Hollywood Drawing

~: 251 - Jimmy's Entrepreneurial Ambition

Naomi Watts is aware of this, and Wayne thinks it\'s a good thing, and doesn\'t think she\'s in a bad state.

This woman\'s original character is perseverance. If she is still on the original track, she will cooperate with Nicole Kidman in 1991 "The Heart of Love", and then return to Australia because she has no chance in Hollywood.

But in 1993, she would be unwilling to carry her luggage and come to Los Angeles again, hoping to get a better chance to become famous. Naomi Watts, who is in her early 20s, is the most energetic age. She will insist on working in a convenience store while constantly running to the crew to audition.

During this period, she never got any chance, and could only play the role of a dragon, relying on odd jobs to maintain her life in Los Angeles.

In the big city of Los Angeles, she couldn\'t make ends meet, she lived a difficult life, had no medical insurance, and did not have any living guarantee. Even if it was like this, this woman had been gritting her teeth and constantly ran to various crews to audition.

This kind of life lasted for seven years, and finally, by chance, was appreciated by David Lynch and starred in the "Mulholland Drive" that made her famous.

Such a tenacious character and disposition is what Wayne admires the most about her, so from the first film, he was willing to bring this patient and cruel woman to himself. In some respects, the two of them were simply so similar.

They are all for their own goals and keep moving forward. Wayne doesn\'t even make friends. He insists on learning all kinds of knowledge for more than ten years in loneliness. He knows very well the pains that he has to go through to persist in pursuing his goals.

This woman is not like she used to be now, and she has not experienced the hard time that affected her for seven years, which may have some impact on her, but Wayne believes that as long as she does not make stupid mistakes, as long as she is there, she will definitely More successful than I can remember.

Naomi Watts is now famous, and he definitely doesn\'t have to act in films like "Midnight Bell" and "21 Grams", and even if necessary, he doesn\'t mind getting the gorilla out in advance and letting him This woman went to a coffee at the best age.

"Hey, there\'s something dirty on my face?"

The blonde beauty who just came out of the bathroom, wearing a large white bathrobe, sat opposite Wayne and took out the script, but found that the man opposite was staring at her in a daze.

"No, you are beautiful."

Wayne shook his head slightly, looked at Naomi Watts and said, "Don\'t embarrass yourself too much, I know your acting ability very well, and you can control this role completely. Listen, Nami, as long as you Adjust your mentality, it\'s not a problem for you at all."

"I understand." Naomi Watts raised her eyebrows, her face regaining the confidence she should have. "After this film is over, back in Los Angeles, I\'m going to go to another acting school."

If she only starred in summer popcorn-type commercials, she felt that her acting skills were sufficient, but if she wanted to continue starring in Wayne\'s films, she would definitely need to improve at the current level. These are what she just wanted to understand.

The man on the opposite side will definitely not make that kind of popcorn movie in the future. His works are born with artistic attributes. Under the dark style, he is always discussing human nature, social attributes, various ideas of consciousness, etc. This kind of film It can achieve the actor\'s desire to perform to the greatest extent, but it can increase the requirements for the actor itself.

Hearing her arrangement for himself, Wayne smiled knowingly, lit a cigarette, and said, "This is a very smart choice, Nami, you will become the Oscar queen in the future, and you will definitely have your own. Little golden man."

"Oscar is not my first pursuit. I still remember what you said at the beginning." Naomi Watts crossed her legs on the sofa, and didn\'t care about the prying eyes of the man opposite her. She knew that the other party admired her figure. which point.

"You won\'t forget the career path you planned for me when you first met, right? I remember every word clearly. After years of experience, I found out that everything you said was right at the beginning. This is definitely the most suitable my career plan.

I am going to be successful in business first. When I can have the box office appeal like Julia Roberts, I should also have the capital to rush awards. Only then will I consider the issue of professional awards. "

Wayne exhaled a puff of green smoke and said with sincere admiration, "You are sober! All of this will come true."

Rolling his eyes at him, Naomi Watts joked: "Learn from you, you must keep a clear self-awareness and a clear mind at all times."

He smiled and shook his head, picked up tomorrow\'s shooting plan again, lowered his head and started his work.

Los Angeles, the city of angels, in the second-floor office of CAA in Burbank, Jimmy looked at the sky outside the window, rubbed his forehead vigorously, and began to clean up the documents on the table.

