Hollywood Drawing

~: 121 - Cantonese Cuisine

"Rest and continue in the afternoon!"

Controlling such a huge crew made Zack Snyder feel powerless. After each failed shooting, he could not contain his irritable temper, and he was also unfamiliar with the coordination of various types of work.

This is completely different from shooting commercials. There are too many things to consider in film production.

"Let Robert go back to filming, I\'ll coordinate the shooting of various departments, you have to come back and direct all of us!" Zach Snyder stared at the actor who was supported by his agent in the distance, and realized that he was too immature , ignoring too many problems.

"Have you figured it out? Zach!"

In fact, since the third NG, he has been clear about Zach Schneider\'s current ability, his talent is definitely very high, but it is too ideal to take for granted.

This is not a fully coordinated crew. Everyone is slowly looking for a point of cooperation. The more pressure Zach Snyder puts on the crew, the greater the probability of making mistakes.

To put it bluntly, this thing is completely different from controlling and coordinating a crew of more than a dozen or twenty people to shoot a simple commercial.

"I figured it out, I\'m not a genius like you, and I need more study and experience before I can consider that position." He shook his head, and the cold reality he suddenly recognized made Zach Snyder very Frustrated.

He originally thought that he was just short of a chance. As long as good luck came, he would definitely soar to the sky with his directing talent.

But now, it is obvious that he is fascinated by pride!

"Okay, Zach, participate in this film with your heart, and participate in the entire production process of a film, which is richer than any experience." Watching the scattered rest around the crowd, Wayne is also ready to eat something .

"Also, don\'t squeeze the actors like that, especially your male protagonist! Nicolas Cage\'s performance in the morning was very good. Let\'s talk to him when you have time. If you change to a more famous star, the shooting will definitely not last. two hours."

After finishing speaking, Zach Schneider didn\'t understand, turned around and walked straight to the director\'s trailer. This kind of trailer is still exclusive to Hollywood crews, because it is not a little bit more convenient to go out on location.

After more than ten years, this kind of crew trailer will gradually appear in the entertainment circles all over the world and become the exclusive use of those big stars and big directors.

"Actually, you don\'t have to come here. It will take at least half a month for your role to be available." Harry Berry, who helped arrange lunch in the trailer, turned around to see Wayne coming up and gave him a sweet smile.

Harry-Berry picked up the water glass and handed it to him, waited for him to sit down and said, "Then what am I going to do? Have you been sitting in the hotel, why don\'t you come and watch the shooting, you know, I\'m not too sure about this. Understand."

Wayne raised his head and drank the water and ignored the woman. What she wanted to do was her freedom, and now she didn\'t have too much energy to waste on her.

The uniformly customized lunch of the crew\'s logistics is average, but it can always make people full. Nina knows her boss\'s style. If she can enjoy it, she will never feel wronged.

So she drove to Chinatown in the lower part of Manhattan at the southern end of the city. After asking the locals, she chose a Chinese restaurant. If her boss thinks it is good today, she will let them deliver meals on time tomorrow.

Faced with a high tip that exceeded the original meal cost, Nina successfully persuaded the fat Chinese-American boss from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

This is what the assistant learned from his boss\'s attitude towards Cameron Diaz. As long as he can make himself comfortable, Wayne has no shortage of Franklin who has paid more.

"Boss, try it." Nina proudly pointed to several lunch boxes on the table. "I specifically told the fat boss to make Chinese-style dishes and not to change their version to suit the market."

"Looks good!" Wayne skillfully picked up his chopsticks. The first bite was the famous Cantonese cuisine roast goose. He couldn\'t remember how long he hadn\'t eaten this stuff. Hella\'s husband learned a few simple Chinese pastries. , but certainly can\'t do these things.

The fat boss in the assistant\'s mouth should be an immigrant from a generation. The Cantonese cuisine is very good, and it is completely Chinese. This is very rare here.

