Hollywood Drawing

~: 206-1 bites off your arm

"I need to think about this, Harvey."

Wayne\'s hand holding the cigarette lightly scratched the stubble on his chin and thought for a while, but this time he didn\'t say anything completely. In any case, this matter cannot be discussed clearly in a few words, and this environment is not suitable.


The big fat man stood up happily and shook hands with him again. "If you have time, you are welcome to come to Miramax. Quentin likes your production style very much. Knowing that I was coming, he asked me to help invite you to the premiere of Pulp Fiction."

"No problem, you can ask him to send me an invitation letter later, and I will definitely be there to support you!"

Wayne also happily agreed. Of course, the premise of all this is the cooperation in the future. If we can negotiate, we can support each other. If we don\'t negotiate, there is no need.

After Harvey Weinstein said these words, he turned and left the rest area, but he did not leave in a hurry, but walked to the cinema on the first floor and waited for the start of the screening of "Joker\'s Soul".

He wanted to see what kind of film this was. As a producer who had tried to cooperate with the other party several times, but never made it, Harvey Weinstein always felt that he was underestimating the ability of the other party.

Especially the "Joker" that swept the world last year, this film made Wayne Greenberg a god, directly from a director who is good at small and broad genre films into the most special commercial director in the circle. .

In Quentin Tarantino\'s production style, there are many similarities with him, or rather similar in some places. But Harvey Weinstein always feels that Quentin is like Wayne before "Joker", and there are some special things that are very different between the two.

In particular, Quentin\'s use of violent scenes is much more flooded than Wayne\'s films.

The most important thing is that Quentin\'s film structure is mostly wild and uninhibited chapters, while Wayne Greenberg tends to multi-line narrative, which is the difference in essence between the two.

It can be easily seen from this that Wayne\'s habits still belong to the strict and orthodox academic school, but everyone is attracted by his strong personal style and never wants to classify him into the academic school.

Just watching Wayne Greenberg\'s films, the core will always be some protagonists or stories that are both good and evil, which thoroughly and distorts the analysis of human nature and social issues. The violent tendency is serious but not abused, but the application is like a rushing river, which can instantly release the audience\'s emotions.

Quentin Tarantino is a little different. His films tend to be more violent. It can also be said that the violent aesthetics permeate the whole story, as if it makes you happy all the time, allowing you to release your emotions at any time.

Harvey Weinstein didn\'t expect much. He only hoped that Quentin, a director somewhat similar to Wayne, could achieve half of the other party\'s business performance, then he would be very content.

"I just went to ask, the invitation letter that the fat man got himself temporarily was not sent to him by Warner Brothers." Nina went around and reported to her boss in a low voice when she came back.

Nodding, Wayne didn\'t take it to heart. "Don\'t worry about him, this person is a very shrewd character, and he definitely has enough thickness, otherwise he wouldn\'t be such a successful producer."

The other party can make Miramax\'s business prosperous, and it still relies on various independent films and genre films. This kind of small-budget film is the most test of eyesight and management ability. Unlike big investment and big production, it is the success rate of Hollywood. highest item.

Except for the outsider Harvey Weinstein, there is no one else on the stage today, which also makes the premiere a stage for fans. Almost except for the media area, the back of the theater is full of fans.


"Mr. Greenberg!"

Under the leadership of the eldest sister Drew Barrymore, a group of young actors who had just attended the press conference returned to the lounge on the second floor. They were not old enough to watch movies. They could only come if their parents did not follow. Say hello and prepare to leave.

Wayne stood up and walked to a few young actors, patted them on the shoulders one by one, and said, "Go back early to rest, you will start the national publicity tomorrow morning, believe me, this is definitely not an easy job, especially For you kids."

"You\'re not with us?" Drew Barrymore asked in surprise. Normally, whether as a film director or a project producer, he should lead the team to promote it.

"No." Wayne shook his head. "I still have a lot of work to spare, another crew will have a problem at any time for me to solve, and I will stay in Los Angeles."

Several children greeted politely for a while, and then left under the leadership of Drew Barrymore, and the girl\'s complaint could still be heard faintly. "Damn, why don\'t we let us watch the movies we star in..."

Compared with Li Guohao, they really can\'t watch the film they starred in, and they can\'t even participate in the curtain call after the film ends, which is really unfriendly to an actor.

This premiere was less cluttered. Even the press conference was held before the film was shown, and there was also less of a party reception after the film was shown. From this point of view, this was really a simple premiere.

