Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and seventy-nine - the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology

The long story before "Batman: Hour of War" shows how a man can hone himself step by step while overcoming his inner fear.

And Wayne also used a very concise method to introduce the plot setting of "Joker", which is directly linked to "Joker".

And when the audience sees this, they basically understand the simple relationship between characters. Even if the rhythm suddenly speeds up later, there will be no viewing obstacles.

In the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, Bella Grant is also watching and thinking. She is different from ordinary movie fans around her. Tomorrow morning, the "Los Angeles Times" will undertake some film promotion tasks, and her reports will also be put into entertainment. on the headlines.

After seeing the film, not to mention the result, the biggest surprise to her is that Christian Bale\'s portrayal of Batman can be said to be very successful, and she is sure that within a long time after she appeared in the film , the British actor would become the real-world Bruce Wayne.

Even if Christian Bale is unwilling, fans will regard him as the spokesperson of Batman. This is what he has exchanged for his profound performance, which is both glory and restraint.

"Bella." The photographer sitting next to him didn\'t take his eyes off the big screen. He called her softly and said, "If I were you, I would find a way to give the hero of the film an exclusive interview. This young man wants to be popular. It\'s so purple, and his performance is like Batman coming."

"Do you think so too?" Bella Grant didn\'t expect that her partner would think of her together. "I will make an interview as soon as possible, of course, preferably an exclusive interview."

The film has been screened to the ceremony that Bruce Wayne is about to officially join the Shadow Warrior Alliance after being assessed. At the same time, the leader of the organization finally stated his purpose, which is to destroy Gotham City, which is hopeless in their eyes.

And asked him to kill a thief on the spot to prove his sincerity to the organization.

The premiere of the League of Shadow Warriors also compared Gotham City to the decline of Constantine and ancient Rome. It is irreversible like history, and Gotham City will eventually perish in its own demise.

In the eyes of the Shadow Warrior Alliance, Gotham City is the cancer of the world and must be uprooted in order to restore peace to the world.

Of course, Bruce Wayne refused. He swore that he would not kill people. When he found out that the purpose of the Shadow Warrior Alliance was to destroy his hometown, he even decided to destroy this evil organization.

So, as he set fire to the organization academy, the abruptly accelerated action scene also ushered in the film\'s first high nest.

After all kinds of intense fights and explosions, the Shadow Warrior Alliance seemed to be destroyed. He also rescued his teacher before his soul mentor Henry Duka fell into the cliff.

After everything was over, Bruce Wayne ended his wandering life and returned to the long-lost Gotham City.

At this time, the city has been controlled by Carmine\'s gangsters, and the judiciary and the police are conspiring to make Gotham City sink and decay even more than before he left.

Bruce Wayne is determined to change the status quo in the city and bring justice back. He believes that Gotham City lacks an incarnation and symbol of justice, which makes the people of Gotham lose their faith and hope.

And this symbol, Bruce Wayne, who is flesh and blood, can\'t do it, so the idea of ​​Batman was born.

He returned to the underground cave where he fell as a child to face the source of his fear again, the bat. And use Batman as a symbol of his own incarnation of justice, so as to achieve and embrace fear and let himself burst into greater power.

When Bruce Wayne hugged the swarms of bats and held his head proudly, the film also played a powerful background music.

"Batman: Hour of War" has been shown so far, and the tone of the film is dark and serious storytelling, especially with such a bitter and vengeful male protagonist. Although the audience can accept this serious and rigid story style, it is also Repressed emotions have been accumulating.

And the majestic background music, coupled with the picture of Bruce Wayne hugging the bats, made everyone instantly excited and released the emotions that had been suppressed.

The audience understands that the real Batman is born at this moment, and the superhero they are familiar with who fights crime and silently guards Gotham City is here.

Although there was a happy exhalation in the cinema, no one applauded, let alone discussing the plot with friends. This is destined to be a dark and serious epic, which makes people just want to focus on the film. , lest you miss a frame by a second.

As soon as the camera turned on the screen, another scene familiar to DC fans appeared, Arkham Asylum.

Klein is a psychiatrist who specializes in working for gangsters. He diagnoses those gangsters as mentally ill and allows them to be transferred from prison to Arkham mental hospital to gain more freedom and protection.

However, Klein did not completely obey Carmine, and there was a more mysterious organization behind him.

Bruce Wayne\'s sudden return has directly expressed in the company that he has no idea of ​​​​struggling for power and profit, but just wants to go to the Department of Applied Science to check the post.