Roast goose, barbecued pork, steamed sea bass, boiled kale, garlic choy sum, two baskets of custard buns, two baskets of steamed shrimp dumplings, and a large portion of dry fried beef. Thumbs out.

Seeing her smug look, Wayne didn\'t dismantle her. This habit and technique of ordering is obviously Chinese, and it is absolutely impossible for an American girl to match it.

"Okay, you guys eat, I have to prepare for the afternoon\'s work." Putting down the small bowl in his hand, Wayne greeted the two women and got out of the trailer.

Harry-Berry let out a sigh of relief after he walked down the roast goose in his mouth. "My God, why does he like to eat things that taste so strange? These things are not as good as the Chinese food made by Hella\'s husband!"

"Don\'t force yourself, Harry." Nina actually wasn\'t used to Chinese food, but she wouldn\'t pretend to be in front of Wayne and wouldn\'t eat it if she didn\'t like it. Thinking of her fellow woman Nina, she said something more. "You don\'t have to do that."

The working atmosphere in the afternoon suddenly changed, and the cooperation between the various departments of the crew was no longer impatient. Wayne\'s expressionless but never angry face was hidden behind the monitor all the time, but it made most people feel at ease. .

Countless trials and errors in the morning were still effective, and Zach Schneider returned to a familiar position, and his coordination ability was also good after the pressure was gone.

"Cut! This is over!" Wayne yelled after watching the replay behind the monitor. Don\'t look at Nicolas Cage as a **** when he was young, but his acting talent is really good.

Wayne looked at his watch, picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "Zach, let Qunyi come in, pay attention to telling them about the positioning problem, we\'ll take another shot, and we\'ll call it a day!"

In fact, he thought that this very difficult one-man show could be finished before dark. Arranging such a difficult scene was not only to get Nicolas Cage into the state quickly, but also to run the crew together.

If he followed his previous method, he would definitely focus on simple indoor dramas first, but this time the time was tight, so he had to start with the more difficult ones.

The extras quickly entered the stage, and the street immediately created the effect of pedestrians. The two actors who played police officers were also ready above the stairs.

"Joker, Article 1, Act 2, start!"

With the sound of the board, everyone began to work silently and busy again. The plot of this scene is very simple. As long as Nicolas Cage runs a few face-show scenes, Li Guohao will help him complete it later.

This is the biggest role of the stand-in, which minimizes the chance of injury to the main character.

To put it badly, the insignificant bottom-level personnel were injured, and at most it was a matter of giving some money and medical treatment. But if the hero of the crew is injured, hundreds of people will need to wait for him indefinitely, and the loss caused is too great.

"cut, no problem! Zach, pack up the film and put it in the safe in my room, Karen, stop everyone from work!"

Under the temptation of getting off work early, the simple shot was completed perfectly twice, and the crew\'s first day\'s work was actually not bad.

Because Wayne\'s own plan~www.novelhall.com~ is just to grind that one shot, at least now that the main shots on this street are finished, he ticked the shooting plan on the second page.

It\'s not yet five o\'clock, and it was unexpected for everyone to get off work early. Although they didn\'t like the ice cube face that Wayne turned into as soon as he worked, they liked his way of talking.

"Should we change the shooting plan?" John has been automatically invisible since the crew started filming, and will come out after the filming is over. He understands that he must not interfere in the work he is not good at, otherwise it will only make a mess.

"I\'ve been watching Nicolas Cage. After you danced that dance, he was obviously aroused by his unyielding character, and he was in such a good state. If it wasn\'t for the crew, he could have shot more today. Lots of scenes."

Wayne shook his head and put away his two most precious books. "No need to change, John, you must know that not only the behind-the-scenes work has to be adjusted with the actors, but the actors also have to cooperate with the entire behind-the-scenes working group."

While packing up his belongings and handing them over to Nina, he chatted with John. "Only when everyone is well run in, the progress of the later stage will be accelerated. There are still many difficult places to shoot this film."