Hollywood Drawing

~: Hundred Thirty - Take off your shoes and punch them hard!

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After the assistant closed the door, Wayne walked out neatly, letting the two women go first, winked at Nina\'s confused eyes, and said softly.

"The two women were outside just now, and nothing **** happened, right?"

"Oh my God, boss!" Nina looked at the two women who were walking side by side in front of them, but said nothing. "I thought you didn\'t care at all. The current state is the state just now. It\'s just that Harry\'s mentality doesn\'t seem right..."

Listening and nodding, Wayne muttered softly. "This stupid woman obviously wants more, Nina, as a woman, what can I do to keep them from fighting for a while?"

The assistant rolled his eyes, his tone full of accusations. "Boss, am I still a normal woman? In addition to taking care of your life every day, I have to contact your lawyer to discuss legal issues and your accountant to discuss investment issues. Do you think I have time to fall in love! My apartment It\'s been a long time since I went back!"

Well, this is Wayne\'s fire. As a hands-off shopkeeper, after confirming that the girl is capable and trustworthy, he simply threw all the work to her.

"Aren\'t you a top student in the finance department? Doing these is your original skill!" Wayne\'s tone was a little guilty. He didn\'t expect that he had lost so many jobs to the assistant. "Seriously, you have to make sure they won\'t quarrel in public for a while, Fifth Avenue, go and swipe my card!"

Originally, Nina vented, and this matter was ready to pass, but it was just to divert the topic of the two women. Cameron Diaz didn\'t care about anything, and generally would not quarrel in public.

But when she heard the boss talking about the black card, she almost rolled her eyes in anger, because Cameron Diaz was here, and he must have taken her to spend with the card himself. Wayne didn\'t have the time and patience.

"Boss! As a woman, I\'ll give you a piece of advice, if they really start arguing in the restaurant and make you a joke..." Speaking of which, Nina deliberately lowered her voice until Wayne showed a serious expression, slowly Slowly put her ear close, she said.

"Then you tie them both together, take off your shoes, and beat them hard\'!"

After speaking, he took a few steps to catch up with the two women in front, showing a smug smile.

But the little assistant didn\'t expect that Wayne\'s brain at work was different from usual. At this time, he walked slowly, looked at the two women, slowly raised his hand to touch his stubble and muttered softly.

"That\'s a good idea, maybe even if they didn\'t make a fuss, they could give a warning like this first?!"

The restaurant at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel is very good. The dishes here have a good reputation. If you book a seat early enough, you can book a seat by the window. You can eat food while watching the night view of Manhattan.

Julian, the agent of Black Pearl, was obviously attentive, and specially helped them book a seat near the window. The scenery here is very charming, but her client is obviously not interested in watching the night scene.

Since several people sat down, Halle-Berry has been silent until the waiter came to ask what wine to order, and he asked Wayne\'s opinion and asked for a bottle of Canadian ice wine.

The scenery at their table may be better than the night scene, where many crew members eat dinner, their eyes wandering back and forth between the beauties of the two colors, and then they will take a covert glance at their own boss.

There was an envious look in the man\'s eyes. He was able to arrange these two beautiful women with different styles to the same table for dinner, and the two women knew the relationship between each other and Wayne, but they didn\'t fight. This is too much. Make all men jealous.

For these middle-level crew members, this is the embodiment of Wayne\'s power in Hollywood, and this is the embodiment of his money charm. If you can\'t play female stars, what kind of money and power are you in this circle?

The surrounding eyes made Harry-Berry even want to get up and leave, but she was unwilling to let this woman succeed easily, wouldn\'t that mean admitting that she was not as good as this bxxxh, so she rolled her eyes slightly and said:

"Miss Diaz\'s filming is over now? It must be a big production, right?"

Wayne, who was cutting the steak, didn\'t stop waving the knife as if he didn\'t hear it. Cameron Diaz also didn\'t look up, focusing on the vegetable salad in front of him.

"It\'s okay, the filming is over for the time being, and I may have to dub it after a while." She pricked up a few pieces of vegetables with a fork, and she swallowed them. "So I\'m unemployed again, but the investment is definitely not as high as your film. Our project is a comedy."

"Don\'t underestimate this movie, Cami!" Wayne sighed involuntarily before Black Pearl\'s words came out. "Chuck Russell\'s ability as a director is absolutely above the standard, even if he doesn\'t have the right to participate in the later stage."

The three women present knew him very well. You must know that the most arrogant director was himself, but he was disguised by his usual kindness. A director who can make Wayne feel that he is above the standard must have something special.

Cameron Diaz widened his eyes and put down his fork. "You mean we have a good chance of success?"

"That\'s right." He ate the beef in a big mouth, and the steak here really suits his taste. "There is Jim Carrey, a very popular actor, and his talent will make him a blockbuster. This actor is very malleable. You may not know that I once planned to invite him to audition for The Joker.

It\'s a pity that the crew of "Geezes in Disguise" took the lead! Coupled with Chuck Russell\'s control over the quality of the film, and your sweet heroine after being on camera, there is a high probability that this film will explode at the box office. "

"Huh..." He said in one breath. Wayne took a sip of the lemonade, then leaned back on the chair contentedly, took the ice wine and looked out the window.

This is a director who has always been successful in Hollywood. His words have given Cameron Diaz great confidence. His successful experience has ensured his vision. The words of successful people are always much more credible than ordinary people.

Harry-Berry looked at the girl with complicated eyes, and couldn\'t help but sigh that her luck was really good.

"Nina, go pay the bill, let\'s go back!"

He drank the Canadian ice wine in one gulp and saw that they were all finished. Wayne stood up to go back to rest, and put a beautiful woman like Cameron Diaz to the door, and a fool would be treated as a monkey here. Look.

After entering the elevator, when Harry-Berry put his hand on the button on his own floor, Wayne suddenly remembered the idea of ​​the little assistant, and he directly pressed the action of Black Pearl.

"Don\'t rush back, I have something to talk to you about."

At this moment, the eyes of the three women all turned to the big hand holding Halle Berry. The little assistant shrank his neck and entered his room when he was ready to go back. No matter what happened, he would not come out again before dawn!

The other two women also clearly thought of something. The two people\'s reactions were completely different. Black Pearl trembled involuntarily, thinking of the man\'s **** over him, and habitually didn\'t dare to say anything.

This is a tyrant, I am absolutely right! He roared silently in his heart.

The other woman was much more refreshing than her. Her eyes revealed a gleam of eagerness to try. She looked at Black Pearl and then at Wayne, and the corners of her mouth slowly picked up.

After the suite door opened ~www.novelhall.com~, the assistant rushed into his room without raising his head. The remaining two women did not speak, and naturally followed Wayne back to the master bedroom.

"I\'m going to take a shower first." Without waiting for Wayne to say anything, Black Pearl ran into the bathroom, and after a few seconds seemed to remember something, ran out and lay on his shoulders, whispering: " As long as you like it, I can\'t do anything."

Her delicate face is full of emotion, and no matter how you look at it, it doesn\'t look like she\'s acting. At this moment, Wayne really felt that this **** didn\'t get the Oscar, and it\'s a ghost!

He reached out his hand and gently lifted her face, lowered his head and prepared to lean towards her face. He has never refused to come to these Waynes. He is a director. No matter how good an actor can act, he has to listen to him. This director\'s arrangement is not.

"Wait, I want to take a shower first..."

Ignoring Black Pearl\'s request, Wayne already felt that another woman was approaching.

Just as the little assistant thought, she wouldn\'t leave the room at all before dawn, and Sergey, who was separated by a wall, was snoring.