt, right? Would you like me to check it for you?"

As he spoke, he was about to lift the quilt, lowered his head and wanted to take a closer look at the beautiful and exciting scene, but he was afraid that he would not pass the trial and would be blocked again! So he looked back.

"Today I will go back to the farm to live for a while, and you can also go on vacation when you have time."

Bella Grant, feeling his growing restlessness, bit him lightly on the shoulder. "Do you think anyone can be as self-willed as you, because Patton died in a bad mood and left all his work aside? Do you know how many media want to interview you?"

The corners of Wayne\'s mouth gradually rose. "Ha, Bella, if you behave well, how about I give you an exclusive interview?"

"Whatever you say, I\'ll give it up today!"

When the golden retriever came back wagging his tail, he directly ignored the strange sound in the room, lay down in his den with peace of mind, and watched the gardener working in the garden downstairs.

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