Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and eighty-six - hardships and joys come, this 1 presses me right

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Less than a day after the official release of "Batman: War Hour", dozens of theaters called Warner Bros. for replenishment at around 5 pm.

Along with the call came the sales estimates on the Warner Bros. CEO\'s desk.

"You even sold a Batmobile?"

Jeff raised his head in surprise when he looked forward after reading the last sales. These cars are not in stock, but the crew used the remaining four and put them in four different big cities to attract customers.

"That\'s it, Bruce." Jeff Robinoff stretched out his hand and scratched his chin, squinting and thinking as he said, "I remember that the group company has a good relationship with Chevrolet? You can contact us and see if we can order a batch. Batmobile."

The profit here is too great. If the design cost of a prop car is excluded, the material cost will not exceed 10,000 US dollars. This kind of huge profit business can be compared with the popcorn in the theater.

"I\'ll get in touch in a while, and I\'ll work overtime with you today to wait for the box office." Bruce Rosenblum nodded, looking at the terrifying peripheral sales statistics, he showed a smug smile.

"The peripheral inventory we prepared is still too conservative. Wayne\'s films have been creating miracles. Now, he has completely blocked the short board of the offline peripheral income of the film. Don\'t worry, Jeff, just watch it. The sales of the surrounding area, the box office of the film will not be less than 20 million US dollars!"

This is just his conservative estimate, and even in his heart, he feels that the film\'s box office figures will not be lower than the surrounding sales.

"It\'s been more than a year, and I got it right!" Jeff Robinoff let out a sigh of relief. From Wayne\'s conception of the DC universe to the ten-month preparation time for "Batman: Hour of War", he has been under enormous pressure.

The investment in the movie project itself takes a long time to recover, but it took Batman nearly two years to finally officially land on the cinema market.

Now it seems that all of this is worth it. The profit attributes of superhero movies have begun to show. Just from the market reflection on the first day, there is a profit margin that is not inferior to that of animated feature films. The production cost and time are far greater than that of live-action movies.

Why does Disney still have the first market value of the six giants in a chaotic period? It is not the copyright operation of animated feature films that guarantees a minimum income. These offline incomes can support a media group to squander for many years.

"Our advantage is even greater!" Bruce Rosenblum understood what the other party meant, and he was also unable to calm down. "We have an entire DC universe. As long as the market can accept this genre, there are so many heroes that can be shot. What a treasure!"

As he said, DC Comics, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., was already struggling due to the cold winter of the comics industry, and needed to rely on the copyright operation of the parent company to survive. But after Wayne\'s two comic films, the company turned into a One of the biggest treasures in the group.

If anyone had anticipated this situation first, it would be the old CEO of DC Comics. Whether it was the first "Joker" or this "Batman: Time for War", even if DC Comics has a producer, I have never told me about the production work.

Jeff Robinoff turned his eyes out of the window and looked in the direction of 20th Century Fox. From all perspectives, this competition was won by their side, and the revenue after opening Warner Bros. 20 years ago The treasurer was given up by Fox himself.

"Wayne\'s promise to us at the beginning will be realized without any accident. In two and a half days at most, we will know whether the grand goal of the DC universe can be realized!"

This is not a matter of two movies. Jeff Robinoff is also watching. As long as Batman can really create a miracle in the market, he will fully promote the investment in the follow-up movies, and will definitely remove all obstacles for Wayne. Get enough investment budget from the board of directors and parent company.

Whether superhero movies sell well or not, everyone except Warner Bros. has tried it before, but everyone in the circle understands that the investment in shooting superhero movies is definitely the highest among all movie types.

"Is Wayne\'s publicity still going well? Send him the good news as soon as possible tomorrow morning. He has always been under a lot of pressure. The harvest is the most stress-relieving thing."

"Not bad. The crew reported the fan meeting in Times Square this morning and participated in the TV interview in the afternoon. It should have just ended by now." Bruce Rosenblum glanced at the time and said.

Jeff Robinoff nodded. "Then don\'t disturb him, and fax the box office, surrounding data and investigation report to New York tomorrow morning."

Friday is the first day of weekend rest. After a busy day of work, ordinary people can finally take a breath from work, but when they are ready to bring their family members, make an appointment with three or five friends, and watch a long-awaited movie together , only to find that the first-tier cities have almost sold out of Batman\'s movie tickets.

Unlike when Wayne\'s films were released before, most of the previous films were R-rated films, which naturally excluded teenagers from the cinema. The main group of moviegoers were these urban white-collar workers and young people.

But the PG13 level this time has attracted countless teenagers, and family group viewing has finally become a common phenomenon, so early Friday night\'s movie tickets were all booked out.

