His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 772: I advise you not to presume this person on Ah Xian noodles

After Feng Can drove steadily for a while, the more Cang Ze retracted his eyes and walked towards her.

He went to get two hot cups of coffee, and added sugar and milk to Qianmiao's cup.

"Why come to my side today?"

Qian Miao stared at Feng Can's car with long eyes: "Let's see how your old man's life is."

Cang Zeyue: "Come on, do you still care about me?"

"Your dad hosted a banquet for your little brother, won't you go back and help today?"

"Just take care."

When the words were over, Qian Miao took a sip of coffee, and too much milk foam stood on his mouth.

The more Cang Ze saw him, he subconsciously reached out and wiped it off, suddenly thinking of something, because of the difference between men and women, he stopped.

Qianmiao glanced over: "What do you want to do?"

The more Cang Ze moved his hand and pointed to her mouth slightly: "Your mouth, wipe it."

Qianmiao lowered his eyes, then stuck out the tip of his tongue, and hooked his upper lip.

This little movement made Cang Cho's heart shrink.

"You, don't do this in front of men from now on."

Qian Miao glanced at him again, with a scrutiny gaze: "What?"

Cang Ze turned his eyes away: "It's easy to make people want to commit a crime."

Qian Miao unceremoniously kicked him in the calf. "Did you disrespect me in your mind just now?"

Cang Zeyue: "No."

Cang Zeyue: "Just throw it away."

Yes, I got another kick in my calf.

Cang Ze took a deep breath, patted his calf, and vomited: "I think you and Feng Xian are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years, with the same virtues."

All like to kick him.

Qian Miao ignored him, drinking coffee while watching Feng Can's car.

After a while, he asked, "Do you know Feng Can's past?"

Seeing how worried he was just now, he obviously knew Feng Can's situation.

Cang Ze frowned, "Feng Xian told you this too?"

"It's not what he said." Qian Miao leaned back, comfortably next to her.

Cang Zeyue nodded, and subconsciously said, "What do I say, why would he want to recall that episode."

Qian Mian: "Listening to you, did you also participate at that time?"

Cang Ze's longer legs overlapped at will, and said lightly, "Of course, I'm a great hero."

Qian Miao put the coffee down and said nothing.

Cang Ze turned his eyes to look at her: "Don't believe me? Show you my commemorative photo."

He took out his cell phone, rummaged for a while, and finally showed it to Qian Mian.

"Look, this is my glorious history."

Qian Miao had just glanced lightly, but after seeing the person in the photo, his eyes tightened suddenly.

In the photo, Cang Zeyue was all embarrassed, as if he had just run out of the fire scene.

Two people stood beside him, one was Fengxian, the other was...

"Why is Bai Mucheng here?"

Cang Zeyue was taken aback: "Do you know him?"

Qianmiao: "Know."

Cang Ze glanced at the phone more and more.

In fact, the photo is a personal photo of him, but the two of them were also included.

He magnified the background, glanced at it, and said, "He, hey."

Hearing this sigh, Qian Miao asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

The more Cang Ze put the phone next to him, he said: "I advise you not to presume this person on Ah Xian Mian. Something will happen."

Qianmiao's eyelids sank: "Talk about it."

Cang Zeyue stared at Feng Can's car and slowly said, "At that time, we rescued most of the children. Only Feng Can was still in the hands of the kidnappers. In addition to Feng Can, the kidnappers had a truck in their hands."

Qianmiao: "Car?"

(Bai Mucheng is the most inexistent male second I have ever written... However, his good shows are mainly behind)