His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 771: Put his hand on his cheek

Heiji sent the three people to the gate of the community and drove away.

Feng Can took the initiative to send Wei Wu back, while Qian Mian went back to Feng's house alone.

It was late now, and the guards on the night shift at the gate were all dozing off.

Hearing the movement, he hurriedly opened the door and greeted her: "Miss Tang."

Qian Miao nodded, and was about to leave, then suddenly turned around and asked him, "Has the second young man gone out tonight?"

Guard: "No, I didn't go out after I came back in the evening."

She nodded: "Thank you."

Back to Dongyuan, only night lights were on in both buildings, and every window was dimmed.

She sat in the room for a while, did not sleep, and went to the living room to watch a movie.

The movie was tuned to the lowest voice, watching and watching, she hugged the pillow and lay on the sofa.

This movie is "The Great Dictator" by the comedy master Chaplin. I have watched it many times before.

She likes watching old movies very much and has a very special feeling.

The most important thing is to calm her heart down.

This time, however, the effect was minimal.

Not long after, she heard a little movement from the next door, probably Feng Can came back, and then the lights were turned off.

The movie slowly came to an end, and someone turned it off.

The surrounding department fell silent.

Feng Xian walked to the sofa and saw Qian Miao lying on top of her asleep, with her hair draped over half of her cheek.

A smile spread across his lips, then he bent over and gently moved his hair aside.

Qianmiao suddenly turned his head, resting his hand on his cheek, and rubbed his eyes two seconds later, as if he was sleeping soundly.

After about five seconds, her face turned to the other side.

Feng Xian couldn't bear to wake her up, so he took a quilt to cover her, then turned off the lights and went upstairs.

As his footsteps gradually went upstairs, the **** the sofa opened her eyes.

She stared at the ceiling for a while, then pulled on the quilt and continued to sleep.

The next morning, Qian Mian was awakened by the smell of rice.

Turning his head and looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock.

She went back to the room and changed her clothes before going to eat breakfast.

Qiao Shiwan is checking the gift to the Tang family with the housekeeper.

"Aunt Wan, where's Brother Xian?" She asked halfway after she didn't see anyone.

Qiao Shiwan: "Oh, he went to the company and set off very early."

"Where is A Chan?"

"I don't know, this kid also went out early in the morning, and he didn't know to accompany me at home on the big weekend."

After speaking, she explained that the butler had added two more things.

After that, he walked towards Qianmiao: "Miaomiao, go to your house for dinner at night, do you know about this?"

"Yeah. I know."

Today, Tang Yi invited wine for his youngest son, Qian Mian already knew about this.

At the end of the conversation, she reached Feng Can's circle of friends.

It turned out to be looking for Cang Zeyue to learn the car.

She pressed the phone on the dinner table without a trace, and did not let Qiao Shiwan see it.

After the meal, she also looked for Cang Zeyue.

One is that I have something to say to Feng Can, and the other is that my hands are itchy, and I want to have fun.

After she arrived, she watched the interaction between Cang Zeyue and Feng Can in the stands for a while.

Kind of funny.

Cang Zeyue was usually free and unrestrained, but now, like an old mother, kept telling Feng Can what to pay attention to.

After finally letting Feng Can go out, he chased him a few steps behind, and his eyes were not at ease.

Qianmiao's eyes chased Feng Can's car away, admiring his determination to overcome psychological obstacles.

The key words of racing are speed and passion. If Feng Can can overcome this, there will be no problems with normal driving.

(Do you see it? I took the initiative)