His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 733: This daughter can't get on the table

Wei Yiqian didn't follow. This was Wei Wu's request just now.

Originally she wanted to come by herself, but when she got into the car, Wei Yiqian told Feng Can that Wei Wu's trip might be dangerous, so he got into the car and followed.

At this time, the Zhang family's relatives and friends were full, lively and lively, all celebrating Zhang's father's birthday.

Inside Zhang Xuela's room.

After changing into a gorgeous dress, she slowly came out of the cloakroom, walked to the dressing table and sat down, and asked the servant to touch up her makeup.

"Where's that wild species? Go please?"

"Yes, madam, the butler has already gone. But the master doesn't know about this. What if he asks?"

Zhang Xuela sneered: "He desperately hoped that Xiaoyezhong would come over to celebrate his birthday, but he didn't dare. He was afraid of making my mother angry and making trouble at the banquet so that relatives could watch jokes."

"Then...Miss, if you do that, the master will definitely be very angry. The next ones are relatives from both sides of the master and his wife. Some people are especially elders. If it spreads out, the influence on the master will not be good."

"You talk too much! Go and see where people are!"

The servant laughed stiffly, and immediately put down the comb and went out.

A few seconds later, she hurried in: "Miss, miss, she is here! And brought a man!"

Zhang Xuela stood up suddenly: "Man?"

She quickly walked to the balcony to take a look, and at a glance she saw the two men and women who had just entered through the door.

"Feng Can..."

Her face was dazed, and then she slammed into someone: "As soon as they enter, they will do as originally planned. Wait! Add more ingredients!"

Downstairs, Feng Can helped Wei Wu carry a birthday gift and walked slowly into the hall.

The inside was full of liveliness and talk and laughter, but after they appeared, the scene fell silent.

The relatives and friends of the Ministry set up a total of 30 tables, and the birthday star Zhang's father sat on the round table in the center.

At this moment, he stared at Wei Wu with round eyes, and he didn't react for a long time.

Then, a trace of panic flashed across his face, he looked at his wife subconsciously, and whispered: "I don't know she will come..."

Mother Zhang didn't have the anger he thought, instead she smiled faintly.

"What are you doing in a daze, Miss Wei is here, please take a seat soon. This is..."

Although Zhang's mother recognizes Feng Can, because of her daughter, she doesn't have a good impression of him, so she deliberately asks this.

Feng Can was about to introduce herself, but was suddenly blocked by Wei Wu.

Wei Wu looked quiet, and slowly walked towards Father Zhang under everyone's attention.

As soon as she put the gift in her hand in front of him, she said, "I'm looking for Zhang Xuela."

This is the second time Feng Can heard this sentence.

When he got in the car just now, he heard Wei Wu talk about it once. She said that even if no one called her, she would come again, not for anything else, just to find Zhang Xuela.

Feng Can always had a bad feeling.

Father Zhang is quite embarrassed, after all, this daughter can't make it to the stage-no matter from her background or appearance.

She has always been a shame in his life. Even if they meet, they will see her secretly, and she will not see her when relatives and friends are present.

So now, he is a little angry.

After receiving the gift, he said lightly: "Shirla is upstairs, go upstairs and look for her."

Hurrying to leave also made him less embarrassed.

In the next second, several hoops came from my ears, followed by the low voices of relatives and friends.

Father Zhang saw that they all looked behind him in surprise, and then looked back.

At this look, I was almost stunned.