Just as Wayne and the others returned to the screening room and sat in the front row waiting for the film to start, an uninvited guest walked in silently among the fans. Warner Bros. did not invite film critics because they had already done a good job in public relations.

But people who have seen it can\'t stand it, and they want to come and watch it again, such as Todd McCarthy sitting among the fans.

He can be regarded as one of Wayne\'s die-hard supporters. He appreciates this kind of noir film very much, and will not give up this opportunity to watch it once, which also helps to publish film reviews in his column.

Although the tastes of film critics are always at odds with the tastes of public fans, and they always talk about art and the like, Todd McCarthy understands that it is the industry rule, just to highlight the elegance of his group\'s appreciation level.

However, film critics are also a type of film fans. Among them, there are no fools who can become famous. They are also sucking blood in the production industry, but they will always understand the needs of the public fans. If you really think that you are superior to others and are out of the foundation of the public fans, then they will only be abandoned by the public fans.

Without the basic plan of mass movie fans, production companies will no longer publicize them. Without influence, film critics will starve to death no matter how elegant and artistic they are.

"It\'s not easy for us to wait so long for this movie."

Todd McCarthy suddenly heard chatter in the front row, it was a young man, and two of his friends were girls.

At this time, one of the Latino girls gave the boy a thumbs up. "Jesse, you are still amazing, you can get movie tickets for the premiere!"

"Emma, ​​it\'s not my credit. My dad got it. He also got it from the Warner Bros. staff. Their company mainly deals in products, which are Warner Bros. movie peripherals."

The man named Jesse was a white boy. Under Todd McCarthy\'s observation, they should all be college students, and they should all be in their twenties.

"Yeah," said another white girl. "After months of waiting, Wayne\'s new movie is finally here, and I thought it would be in May. Jessie, can you go back and let your dad go? Help, get two autographs of Wayne Greenberg, he\'s so handsome, I heard he was a quarterback in school..."

The lights in the movie hall began to go out one by one, and the people chatting in front of them also kept their voices low, and in the entire movie hall with hundreds of people, all kinds of cluttered voices gradually became smaller.

Most of the fans who can come here to attend the premiere are Wayne fans or horror genre fans. Everyone consciously stopped chores and focused on the lighted curtain.

"There are already die-hard movie fans and followers, Wayne, I really can\'t see through your alternative director..."

Taking his attention away from a few young people, Todd McCarthy also turned his attention to the big screen, but he still noticed that Wayne has a lot of die-hard movie fans, and they are the main crowd of movie consumption, young people!

This is a bit unreasonable. Directors are behind-the-scenes jobs anyway. Some directors with die-hard movie fans have accumulated more than ten or twenty years of experience. Most of the movie fans are middle-aged and elderly people of the same age.

In fact, this famous film critic will not be surprised by all this as long as it takes another ten years. By then, the director will basically walk from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and everyone will have more or less support groups. .

The director\'s fans are different from the stars. They will not ask their favorite director to be handsome, good character, or have no moral problems. They will only ask their favorite director for one thing, and that is to make good-looking movies.

Compared with those star fan groups, the loyalty of such fans is higher.

The logo of Warner Bros. began to appear on the big screen, and Bella Grant hurried to her seat. When she sat down and looked at the big screen~www.novelhall.com~ just caught up with the beginning of the film.

The words "Wayne-Greenberg!" are over.

The film officially begins. The story takes place in a small town called Derry. The young male protagonist Bill and his younger brother appear on the screen. He folded a paper boat for his younger brother. The younger brother took the paper boat happily and ran out excitedly. play.

It was raining heavily outside, and the paper boat floated forward along the rain, and the little boy followed quickly.

The camera also followed the paper boat all the way into the sewers. When the little boy bent down and was about to pick up the paper boat, who would have thought that a clown suddenly stood at the entrance of the sewer.

The little boy was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. The clown looked at him with a smile like that, and even started talking to him. The little boy naively put his hand into the sewer to get the paper boat.

Suddenly, countless ferocious fangs like straw popped out of the clown\'s mouth, biting off the little boy\'s arm in one bite, and then dragging him into the sewer!


"oh god!"


The audience in the theater was watching intently, and suddenly they screamed in fright. Everyone was terrified by this shot. This shot is different from American horror movies, and it has a bit of a combination of East and West in it.

The scary thing about American horror is the blood plasma, a lot of it, and the scary thing about oriental horror is the atmosphere, and the suddenness.

The audience can say that this is the first time they have seen such a scene, this kind of **** scene that suddenly appeared, gave everyone an accident, a completely unprepared accident!

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