Countless moviegoers, because they couldn\'t buy tickets, took the next step and could only order shows on Saturdays and Sundays. The theaters also acted quickly and reported the situation to the theater headquarters.

The cinema manager\'s authority is to arrange multiple films to ensure the flow of people in their stores, but they do not have the authority to arrange films beyond their quota. Otherwise, the number of screens of "Die Hard 3" on the first day of Friday will be squeezed into the contract. Minimum requirements.

When the raucous Friday was over, and it was just dawn on Saturday morning, Wayne, who was far away in New York, opened his eyes and pulled the quilt he kicked aside to Naomi Watts. went to the bathroom.

With the sound of rushing water, ten minutes later, Wayne wiped his hair in a bathrobe and walked out. He glanced at the Australian beauty who was exhausted from the busy publicity activities, opened the bedroom door and walked into the hotel living room.

"Has the box office come out?"

When he saw the face-to-face assistant, the first thing he said was to care about the box office data. At this stage, this is what he is most worried about and most looking forward to. How the opening of the film is, depends on the market response on the first day of the film.

"Come out." Nina covered her mouth, yawned, and pointed to the sorted documents on the coffee table. "Warner Bros. faxed it early in the morning, and below is the newspaper that Sergey bought."

Sitting on the sofa, Wayne habitually took out a cigarette, lit it in the eyes of the assistant, and asked, "What do I have to do today?"

Speaking of the schedule, Nina waved her hand, fanned away the blue smoke that was floating over, took out the other party\'s schedule record book, and checked it carefully before saying in surprise:

"Congratulations, boss. This morning and morning activities, Christian Bale, and Nami, the leading actor and actress, participated. In the afternoon, the theater activities in the East District are also planned to be the leading actors and actresses. Therefore, we can today Take a break and take a breath."

Like this kind of flying promotion activities, almost a city will stay for more than a day. There are a lot of repetitive activities. It is possible that a question needs to be answered dozens of times, and you have to pretend to be surprised, not to mention the main creator of the crew. , even Nina has a headache for these.

And as the film\'s release time gets longer and longer, and more and more fans have watched it, the sensation caused by the crew will get bigger and bigger every time they go. It is often the case that after a TV show, you have to rush to the airport and fly to the next city.

At times like this, there is no time for the main creator of the crew to rest, and sleep can\'t wait to be solved on the plane.

The activities of promoting and promoting films, especially for actors, are also a rare opportunity to promote themselves. Basically, during this time, no actor will complain, and everyone who is sober understands that this is something that must be experienced on the road to fame. .


Just picked up the first fax and gave Wayne a huge surprise. "It seems that I was right to make the film PG13 in order to expand the audience. The enthusiasm of this group of teenagers is too high."

The first thing that catches the eye is the first-day box office figures of "Batman: Time for War" and the survey and analysis of the audience.

After the film made $15.8 million on Thursday\'s 2,500 pre-show, the box office was reported to be as high as $20.08 million on Friday alone. This figure means that the attendance rate of prime venues in first-tier cities ~www.novelhall.com~ may be as high as 80% or more.

According to the default rules in the circle, plus the box office in advance, the film received $35.88 million on the first day of its release.

Both Wayne and Warner Bros. are aware that this number can be so high because too many publicity methods have been carried out in the early stage, which has made fans full of expectations, and the film can\'t wait to watch it as soon as it is released.

The box office figures after that will definitely be greatly reduced, but this has far exceeded their target figures. You must know that the first weekend box office estimated by Warner Bros. is only about 55 million US dollars.

As long as the estimated numbers can be met, the film can stay in theaters for a long time with its good storytelling, and it becomes easy to recover the cost through the box office.

Now, in one day on Friday, most of the goals have been completed. Even if the box office on Saturday and Sunday plunges, it will not be difficult to exceed the estimated box office.

"You\'ve succeeded again, haven\'t you? Congratulations, boss!"

Nina has read the statistics and softly congratulated the boss.

"It\'s not me who succeeded again, it\'s us." Wayne shrugged with a smile, and took a deep breath of his cigarette.

Below the box office figures, Warner Bros. listed the audience in detail. On the first day of the film\'s screening, the proportion of young people and families who watched the movie together accounted for more than 70% of the total audience.

That\'s why he sighed that the enthusiasm of this group of teenagers was too high, and almost single-handedly held up most of the film\'s box office.

What can\'t be ignored is that the PG13 level does take a big advantage. This kind of screening scale for almost the whole year, coupled with the familiar superheroes, there were a lot of family group viewings on the first day.

This is the first time that this situation has appeared in his works. In the past, R-rated films did not have this kind of treatment.