Hollywood Drawing

~: 131 - Get out of this cursed place as soon as possible.

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Before the sun from the Big Apple could shine into the room, Wayne was woken up by his biological clock, and he glanced at the two women wrapped around him, and he thought of last night\'s madness again.

Reaching out his hand to touch the watch on the head of the bed, and realizing that it was still very early, Wayne forcefully separated the two people on his body, ignoring the muttering in their mouths, got up and walked into the bathroom, ready to take a shower. Go to the crew early to start. Work.

The steaming warm water rushed down from the shaggy head above his head, like washing away the soreness of struggling for a long time. Wayne slammed his back and shook his head. This kind of indulgent life cannot always come, otherwise he is strong. His body couldn\'t stand the two man-eating tigers.


When he turned off the water and was about to wipe his body with a bath towel, he turned around and saw in the mirror a row of deep tooth marks on his chest.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed it hard. Seeing that there was no effect, Wayne shook his head. He felt a little pain when he touched it. I don\'t know which **** couldn\'t stand the bite last night. rub it.

Don\'t think about being comfortable in your chest this day, **** it.

"Good morning, Honey!" Harry-Berry grabbed his hair with one hand, walked in in a daze, stood under the shower and turned on the water, presumably Wayne woke her up , simply got up and went to the crew with him.

"Harry." Pointing to the row of small teeth marks on his chest, Wayne tilted his head to look at her. "Did you do this? Don\'t deny it. Only you, a wild little wild cat, can talk."

"No, how could that be? That girl is wilder than me, Honey."

Regardless of her explanation at all, Wayne grinned, thinking of the two different colors he had laid side by side on the bed last night, tsk tsk tsk, how exciting!

Seeing the changes in his body, Black Pearl immediately widened her eyes and woke up. "Hey, what the **** did you think of? Go out after you wash up. I\'ll go to the set with you later!"

"There\'s still time, get down on your knees, Harry, I can give you breakfast before going out..."

At 7:30 in the morning, Wayne and the three women were sitting at the dining table, and Sergey stood alone by the window, gulping down the sandwich in his hand, staring at Nina with a somber gaze.

She forgot to bring dinner to the Russian bear last night. When he was too hungry, it was not suitable for him to come out to find something to eat.

Cameron Diaz yawned and took out the milk, but Harry Berry looked sullen. Only Wayne looked refreshed and swallowed scrambled eggs. .

"Nina, you don\'t have to follow me today." The mood was extraordinarily beautiful, and Wayne became extraordinarily generous. "Isn\'t my card in yours? Go for a walk with Kami. It\'s the same rule, you understand?"

Hearing the boss\'s words, Nina had no other thoughts in an instant, and regardless of Harry-Berry\'s suspicious eyes, she said loudly: "Understood, two people, a consumption limit of two hundred thousand dollars!"

Before going out, Cameron Diaz took the initiative to hug him, and Wayne warned him again. "You can go shopping, but you must listen to all Nina\'s arrangements, and don\'t accept any interviews with reporters!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the elevator with Black Pearl. Sergey is a good and diligent young man. He had already gone downstairs to prepare the car, but Black Pearl in the elevator looked at him silently.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally spoke before the elevator opened. "Can I..."

"Okay, you can go shopping this weekend, I\'ll tell Nina, the same $100,000." Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Wayne waving her hand. The assistant was just saying the consumption figures. At that time, Wayne clearly saw the envy in her eyes.

Most importantly, this girl worked very hard last night and this morning. Wayne\'s rule is that you should not be stingy with the happiness you can buy with money, so that the other party will also get happiness.

The shooting progress of the indoor scenes was quite smooth, and the streets of Brooklyn could basically be filmed after a simple arrangement. The time came to early November. Just after Cameron Diaz left New York, Wayne also led the crew back to the street studio. .

Filming the film in the Big Apple made him feel like he was cursed. He was going to shoot these locations in the shortest possible time, leaving New York and returning to Los Angeles for production.

Adapted to the year-round sunshine in California, the cold air in New York in the morning and evening always made him feel a little at a loss. The crew of the crew rushed into the arranged street studio in the misty morning mist.

"Zach, pay attention to the positioning of those actors, let\'s speed up and leave this **** place as soon as possible after filming." Wayne was yelling at the assistant director with a loudspeaker, and the studio seemed chaotic early in the morning. , like a vegetable market.

There are many extras on both sides of the street. These recruits who are temporarily hired in New York have no concept of crew discipline.

"Nikola, this will be a long shot." Pulling the male lead aside, Wayne patiently began to tell him what he wanted. "Pay attention to the angle of leaning against the window, and your facial expression, this ending scene is very important. Zach is organizing a group performance station, let\'s fight for one!"

This is a scene where Arthur was locked in his car and passed through the crowd after he was arrested. The clown just shot and killed someone on live TV. At this moment, he has transformed from a kind Arthur to that clown. .

Nicolas Cage, with makeup on his face, suddenly put on a Arthurian smile. "I\'ve practiced at the hotel many times, leave it to me!"

A few days ago, the director specially emphasized these scenes to him, and asked him to start practicing ahead of time, just to cope with this scene. This chaotic set is always testing the actor\'s ability.

"Relax, we\'ll start right away, take out the state you were in when you practiced, it\'s easy for you!"

After patting him on the shoulder, Wayne turned around and walked back to the director\'s monitor. Regardless of the various sounds coming from his ears, he opened the shooting plan and began to plan the layout of the camera.

"Quiet!" Zach Snyder coordinated everyone and shouted through a loudspeaker. "Everyone pay attention, the filming will start immediately, and all of them will move according to the previous practice."

After speaking, he turned to look in the direction of the director, and Wayne stared at the monitor. The camera on the screen had been set up outside the car, catching the face of Nicolas Cage leaning against the window.

After feeling that everything was fine, he stretched out his arm and waved. "let\'s start!"

"\'Joker\', Article 132, Act One, Begin!"

The road was lined with crazy crowds in Gotham City, and Arthur watched from the car. During the entire shooting of these scenes, Wayne used the bad shooting techniques that Hollywood used after more than ten years, such as medium and close-up shots. Mix up the angles to create a feeling of nervous anticipation.

For example, a camera follows the wheel of a car, and cuts in a few seconds later, which can create the tension and excitement brought by speed. With the cooperation of various angles of several cameras, the picture becomes closer to the effect he wants.

In making this film, Wayne must do everything possible to increase the appeal of the story to the audience, and show them something new, otherwise he will not be able to eat a piece of cake in this era of action movies.

"How\'s the effect?"

After the long shot, Nicolas Cage and Zach Snyder trotted over to watch the replay of the previous episode, with Wayne clasping his hands and staring at the screen.

After replaying it again, they nodded slightly. "This is over, let Li Guohao prepare for the crash scene!"

This made the actor and the assistant director feel relieved, knowing that there were too many group performances on the scene, and organizing a reset shooting ~www.novelhall.com~ may have passed more than an hour.

"Safety is very important, Zach, be sure to take all measures!" Hearing the director\'s instructions, Zach Snyder nodded and walked towards Li Guohao who got into the car.

If it goes well, the crew\'s work here will end soon, and no one wants any safety accidents now. The next scene requires the protagonist\'s car to be hit, and Arthur will be rescued by the crazy crowd.



As the crash progressed, Wayne glanced at the camera and there was nothing wrong with it, and immediately picked up the megaphone and shouted, "Pull people out and see if the stuntman is injured!"

"The staff is fine, Director!"

After the crowd dispersed, all three stuntmen got out and nodded to Wayne.

"ok, continue the following shots, Zach, pay attention to the connection of personnel..."