Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and twenty - 2 clowns through time and space

After he finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the director with an ugly face, gritted his teeth hard, and admitted his mistakes in the face of hundreds of people, which was a serious trampling on his pride and dignity.

Everyone around was buzzing for a moment, and the whispers of too many people seemed to be rushing into a hornet\'s nest, and these people looked at Nicolas Cage with incredible eyes.

"All go back to work, we\'ll start filming the first act right away!"

Ignoring Nicolas Cage\'s ugly face, Wayne took the megaphone out of his hand and shouted. As the crowd slowly dispersed, he turned his head and pointed to the trailer with the same expression. "Mr. Cage, you\'d better change your costume and make up now."

After speaking, he returned to the monitor with the loudspeaker, opened the plan book on the small table, and ticked the first plan at the beginning.

The film has been delayed by a day for the shooting plan, and he has no time to care about the feelings of the protagonist. Nicolas Cage is an adult, and when an adult makes a mistake, he should pay some price. He should have understood these principles since he was a child.

This incident has already made Wayne feel very disgusted. If he knew this, even if he enabled Jack Nicholson to slowly break his acting style, he would not use this troublesome character.

Nicolas Cage is indeed an acting genius. His devotion to the characters is also amazing, but his immature character is a disaster.

There are so many dedicated people in Hollywood, superstars like Tom Cruise, who even know how to climb buildings in their fifties.

"Are you all ready?" He looked up and saw Zach Snyder coming over. After he asked, he found that under the steps, everyone was waiting for him to start. "Okay, let\'s get to work."

After speaking to his assistant director, he stood up and walked to the camera crew in person. After nodding like Robert, he called all the camera assistants and began to express his requirements.

This is the first piece of footage to be shot after the long-term preparation for the project "Joker", and he plans to take the shot himself.

After dismissing several camera assistants, he waved to Zach Snyder, who had been following him, and pointed to the director\'s monitor. "Go on, you have a chance to direct as a director, and try that fascinating feeling!"

"Are you okay?" The assistant director asked in a low voice before leaving.

Without waiting for Wayne to say anything, Steve, who was in charge of the lamp, made strange noises. "My God, Zach, don\'t you look at your boss\'s profile when you apply for a job? Wayne is an all-rounder graduate of USC.

He pushed the assistant director\'s back towards the monitor. "Aren\'t you okay with not seeing Robert? Come on, your ex Luke Simmons did the same thing, now it\'s your turn!"

Carefully fine-tuning the camera in front of him, Wayne gradually found a familiar feeling. Not to mention that he has specialized in photography, even if it is an ordinary director who has high demands on himself, this is considered a must-have skill.

It\'s not uncommon to shoot important shots in person, and Wayne naturally wants to shoot the important first shot himself. If it is unrealistic for him to be both the director and the director of photography, it would be fine if he temporarily directs the camera crew.

Carefully observing the steps in the camera, Wayne raised his hand to look at the time and asked casually. "The hero is not ready yet?"

"There\'s still a while, I\'m putting makeup on him."

Ignoring the assistant director Karen who was following him, Wayne walked up the steps step by step. When he came to the middle, he closed his eyes and slowly opened his hands.

Robert below seemed to think of something in an instant, and immediately pointed to Karen beside Wayne and told him to leave there! He then took two steps to the camera and gestured to a nearby camera assistant.

Slowly, there seemed to be music in Wayne\'s head, and two men loomed at the top of the stairs behind him. He ignored the surrounding environment, as if a mask had appeared on his face.

Behind the monitor, Zach Snyder almost jumped up. In the center of the screen, Wayne\'s shot from top to bottom was very clear, especially the expression on his face, he was smiling!

Nicolas Cage, who also came with good makeup, also silently stared at the director who made him hate it.

He waved his arms slowly, raised his right foot to follow the picture in his mind, and started a synchronized dance through time and space. The Joaquin Phoenix in his mind was like a teacher, driving another in another time and space. people.

Dozens of crew members stopped their work. Although most of them were inexplicable, no one would be stupid enough to interrupt at this time.

In just over ten seconds, Wayne seemed to wake up suddenly. With a smile, he put his right hand on his lower abdomen and his left hand behind his back, bending gently towards everyone below.

"Hey, the entertainment time is over. We start work, and the departments start preparing." Walking down the steps quickly, Wayne commanded the crowd watching loudly.

"You\'re a genius, Wayne!" Robert walked away from the camera, staring at his director with complicated eyes.

Maybe other employees can\'t understand what he\'s doing, but the core team members who have read the script more than once will understand what\'s going on. They all have a feeling at this time, no wonder Wayne wrote this scene .

"Nikola, don\'t be affected by my gameplay, just follow your training, sink yourself into Arthur, and think about what he is going to do?"

After talking to Nicolas Cage about his request and seeing that he understood, he went back behind the camera, raised his hand and waved.

After the top two background actors were in place, and after Nicholas Cage tried a few times, the field recorder came over and put the field record card in his hand in front of Wayne\'s main control camera lens.

"Joker, Scene 1, Act 1, Begin!"

In the shot, Nicolas Cage was wearing a red costume and white clown makeup on his face. He smiled and danced slowly.

In this film, the clown dances a total of seven times, but this time it is the most impressive in Wayne\'s mind, just like Joaquin Phoenix in his mind just now, making himself not like a personal Nicolas Cage, Performed simply beyond his training level.


The sudden voice interrupted Wayne\'s concentration, and he and everyone looked back at the interim director.

Zach Snyder angrily picked up the loudspeaker and yelled at the top two actors. "What are you two doing, **** it, why can\'t you just follow what you just practiced and remember your position, gentlemen!"

After talking and sitting back on the monitor, Zach also felt very pity, whether it was the lighting, photography, or Nicolas Cage\'s perfect performance, it was all messed up.

Wayne, who was in charge of the camera, also understood what was going on. There are some things that only the director who controls the overall situation knows. It must be that the background actors did not move according to the plan, which affected the male protagonist in the center of the camera.

"Reset, all reset, let\'s do it again!"

With Zack Snyder\'s voice, the quiet scene moved quickly. Nicolas Cage glanced behind him in confusion, and took two steps helplessly, ready to come again!

"Joker, Scene 1, Act 1, Begin!"

With the sound of "pop", everyone at the scene closed their mouths consciously, and Nicolas Cage in the camera started his performance again, and then only a few seconds later, the director was heard calling stop again. .

"Steve, the lights are wrong, go see what your assistant is doing, and ask him if he is working in the emergency room? Let him put the emergency lights like the operating room away for me!"

Wayne now seriously doubts that Zack Snyder~www.novelhall.com~ has the potential to be a powder keg on the set. He is directing such a large crew for the first time and obviously can\'t control his temper.

""Joker", the first..."

Maybe there was something wrong, maybe the crew was unfamiliar with the cooperation, this scene was like being cursed, it was not such a problem, it was that kind of problem.

Repeating this process until lunch time, this one-man scene was not satisfactory, and a lot of film was wasted, but not even a single effective shot was shot.

Not only did the crew members have irritability on their faces, but even Wayne, who has been in charge of the camera, also had irritability on his face. He understood that such negative emotions are contagious!

"Zach, let everyone rest, you can\'t go on like this, you see Nicolas Cage."

With Wayne\'s fingers, the flushed Zach Snyder saw the tired and choked male protagonist. He knew that he was still too inexperienced, and Wayne respected him and was unwilling to replace him in front of everyone.