His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 890: Men's second appearance

Moreover, she hadn't noticed it at all just now, it can be seen how high their hiding skills are!

The two have weird moves, like ghosts and two wall clocks, swaying towards her from one side, and then staggered.

The two of them hung upside down on the wall, with something tied to their feet, which can be tightly attached to the wall. The rope is full of flexibility and can be swayed freely without restriction.

The two of them are like the pendulum clock in the wall clock. One swayed and the other swayed. They were very fast. They took turns against her. Both of them wore strange smiling masks. With the rendering of the dark night, this scene was very weird. Scary!

If you are an ordinary person, your legs may be frightened and you can't fight back at all.

Their move was aimed at hitting the opponent's courage.

Two minutes later, Qian Miao resolved the two of them, and quickly ran in the direction of the already faint smell of blood.

When she ran closer, she saw six people running in two rows in parallel, without making any loud noises at each step.

They pit a very simple sedan chair, without a roof, only a chair, the person on the chair is a cold lizard who passed out!

This scene suddenly reminded Qian Mian of the scene of marrying and lifting the sedan chair in the ghost movie!

Where does this power come from?

Suddenly, they stopped and slowly turned their heads. Every mask was filled with weird and extreme laughs. Then, there was a laughter!

As an ordinary person, the moment the laughter comes out is when the human body is the weakest, the opponent can attack at will!

They were using this calculation, and at the moment of laughter, they attacked one by one.

Their characteristic is that they are light, too light, just like the actor, and each action is strangely light.

Qianmiao subconsciously held his breath, and stepped back several times with a cloud of powder-like smoke.

At this moment, there was a whistling sound in the ear, and several hidden weapons flew in.

She stepped on the wall and turned over and hid.

Qianmiao settled a person nearby, and tore off his mask easily, tearing his clothes unintentionally.

Suddenly, she was shocked!

The face in the mask...all the same!

She kicked another person in the face, and the mask fell off, and it was the same again!

Moreover, their skin is cold, without any temperature!


When he was shocked, suddenly a bright light shot from the end of the road.

A black car drove toward this side quickly, half of a man can be seen on the skylight.

The opponent held a crossbow in his hand, hunting generally aimed at the target.

A few seconds later, those people were knocked to the ground by him.

The car stopped automatically in front of the cold lizard, the driver's seat was unmanned, and it was in an automatic driving state.

Qian Miao was motionless, leaning against the wall, looking at the man faintly.

The man opened the car door and walked down, holding the crossbow in one hand, with every step out of the awe-inspiring awe-inspiring look at the world.

He is 1.85 meters tall and he is wearing a dark coffee-colored jacket, zippered to the chest, and there is only a thin black bottom shirt inside. The trousers are put into the long military boots, and he looks up and down. On his face, the facial features are three-dimensional but not too deep, the contour of the face is soft, and there is a tiny peach-shaped mole at the corner of his eye, which is a standard four-point British and six-point gentle warm male appearance, but in a pair of single eyelid eyes, At this time, there was a cold air, and the whole figure seemed to have just walked out of the extremely cold place, with a faint air-conditioning all over his body.

Da Bai: Uh, hello everyone, I am the second male of this article, and I finally officially appear.