His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 770: Then I can have your wedding wine next year

"Also, he had a very uncomfortable expression after hearing me about your illness. He also rushed to Wucheng to see you the same day. A while ago, you took medicine and fell asleep in the laboratory all night, and he also came to see you. After you passed you, I also applied medicine to you."

Qian Mian listened quietly, without interrupting Qian Ru in the whole process.

Listen and listen, Qian Ru's words turned into vivid pictures, scene by scene flashed before her eyes.

On the day Wucheng became ill, Feng Xian happened to visit her, which just relieved her heart disease.

On the night she fell asleep in the laboratory, she was unconscious and vaguely felt that someone was guarding her nearby.

"Miscellaneous, I am relieved if you marry him."

With his thoughts back, Qian Mian heard such a sentence.

She was slightly relieved, and smiled faintly: "Uncle Qian, you are jumping too fast."

Qian Ru: "Hey, I'm not joking, anyway, you have to marry someone sooner or later, it's better to marry him."

Qian Miao blinked slowly, and then said: "So, you mean to let me go to him and take the initiative to explain things clearly?"

Qian Ru: "You two must be strong when you unite. He has been waiting for you."

Qian Miao turned around, looked down at his shoes, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and was silent for a while, and said, "Just do it."

Qian Ru laughed happily, and couldn't help saying: "Then you are about to be together?"

"Then I will be able to drink your wedding wine next year?"

"Oh awkward, what gift do you want to get married?"

"I don't know if the two wise children born are also wise babies."

Qianmiao: "..."

"We will not be together yet."

Qian Ru was startled: "Ah? Why? Oh yes! If you want to study, I have forgotten that you are still a student. I blame Uncle Qian on me. Of course, studying is the most important thing at this stage. You can't fall in love early."

Qian Miao smiled lightly and said nothing.

She ended the call after a while.

Walking out of the balcony, staring quietly at the vast night, his thoughts were deep.

Inside the house.

Wei Wu went to see Bian Jingyan, there were only two men in the house.

Feng Can touched his chin and stared at the black chicken thoughtfully.

The black chicken's eyes slanted: "Do you have an opinion on me?"

Feng Can: "Where do you live?"

Black Chicken: "Check your account?"

Feng Can: "Why are you called Black Chicken? Isn't it Lu Ran? You don't like Lu Ran? But Black Chicken doesn't sound good either. By the way, why isn't it called Black Chicken?"

Black Chicken: "Don't ask if you shouldn't know."

Feng Can: "Why are you called Sister Miao Boss? Are you older than her? Are you older or my brother older?"

Black Chicken: "Why are you called Feng Can and not Niu Can and Yang Can Huocan?"

Feng Can: "Hey, because my father's last name is my surname."

The black chicken picked up the fruit knife on the table and pointed at him: "Did you see this knife? If you say anything more, I will insert it in your mouth."

Feng Can took the knife and turned it around like a pen in his hand, then put it on the table, looked at him, and asked, "Where did you learn how to catch darts?"

Heiji: "..." The co-author asked for a long time just to ask this.

"Self-taught." Hei Ji emphasized earnestly, fearing that the kid would ask again, so he got up and walked towards Qian Mi.

Feng Can looked down and thought: "Self-taught?"

"Boss, have you gone?" Hei Ji shouted at Qian Mian.

Qian Miao just turned around and nodded lightly.

Feng Can got up: "I'll call Wei Wu."

Wei Wu left a note for Bian Jingyan and left here.