Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and fifty-two - genuine Jewish capitalist

Jimmy\'s words are very convincing and very feasible, and Stan Horford understands that if the other party really wants to do it, there is a high probability of success.

"Stan." Jimmy looked at his friends, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Do you want to play together? I think we can become partners directly."

This proposal was indeed very tempting. Stan Horford fell into silence. The music in the bar seemed to disappear at this moment, and this state lasted for more than ten minutes.

"When will you officially resign, tell me in advance, and we will go to register the company together."

He also stretched out his arms and gave each other three high fives. Holding up the beer mugs in their hands, they touched it hard and drank the wine together.

"Don\'t worry, Stan." Jimmy squinted his eyes and said, "I\'ve already thought about it. After the company was established, the two of us will only work around one client, Wayne, and then I will sign a small number of small actors as appropriate. Into Wayne\'s project, this model of business method, absolutely can be successful."

Stan Horford nodded, realizing that this was the safest way to make money for a small company.

Just when the agent was planning to start a business, the crew in New York was also filming smoothly. Christian Bale performed as always, and Naomi Watts also began to adapt to the shooting schedule.

"Bruce Wayne\'s fear of himself comes from the deepest part of his heart. When he overcomes his inner fear and stands reborn in the bat colony, he is truly ready to become Batman."

On the set, Wayne pulled Christian Bale and was giving him a play.

"You have now gained your own incomparable strength through hard study and exercise, and have overcome the fear and weakness in your heart. You are officially qualified to incarnate fear and become a messenger of justice in the dark."

"Christian." Wayne tapped him on the shoulder. "I\'m not worried about emotions. You have always performed very well. Now the shooting progress is very fast. You have to adjust your mentality in time and relax before the end of the shooting."

"I will. When the filming is over, I have time to rest, but before the filming is over, I will try my best to play the role well." Christian Bale vowed.

Well, Wayne knew it at a glance, and he said his words in vain. He has tried his best to speed up the shooting, otherwise no one can guarantee that this young man will overwhelm himself due to the pressure of acting.

"Well, I look forward to your performance in the remaining shots."

Christian Bale nodded and walked into the set that was about to start shooting. This is a restaurant on the streets of New York. After passing through the set, an important scene of the male and female protagonists will be filmed here.






As all departments were ready, the male and female protagonists also entered the state, and after the on-site slate rang, the shooting officially began.

"Rachel, no, none of this is..."

At the beginning of the shooting, Christian Bale looked at the heroine Naomi Watts with an uneasy look on his face, as if he wanted to explain, but hesitantly did not know what to say.

"This is not the real me. In fact, my heart is never so superficial..."

"Comeon! Bruce, let\'s go buy a few more restaurants!" Charlize Theron and another blond beauty shouted at Christian Bale in a sports car at the door of the restaurant.

Naomi Watts smiled and said to the childhood sweetheart in front of her: "Bruce, I believe in your heart, you are still the righteous child, but it doesn\'t matter who you are under your appearance, what you do is the most important. important."

After speaking, she restrained the expression on her face, turned around and walked towards the distance.


Wayne held the megaphone, but kept his eyes on the monitor screen. "There\'s no problem with this scene, it\'s over!"

Hearing the director shouting to pass, the staff swarmed up. Start packing up the shooting scene. Naomi Watts pouted and watched Charlize Theron walk towards the director\'s seat.

"Wayne." The South African diamond smiled. "How am I doing?"

"Very good, you are beautiful in the camera." Wayne talked about her advantages. In fact, this is just a trick role, basically not to mention performance, the only advantage is beauty. "Your role is over, report to the crew of "Detective Plane 2" as soon as possible."

Charlize Theron frowned, she could hear the perfunctory in the other party\'s words, but still kept a smile. "I\'ll be leaving New York tomorrow, do you want to come to my room tonight, or I\'ll go look for you?"

"I\'ll think about it, I\'ll call you after work is over." Wayne casually explained, turning to Zach Snyder on the side and saying, "Complete the transition as soon as possible, and we\'ll take another shot before we finish work. "

The time has gradually come to December, the shooting progress is very smooth, and the remaining scenes are getting less and less. Now that Mei takes one more shot, you can free up more time for post-production.

