Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and thirty-two - the death of the evil father and son

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Filming is still going on. In the footage, Nicolas Cage is standing in the car and performing, and the crazy crowd around him is cheering for him. Here is the end of the film.

"cut! This one is over, take a ten-minute break, and then make up for the scattered shots." After looking at the effect with a blank face, Wayne called Zach Snyder directly. "You will be responsible for shooting scattered shots for a while, and you must pay attention to the safety of the staff!"

Although some felt that the director was too cautious, Zach Snyder glanced at Li Guohao who was following Wayne, nodded and agreed, and went to discuss the camera position with the camera team.

Since filming the crash scene, Li Guohao was called to the director\'s side, but he didn\'t say anything and didn\'t let him go, so he followed the director for almost a day.

This not only made him feel inexplicable, but even many employees were puzzled. They didn\'t know what mistake this diligent stuntman made. He would be stared at by the director of ice cube face for a day, and he didn\'t even let him leave for dinner.

Looking at Li Guohao who was following behind him again, Wayne\'s face was expressionless. In fact, he was afraid of the crash scene after a while. The crossing happened, and he couldn\'t help believing in some mysterious events.

The most fearful thing is that some things are doomed, and there is no way to hide them. If there is another accident in the crew now, the film should not continue to be filmed at all, and the crew should be disbanded directly.

Wayne himself felt that after coming to New York, the crew felt like a curse. If there were casualties during the shooting, no one could say how serious the consequences would be.

"Lee, the scenes here can end in a day or two at most!" After much deliberation, Wayne decided to be superstitious, otherwise if something really went wrong, he would have changed his destiny for nothing, and the crew couldn\'t bear any more accidents. !

"Your job for the past two days is to follow me. You don\'t have to go back to the stunt team. You can go wherever I go! Understand?"

Li Guohao was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses. The director was talking to himself. He originally wanted to ask why, but he looked up at the ice cube face, but he dismissed the idea and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Director Greenberg!" He knew after he said that. Now others will guess the relationship between them. This is no longer a simple care. Is he a temporary follower?

This face, with no Chinese blood at all, has been wandering around Wayne for a day, which has caused him to be in a trance more than once. If he hadn\'t been pulled into the crew by himself, he must have signed a contract with the movie called "The Raven".

In April 1993, that is, next year, not long after the filming started, when Li Guohao was shot at 12:30 in the evening, he did not expect that a real bullet was fired from the gun, and Li Guohao was accurately shot. , died because of ineffective treatment.

After he was shot on the set of "The Raven," the federal police investigated Michael Macy, who played opposite him, but he had no criminal motive after a close investigation. There are different opinions on this matter, and there is basically no conclusion.

The key is that the deaths of these two fathers and sons are too evil, and no one has been able to give an accurate answer so far. Don\'t talk about conspiracy theories, Wayne believes that there is such a possibility, but he believes that he should try his best to avoid such evil things happening in front of his eyes.

Not long after Li Guohao\'s death, the "Crow" crew continued to shoot, and most of the remaining scenes were all completed by the director and producer using face-changing, CG special effects, and finding a stunt double.

In the eyes of Hollywood insiders, this method of filming is not difficult at all, but the use of too many medium and long-range lenses has caused a lot of weirdness in movies that have lost their protagonists.

This is a typical Hollywood approach. Since a person is dead, he must drain his last bit of value. Consuming dead people is definitely a normal means of publicity.

"Wayne?" The production manager stretched out his hand and nudged him, and then he pointed to the set after seeing him withdraw from the trance state. "Zach asked if you\'re almost done, now if you want to disband these extras."

Taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, let them disband!"

The busy studio "boomed", and the crowd began to leave in piles from both sides of the street. This is the disadvantage of not being in Los Angeles. The problem of extras has been difficult to solve, and these people are mixed with too many amateurs.

Nicolas Cage was wearing a red costume with snow-white clown makeup on his face. He ignored the two makeup artists who followed him and walked directly to Wayne.


"Wayne, when are we going back to Los Angeles? Work is just work here. Damn, there are paparazzi following me even when I go to the bar. I\'m going crazy with their torture!"

In fact, the situation has improved a lot in the past two days. The paparazzi who were speculating at the door of the hotel before have almost gone after the news has gone down.

