His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 889: Behind the scenes

At the same time, Qian Miao was following the route given by the black chicken step by step.

Everyone in the c-level secret room was knocked out. By now, except for her and the person who sealed the string, no one in the dark alliance knew that the woman No. 13 had escaped with a package of platinum slips!

After running out of the range of the dark alliance, the voice of a black chicken gradually came in the earphones, and there were some cards.

"Boss, this number 13 really came with preparations. As soon as she came out, someone was outside to respond. That group of people is too fast, not the speed of humans!"

"Now Wei Wu has gone after him. I can't see anyone. I can only follow the mark Wei Wu gave him."

"Ah, by the way, Xu Xiaomo is also nearby, their car is too powerful!"

Qian Ming said, "I'll be there later."

She hung up the phone and was about to contact Dansha for a car. Suddenly, she felt something wrong and looked back suddenly.

A smell of engine oil floated in the direction of the air flow!

She immediately took off the hearing aid and listened attentively, only to hear the word "ignition"!

Then there was a sudden sound, like a fire suddenly spreading!

She immediately switched to the channel and said to Fengxian: "Someone is setting fire to Leng Lizard. I suspect that someone is going to remove him."

She thought for a second, then decided to turn around and go back, stopping the cold lizard before talking.

She was right.

The cold lizard villa at this time has been engulfed by the sky of fire.

People outside shouted for the fire. No one noticed. Eight people were working in a team to quietly take away the cold lizard that had passed out.

They avoided every camera perfectly, well-trained, and all traces of their passing were erased, which was perfect.

The irritating smell of smoke filled Qianmiao's sense of smell, making it difficult for her to tell which direction the cold lizard was heading.

There was no special smell on their bodies, and there was no sound at this time. Instead, the billowing smoke and the loud shouts around them occupied Qianmiao's sense of smell and hearing, and kept disturbing her!

There are many secret roads in the secret alliance, the largest one is the road leading to the supermarket secret road, where there is an underground plaza. Climb up from the underground plaza to the open-air area.

But in addition to that underground tunnel, there are dozens of small tunnels!

Which one are you going?

Or is it just walking directly from the open-air road?

Qian Mian climbed up to the highest building, focusing on distinguishing those sounds.

All the voices are concentrated in her brain, and then the impurities that are filtered out will generally be sifted out of the information department that interferes with her.

The big road, the small road, the dark road, all the sounds of the bright or dark corners, at this moment, one by one was caught in her ears!

Suddenly, she suddenly discovered that the sound cues from the two paths were very similar.

The same pace of footsteps.

She said to Fengxian: "You go to mouth 5c, and I go to mouth 7b."

When the words were over, he quickly went downstairs, stepped on the air conditioner plug-in unit, and then the silver wire of the ring, ran towards the entrance of 7b step by step.

Now the people in the secret alliance are focusing on fighting the fire, and almost no one will notice the people in the secret road.

As soon as she entered the trail, she smelled a very faint smell of blood.

The cold lizard was vomiting blood after being beaten by Fengxian, and it smelled like this before he could be cured.

It seems that she has come right.

She rushed forward quickly.

Suddenly, at a big bend, two men in black flanked from both sides and caught her off guard!

The two are just like the dark night bats, silent and flexible!