The Department of Applied Science is headed by Fox. This department is an unpopular part of the Wayne Group, and no one cares about it all the year round, but it was here that Bruce Wayne started the research and development of his own Batman equipment.

Although the rhythm of the story is obviously super fast, but here, Wayne still uses a lot of space to introduce the black technology of Batman\'s equipment. There are two purposes, one of which is definitely to attract the audience, and fans are very interested in these cool equipment. It has always been full of enthusiasm, and some people even buy tickets to watch the film repeatedly in order to study these equipment.

Another purpose is the surroundings. Wayne is a director when he picks up the camera, but when he puts down the camera, he is a capitalist who puts his interests first. Warner Bros. still has his shares. The real profit of the film will always be these extreme costs. Low but selling very expensive peripherals.

As long as "Batman: Hour of War" does well at the box office, there is no need to worry about no one paying for these things.

Different from the films of previous years, the properties of this film are naturally suitable for developing enough derivatives.

Moreover, facing the production cost of 120 million, Warner Bros. invested without any hesitation or doubt. Wayne should also be responsible to the production company, so that shareholders feel that investing in his film is absolutely right, for the future. Large production investment, lay a solid foundation.

Even if he thinks about it, he can be sure of one thing. He will definitely shoot Dachao, Diana, Sea King, etc. in the future. The investment is absolutely astronomical.

This scene has passed, so far, Bruce Wayne\'s identity has begun to double, just like Wayne\'s mansion on the surface, the underground is indeed Batman\'s base.

Sometimes the superheroes of Meiman are really like the ridicule of netizens, \'The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. ’

At this time, Bruce Wayne is a classic rich research and development technology equipment. This equipment also doubled his combat effectiveness.

In this way, Bruce Wayne became a **** in the eyes of the world during the day, and a Batman who took care of Gotham City\'s crimes at night.

In order to test the efficacy of the primary battle suit, he first went to Agent Jim Gordon, and the two sides reached a preliminary alliance. Bruce Wayne believed that Gordon was a trustworthy person, and also found out about Carmine\'s gang. Smuggling trade.

So, on a dark and windy night, when the gang members of Carmine at the dock were carrying smuggled goods, Batman officially went on a mission for the first time, slaughtering the gang including Carmine.

In this scene of Batman dealing with gangsters, Wayne showed the audience well that the unknown is the best meaning of fear.

The audience follows the gangster\'s perspective in the light, while Batman is in the dark, so that everyone can feel the battle method of Batman blending into the darkness and moving with the sound and shadow. Every time he makes a shot, he simply and neatly solves an enemy, and his powerful strength is undoubtedly revealed.

"Where the **** are you?!"

The roar of the criminal\'s collapse resounded throughout the theater.

"This is it!"

As soon as the last gang member turned around, he saw the collapsed Bruce Wayne, and he was knocked unconscious before he could cry out.

In the following plot, although Carmine was caught, the police chief ordered the guardian angel of Gotham City to be wanted, because to the police, Batman is also full of unknowns.

To be full of the unknown is to be full of fear, and fear should be controlled or eliminated.

In order to conceal his identity, Bruce Wayne spent all his time as a rich man in public socializing, embracing beautiful women in and out of luxurious places.

This kind of scene showing the **** fully shows that the rich can really do whatever they want~www.novelhall.com~ Even if the hotel restaurant does not welcome him, he can sign a large check and buy the hotel on the spot.

On the other hand, after Carmine was caught, he used suicide to express that he had mental problems, so he summoned Klein to visit, and the place of visit was Arkham Mental Hospital.

But Klein obviously doesn\'t really want to help Carmine. The secret organization behind him is planning to destroy Gotham City, and Carmine\'s frivolous and arrogant criminal behavior has become an obstacle to the secret organization.

So, Klein took out the mask he was carrying, and released a terrifying poisonous gas on Carmine, turning Carmine into a real neurosis.

At this time, Klein\'s real identity also appeared. He was the famous DC villain Scarecrow.


"I knew that he was not simple."

Whispering appeared in the movie hall for the first time. Fans who can come here are considered to have a good understanding of comics. After all, the Scarecrow is by no means an unknown villain.

In the comics, the scarecrow is one of Batman\'s rivals. He has high achievements in the field of chemistry. He has devoted his life to studying the fears in people\'s hearts. The fear gas in the film is his masterpiece.

He simply enjoys spreading fear and is addicted to it. His mask, the scarecrow mask, is also specially designed by Wayne based on the uncanny valley effect and scaring effect of people.

Leaving aside other things, I just say that the props in this film are all well-designed and convincing. This is the advantage of starting preparations a year in advance.

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