Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixty-one - late

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies!"

Wayne\'s voice, amplified by the loudspeaker, immediately suppressed the commotion of the crowd. "This film has been able to exceed the shooting plan and complete all shooting tasks ahead of schedule, and it is inseparable from everyone\'s hard work!

And one last thing, back in Los Angeles the crew disbanded. When everyone is done with Christmas, and there is a party waiting for you to party, Warner Bros. has set up a bar for us, don\'t forget to come and participate! "

After he finished speaking, he jumped out of the chair and told Zach Snyder, "Be sure to pay attention to the preservation of the film, and save it immediately when you return to Los Angeles."

"I see."

Zach Snyder nodded and started packing up today\'s film.

This question is very important. Wayne has been in this circle for a long time, and he has heard too many news about the film being shot and destroyed because of various "accidents".

Whether it was an accident or not, he tried to avoid such a thing as much as possible. After each shot, the film had to be duplicated, one in a bank vault and one in a Warner Bros. vault.

However, this kind of thing generally only occurs in this era. After a few years, digital technology will gradually replace film. At that time, there will be almost no soil for this kind of **** to happen.

A projector with two discs, stacks of tin boxes storing films, and a snow-white curtain, illuminated by the light and shadow condensed by the old-fashioned projector, formed a movie in people\'s memory.

But these will eventually be eliminated. With the continuous advancement of technology, not only the projection equipment has gradually become a digital projector, but even Wayne\'s favorite 35mm film has gradually been abandoned by Hollywood.

These are all products of the market economy. It’s not that Hollywood studios don’t like film anymore, and it’s not that digital technology is better than film, but because digital technology is cheap.

A very simple point, a film of about one and a half hours, the film is about three kilometers long, and it takes five or six copies to reel, and each copy is about fifty pounds.

Every time a movie is about to be publicly shown, it is necessary to send these amazingly heavy guys to the designated theaters one by one, and the labor cost is a huge expense.

Digital technology will greatly simplify this process. In the early stage, only one encrypted hard disk can be installed, and three or four movies can be loaded. It is enough to give the theater secret key before the show. Encrypted hard drives are no longer needed, and movies are directly transmitted to various theaters by satellite.

The cost saved in this is too high, whether it is human resources, even the cost of copying the film is saved into the profit.

You must know that a large part of the distribution company\'s publicity expenses is the film copy. The cost of making a copy is over $1,500, which is a huge expense even if you have your own factory.

But the cost of an encrypted hard drive is only a few hundred dollars, and it can be recycled repeatedly. As long as it is not damaged, a hard drive can be used for many years.

With this convenient and money-saving technology, Hollywood production companies will abandon the traditional film, it has become a matter of course.

"It\'s all packed, Wayne."

Zach Snyder\'s words interrupted his wild thoughts, and Wayne shook his head and said, "Ok, let\'s go back to Los Angeles."

"Batman: Hour of War" wrapped up all filming, and Wayne got on a plane the next day and returned to Los Angeles. After saying goodbye to the crew members at the airport, they rushed back to the manor without stopping.

After only staying at the manor for one night, he gave the assistant a leave, brought two golden retrievers, and rushed back to the farm in Ventura County. Getting ready to spend Christmas with my parents.

Since his work has become busier in the past few years, Wayne has returned to the farm less and less often. If it hadn\'t happened at this time, he would have missed Christmas again.

On December 25, 1994, when he opened the door and was about to run around the farm, he found that it was raining outside. The dark clouds in the sky were gloomy. kept going down.

"Boy, how long has it been since you got up early to exercise?"

Hearing the voice of old Greenberg, Wayne found his father down the corridor, smoking a huge pipe, sitting at the door watching the rare heavy rain outside.

"Maybe a few months? Who knows." He shrugged and sat down beside his father. "I\'m so busy, I wake up every day with a lot of work waiting to be done."

The two golden retrievers walked out of the living room with lazy steps, and lay down next to his legs.

The rain in the sky gradually decreased, and the sun pierced the dark clouds and shone on the white pasture. The sun in the winter is very dazzling, but it does not bring a trace of warmth.

Wayne took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a deep breath. The weather in Los Angeles should be much warmer than New York, but he didn\'t feel the difference.

