His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 888: The cold lizard was removed from the position of rudder, and expelled from the dark alliance

He walked towards her, the hostility in his eyes dissipated.

"Forget the bad past, they don't deserve a place in your heart." He said.

His voice was very soft, unlike the man who had just been ruthless.

Qian Miao lowered his eyes, looked at his red finger bones, and said, "Does your hand hurt?"

Fengxian moved: "It should hurt too."

The two walked off the ring, and the host quickly thought about Fare to round the field. After all, the singles competition has not yet started.

Atractylodes's previous scene was a personal grudge.

Just as he was about to speak, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A person walked in, with a serious face, and said: "The head is—"

In an instant, everyone stood up, Qian Miao and Feng Xian looked at each other and nodded.

When everyone was looking at the door, Qian Lin left at the side door.

This head was newly appointed in recent years, very young, in his early thirties, code-named Keel, and he was in the same class as Atractylodes, and his achievements were comparable.

When the list came out that year, everyone was discussing that if Baiju hadn't quit, he would have taken this seat.

"Why is the head here?"

"In the past, I haven't seen any head in the singles match."

"Is it because Baiju came back?"

When everyone was discussing, the cold lizards suddenly crowded in front of the head, shouting for help.

"Master, Lord Leng Ruo originally wanted to have a friendship and discussion with Bai Shu, but you can see what the Lord Leng Ruo looks like!"

"Head, please be our master! Atractylodes is too arrogant!"

"He disregarded Lord Leng Ruo as a person, and threw him into the four big water tanks in turn! He also beat Lord Leng Ruo to death without paying attention to the majesty of the dark alliance!

"Please be the master!" Several people said in unison.

The head has no hard requirements on wearing a mask, but at this time the keel is wearing a mask covering his face.

He faintly glanced at the cold lizard held by the two people, and looked away coldly when he saw his dying tragic look.

He walked up to a high seat and ordered the cold lizard to wait in the middle.

Gently hooking the hook, the assistant next to him took a step forward and announced: "After the arena match is postponed, the head is here for the cold lizard's personal benefit and collusion with external forces."

As soon as this word fell, everyone was shocked.

The cold lizard was being tortured with pain. Hearing this, he was shocked with strength, and his hoarse voice cried out injustice.

He looked at Fengxian with a cold and feeble gaze, and said, "The head, he is slandering me... it's him!"

Assistant in charge: "The leader has received relevant evidence. Today, it is announced that Leng Lizard has been expelled from the position of rudder master, expelled from the dark alliance, and will never be hired! A penalty fee of 500,000! For the time being, the deputy rudder will act as the main agent."

Leng Lizard's face turned pale and blue: "Evidence? I want to see the evidence! You are slander!"

He yelled anxiously, and suddenly fell down.

The leader waved his hand to let people drag him down first.

Then let everything continue.

The ring match officially started.

Feng Xian sat down next to him and looked at the person in the ring indifferently. Qianmiao's voice came from the earphones.

"The person has already ran away, and it really went for the platinum delivery note."

Feng Xian calmly picked up the wine and took a sip, looking at the court with indifferent eyes.

After that, he slowly said: "Cold lizard, I will take it away."

The keel head next to him heard the words and smiled lowly: "You came back without leaving anything, and you took me away. I'm too bad for this business. Why don't you leave your little wife behind and take it for me." Deputy, I will not treat her badly."

The Fengxuan voice is faint: "You are not worthy."