Because of the departure of the manager, Emperor Michael Ovitz, CAA continued to experience turmoil during this period. His immediate boss was also excluded from the company because of the failure of the power struggle, which made Jimmy\'s situation very embarrassing.

He didn\'t have the idea of ​​finding another faction for himself. If those partners didn\'t notice him, he was going to do this first to see if there was any chance to seek to become a partner.

But things are far from being as simple as he thought. At today\'s routine meeting, Martin Bob, one of the largest partners in the company, raised his dissatisfaction with his work and hoped that he could work on Wayne\'s crew. , adding more CAA customers.

He had a headache just thinking about the process. Jimmy had different ideas from those big brokers. He had always put himself in a very positive position, the role of Wayne\'s servant. He had never had any other messy ideas.

Through today\'s routine meeting, he suddenly realized one thing, these people are busy fighting for the rights vacated after Michael Ovitz left, and they don\'t care about other things, completely ignoring a major event.

Wayne\'s brokerage contract is about to expire. If the company is normal, it is time to contact him to discuss the issue of making an appointment in advance, but these senior partners seem to have ignored this.

The four-year brokerage agency contract signed in 1991 should only be left in the second half of the year. This kind of problem related to its top customers, the whole company seems to be concerned about him alone, which is obviously abnormal. .

Based on Jimmy\'s observations, it is estimated that by next year, CAA\'s brokers and clients will definitely lose a large portion.

"Hey, I knew you hadn\'t left yet." The door of the office was pushed open, Stan Horford walked in with a briefcase, sat across from the desk, and said:

"Jimmy, don\'t care about those **** senior partners, now they\'re all beasts of power, even because of Wright Manning, Martin Bob is at best adding some obstacles to your becoming a partner, he definitely I dare not force you away."

Stan Horford was his only friend in the whole company. The two walked out of the mail room together. The relationship after that has been maintained well in the past few years. This is a rare agent who does not suffer from pink eye.

"I\'m fine, let\'s have a drink together?" Jimmy packed up the papers on the table, took off his suit jacket from the hanger, and beckoned him to go out together.


The two left the company without driving, and walked directly to the bar they frequented.

Jimmy didn\'t take Martin Bob\'s exclusion too seriously. He was worried about Wayne\'s contract renewal. As long as the big director was still a client of his own, no one in CAA would dare to force him too much.

The reason why he didn\'t mention it at the regular meeting was that he actually had another idea, but he had been hesitating and couldn\'t make up his mind.

The bar is not far from the company building. This is also the gathering place for the nearby white-collar workers after get off work. The two of them often came over for a drink before. After the two entered the bar, they walked directly to the corner of the bar and ordered two large glasses of beer.

After Jimmy entered the bar, he didn\'t speak. He turned the wine glass in his hand from time to time, thinking about the gains and losses in his mind. It wasn\'t until more than ten minutes later that he suddenly opened his mouth and whispered to his companion who was staring at the beauty looking for prey:

"Stan, what do you think if I want to quit my job and start my own business?"

"fxxk! Are you crazy Jimmy?!" Stan Horford stopped his body swinging to the music, looked back from the scantily clad woman, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Don\'t be impulsive, think about how much hardship we\'ve put in over the past few years, calm down, Jimmy! Don\'t let anger dominate your brain!"

As he said that, he grabbed his companion\'s shoulder, shook it forcefully a few times, and stared into the other\'s eyes with a serious expression.

"you listen to me."

Shaking his shoulders, Jimmy shook the other\'s hands on his shoulders, and said in a very serious tone: "There is one thing you don\'t know, Wayne\'s brokerage appointment is coming soon, but now I\'m the only one who noticed it. this matter."

"What?" Stan Horford opened his mouth in surprise~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing his surprised look, he probably didn\'t expect such an important customer to be ignored by a company in turmoil.

"So, I\'m going to quit my job after a while and start a small brokerage company." Jimmy shrugged, took a swig of beer and continued.

Stan Horford suddenly understood that there is no fool to survive in a competitive place like CAA. He looked at the surroundings, deliberately lowered his voice and said:

"Are you going to take Wayne Greenberg away from CAA?"

"That\'s right." Jimmy nodded, which was the decision he just made. "With my relationship with Wayne, I am 80 percent sure that I will let him sign with the agency I established, and I will tell him that this company will only serve him alone.

All the business will revolve around him, and even I will pull investment from him, let him occupy a part of the shares, and completely tie the two of us together. What do you think of this plan? "