Raising his hand to touch his bald head, old Greenberg stared at him carefully for a while. "You\'re in good spirits, much better than when you got home yesterday. You\'re still young, you know, work isn\'t everything in life, don\'t put too much pressure on yourself, you\'re already great."

"Maybe it\'s coming home and letting me relax completely."

Reaching out and rubbing the heads of two huge dogs, Wayne was smoking a cigarette, watching the light rain gradually stop in the pasture. "The production cost this time is too high. The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars has given me plenty of creative space, but the same pressure is like a mountain, pressing on my shoulders."

"Honey, you\'re putting too much pressure on yourself." Anna Greenberg came out in an apron with two steaming cups of coffee, put the coffee on the table, and kissed him lightly on the face .

"Mom believes that you will continue to be successful, Honey, you are the biggest pride of mom right now, so don\'t force yourself to work too much."

With a smile on his face, Wayne nodded and took a swig of his coffee, which is why he always wanted to come back. No matter what the reason was, he came here inexplicably, and God finally treated him well and gave him a very happy family environment.

Old Greenberg was also happily smoking his pipe, and his mother turned back to the kitchen to continue making breakfast. The quiet atmosphere on the farm, as always, made Wayne exhausted physically and mentally, and gradually relaxed.

He was supposed to stay for two days and was about to go back to Los Angeles, but he stayed there until after the New Year, and spent the last day of 1994 with his parents. On the first day of 1995, he got in the car and returned to Los Angeles. Continue your unfinished work.

Everything is fine on the farm, and the quiet and peaceful life is fascinating. Wayne missed the carnival party perfectly because he stayed at home for a few more days, but he didn\'t regret it, he was not a party creature.

After a short break, Wayne returned to a post-production studio at Warner Bros. Studios to begin post-production on Batman: Hour of War.

The basis of post-production work is undoubtedly film editing. Don’t look at the tiring shooting before, but those tedious and tiring shooting work are also serving for editing.

But there is good news, that is, editor Dawn Scott is observing every day after shooting, and sometimes even goes to the studio to discuss plans with him. In the early stage of shooting, the editor is deeply involved, which can be considered as a This step lays the foundation.

"We have to cut the trailer as soon as possible, Warner Bros. has been urging."

When everyone was here, Dwayne Scott spoke first.

"No problem, just as we negotiated before, the frenetic scene of the Super Bowl, our trailer should also match that atmosphere."

Wayne nodded, thought for a while and continued: "Don\'t worry about continuity, and don\'t worry about story logic. We only have 30 seconds, just cut in the hot scenes that fans like, and add Just a few shots of Batman\'s equipment, and it\'s enough to attract attention."

"Ok, no problem."

"Wayne." Tim Burton waited for them to finish the exchange before he said: "For the soundtrack work of the film, I hired the soundtrack master Hans Zimmer, and his team will immediately after seeing the rough cut samples, Start working on the soundtrack for the film.”

"Okay, I\'ll talk to him later."

Before the first rough cut of the film, or before the filming started, he had his own editing ideas. In the editing, Christopher Nolan likes to play a lot of work, and likes to disrupt the narrative of the film the most, and is good at telling stories with various scenes.

However, Wayne is not Christopher Nolan after all. From Dwayne Scott\'s first knife, he gave him a clear editing idea. This film will be based on linear narrative, which is his best production method. , it can also lower the threshold for watching movies, so that more ordinary people can understand the movie along with the story.

That is to say, "Batman: Hour of War" will definitely be presented in the form of multi-line narrative~www.novelhall.com~ Especially the beginning of the film, there will be almost no use of interspersed flashbacks.

We all know a truth. It is actually very simple to make delicious ingredients into a delicious dish. But to make a very valuable ingredient into a big pot dish that most ordinary people find delicious, it definitely requires a little skill.

Wayne is doing this kind of work right now, and to make a story as familiar as Batman and to make it fit the appetite of the masses, it definitely needs some skill.

Not only will he be the first director to shoot a superhero with a serious and dark temperament, but he will also make this dark epic as bold as an opera.

Pulling the previously virtualized comic world into a cold and realistic environment, Wayne used a lot of spotlights for lighting the film, and the characters often used contour lights. From this method, it is the arrangement of the stage play.

Of course, this one is just the beginning, and in the next two parts, he will strengthen this effect even more.

Coupled with the towering and empty space layout, the dark parts are completely invisible, and the coordination of the sound effects will make the audience feel a sense of majesty.