Charlize Theron watched him busy communicating with the staff, glanced at the place where Naomi Watts was resting, snorted inwardly, turned and walked towards the vanity car.

It has been many days since she came to New York to join the group, but she didn\'t go to Wayne deliberately, just because she didn\'t want the other party to feel that she was causing trouble. She had to leave after the scene was over, so she tried to ask.

But now she understands a little, as long as the Australian woman is there, the man will hardly look at other women.

The transition filming that followed was very smooth. After NG twice, it was passed, and another day\'s work was over. Wayne also went back to the pull room to review the footage shot today, and then make a schedule for the next day\'s shooting based on the obviously overshooting schedule.

But work was interrupted by a phone call. Nina covered the phone and whispered, "Harvey Weinstein."

"Give it to me." Wayne stretched, took the phone to his ear, and lit a cigarette with one hand.

"Hi, I\'m Wayne, what\'s the matter with me?"

Harvey Weinstein\'s voice came from the phone. "Hey, how is the filming? I want to talk to you about the schedule of "The Witch". When do you think it is appropriate?"

Wayne had already had a plan. "After the publicity funds are in place, put it at the end of December or the beginning of January. I will urge Warner Bros. to pay the share. You don\'t have to worry about this. After this project is launched, it must not be delayed for too long. Get fans into theaters quickly.”

"No problem, I\'ll deal with the promotion. Do you have any other opinions?"

"Other opinions..."

Wayne pondered for a while, recalled the customized plan and said: "You have someone cut out a more realistic documentary, as if it was accidentally leaked, and send it to the TV station together with the missing notices of three missing college students. More Buy some local TV stations, even late-night exploration programs."

"Don\'t worry." Harvey Weinstein said by phone: "This is not a problem, I will send it to the media along with a lot of historical materials about witches, eyewitness evidence, diaries and other things.

The handwritten notes of the missing persons in the movie before they disappeared, the photos of themselves and various information about their family members, as well as various news reports after them, I have already made them, and I am waiting to spread them all together. "

"Harvey, you must bite to death." Wayne didn\'t care about the two women who were eavesdropping, took a deep breath of his cigarette, and continued on the phone: "Whether you give these things to the TV station or all kinds of gossip tabloid media , I must kill the videotape I found by accident, and then say that the videotape is still urgently repaired, and it will be released after a while!"

"Okay, I will order it. I have already contacted a large printing factory. As long as the report has caused some discussion, I will immediately increase the promotion efforts. In the shortest possible time, through newspapers, magazines, and video tape rental stores Where to wait, post a missing person notice.

Hire "volunteers" on the streets of major cities to distribute missing person notices and news reports, as well as handwritten diaries of the three missing college students, photos of themselves and other things. "

Wayne said with satisfaction: "That\'s it, people who receive propaganda information will become the source of the virus one by one, and when they spread the virus, social hot spots will emerge."

Just when the two of them finished talking, when he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly stopped the movement of his hand, raised the phone again and said, "Harvey, find a way to gather all those film creators together, Give them a sum of money and arrange a trip to a farther place~www.novelhall.com~ After the film is officially released, bring them all back, let them participate in the promotion according to the contract, to attract the anger of the media and the whole society Remember, Miramax is only the distributor, the producer is the creator of the movie!"


When Harvey Weinstein hung up, he wiped the sweat from his face. The last few words of this young man made him feel that he was a ruthless man. He was definitely a genuine Jewish capitalist.

As long as the plan goes smoothly, he and Wayne\'s witch studio will make a lot of money, but those young people will definitely face the anger of the whole society, and those fans who have been deceived will probably want to tear it apart. crush them.

Especially the little director who shot the film, it is estimated that the director\'s dream in this life is here, and he will gain huge popularity. As for what this popularity will bring him, no one can know.

"Wayne Greenberg!" Harvey Weinstein whispered the name, and he had to admire in his heart, this is not like a young man, it is just a poisonous snake, otherwise how could he come up with this virus plan .