His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 773: This Dabai is different from the Dabai she knows

Cang Zeyue nodded: "Well, that car contains a batch of very advanced scientific achievements. I heard that it was the painstaking effort of the Bai family and it took more than ten years to come out.

The situation at that time was like this. The three of us were responsible for different areas. Before saving people, we had an appointment that we must rescue all the children, and none of them could be missing. It happened that Bai Mucheng was the closest to Feng Can, and it was most appropriate for him to save Feng Can.

What's worrying is that after some tossing, we found that Feng Can and the car can only choose one to rescue. If you choose a car, Feng Can will be in danger. If you choose Feng Can, the car will not be kept, Bai Mucheng I told us on the phone that we would definitely save Feng Can, but in the end, we went and saw him leading the people back in the car. As for Feng Can, he said there was no way to save him, but his father said in a hurry. Leaking his mouth, the real situation is that their Bai family forced him to ask for a car without people. He chose the Bai family between the Bai family and Fengxian. From then on, the two brothers completely fell apart. Not only did they fall apart, but the Bai family and Feng family, as well as the Tang family's Shi family, and our family were also alienated a lot. "

With a faint helplessness in his eyes, he looked at Qian Mian and said, "Really, when we saw the car, we all thought Feng Can had been torn apart. Aunt Qiao fainted, and the sealer cried. , Dizzy, only Ah Xian rushed back to find Feng Can. Fortunately, he went back, otherwise Feng Can would really be crushed to death by the rubble."

He sighed: "After that year, the Bai family moved to our Wucheng. If they could not deal with the Feng family, they would not fight. The Tang family and the Shi family looked at the faces of the Feng family, and they rarely contacted them. For the banquet, your family sent an invitation to the Bai family, but the Bai family only sent a gift, and no one dared to come."

Qian Mian didn't know that there was such a history here. Thinking of Feng Xian's expression when she received Bai Mucheng's call that night, she finally understood.

It's just that, this Da Bai is very different from the Da Bai she knows.

"How did you meet him?" Cang Ze asked more.

Qian Mian regained consciousness: "He is my senior brother."

"I worshipped Master Songya as a teacher on the mountain."

Cang Ze frowned: "He's also been to Sheng'an Temple... Didn't you run into Ah Xian?"

Qian Mian: "No, the two of them should have never met."

After she learned that the two people knew each other that night, she wondered why she didn't go to see Fengxian at the temple and didn't mention Fengxian in front of her.

It turned out to be for this reason.

The two broke apart.

But... Why do you still call each other after the trouble?

In the past few years, the relationship has eased?

"Tang Qianqian, do you know what I don't know?"

Qian Miao raised his eyes, turned away from the subject, and said, "Shall we play?"

Cang Ze raised his mind: "Really? Then I won't let you win this time."

Qian Miao got up to move his muscles and bones, and said, "Don't cry for a while."

On the other side, Feng Can was addicted to the excitement of racing, and his emotions went up and down.

It may be that he is the only car on the track, and the front is empty and the back is empty. He is not too nervous.

The car speeded up, and it was a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, I adjusted my breathing and pressed it smoothly.

Thinking about this, he slowly speeded up.

The speed has only been increased by two gears, and he has a feeling of being above the clouds.

That's cool!

He looked at the scenery falling backwards out of the car window, and suddenly felt that he was also a very powerful racer, and no one could catch him.

Feng Can turned his head, what was it just now?