There were only two or three scattered big cats and kittens left, and they went to underground work and began to play tracking and secret photography. Not only did they follow and secretly take pictures, but they also provoked the crew when they were discovered, hoping that more conflicts would break out.

"One day, just one day, Nikolai!" Not only did he, the male lead, get tired of this place, but Wayne himself had been feeling bad about it all the time. "There will be some scattered shots for editing tomorrow. If the speed is fast, it may be completed in half a day."

He flipped through his filming plan book, most of which had been ticked. Aside from the various problems that came up this time, the filming progress was definitely fast.

From the current point of view, the progress of the filming has exceeded the earliest plan by more than a week, which is absolutely unexpected for those who use small means.

"Okay, I can finally end this **** prison-style shooting. When I go back to Los Angeles, I must..." Nicolas Cage became very excited when he heard him give the exact time, and he didn\'t wait for him to continue to publish With emotion, she was pushed into the makeup trailer by her agent Susan.

"Susan, take care of your client, I don\'t want any more problems with him before the movie is down!"

After pushing Nicolas Cage into the trailer to remove her make-up, Susan came back to see the director\'s livid face. She felt a headache for the client who was so agitated when she was excited.

I had to show the accustomed smile and make a promise. "Director Greenberg, don\'t worry, I will definitely be optimistic about him, and I will never let him cause trouble for the crew again!"

He nodded to show that he knew, and when everyone was in the car, Wayne turned around again and returned to the car.

If nothing else, the crew will leave after tomorrow, and no matter how much criticism Wayne receives during this trip to New York, it will decrease with the departure of the crew.

In just over a month, the genius director Wayne described by the media has become a dark-hearted drug addict, an alternative director who will not make movies without taking contraband.

In the past, there were always few public opinions attacking him, and there were full of praises for him. Not to mention that Wayne had never taken those praises to heart before, even these criticisms could not break his psychological defense.

Even if those gossip tabloids hyped up his private life, his heart was so dark that he was perverted, and he took contraband, Wayne\'s mental quality was strong enough. Human words were indeed terrifying, but they might hurt him by relying on them.

His current goal is only one, to make the film as soon as possible with guaranteed quality and quantity. Actions are always more powerful than justifying them with words.

Early the next morning, the crew once again came to this street in the cold morning mist. Everyone knew that they had to leave this **** place, and they were full of motivation for their work.

These short shots of a few seconds or even a second or two are very messy and cumbersome. Fortunately, there is Zach Snyder who is enthusiastic. Under Wayne\'s silent observation, he has been unraveling thread by thread since the morning. started shooting.

This kind of shooting method is very easy to cause irritability of the actors and staff, especially the influence on the actors is very large. Basically, it is difficult to enter the state, and the scene will be changed after a few seconds of shooting.

"Again! Corey, your performance is like shit, are you an amateur actor?" Zach Snyder walked around angrily, and his emotions almost swept his mind at this moment, and he had already smashed his back. The director forgot.

After a morning of accumulation, the irritable emotions have seriously affected everyone, and Zach\'s outburst made everyone upset.

"Corey, Hill, just this one shot, we\'ll leave this **** place after filming, put away your shit-like performance, your performance is not as good as that **** pistol~www.novelhall.com~If I\'m you, and I\'ll pick up that damn..."

"Hey, hey! Zach!!" Wayne has been sitting behind the monitor, and he didn\'t want to interfere with these issues, but Zack Snyder, the future studio powder keg, has obviously formed a style since his debut. fry.

"Calm down and give them some time." He patted the assistant director on the shoulder, turned his head and said to the people around him, "Rest and continue after lunch, we\'re not in a hurry."

To appease Zach Snyder, who was already on fire, Wayne simply announced the rest. He understood everyone\'s eager mood, and it was too immature for the director to take the lead in igniting this mood.

Every director has his own style, just like Wayne never easily reveals his emotions on the set, his face is always expressionless, but the staff will be very reassured when they see his face, because they know the boss Always remain calm and awake.

Zach Snyder may be another style in the future. After all, powder keg directors are common. Even James Cameron is a tyrant on the set. But now Zach is angry, obviously he can\'t suppress them, he will only take the lead Cause mood swings.