His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 734: Sorry, she is here, i am

I saw four sheets of photos and newspapers hanging down from the second floor.

The photo is a photo of him and Wei Wu’s mother who were afraid of being stolen when they were dating. The newspaper is a newspaper whose font has been enlarged after being processed.

In short, it is evidence of his affair!

"Who did this! Put it away for me immediately!"

The person who shouted was not Zhang's father who was so dumb and unresponsive, but Zhang's mother.

At this moment, a person came out on the second floor and shouted at Wei Wu downstairs: "Second Miss, I have done what you said! Do you think you are satisfied?"

Feng Can was shocked and looked at Wei Wu.

Wei Wu blinked slowly and said lightly, "I didn't do it."

"Aren't you who else?"

A female voice shouted angrily.

A woman came out on the second floor. She held the maid’s arm and said to Wei Wu sternly: "She admits it! You still want to push it to others? I knew you weren’t a good thing for a long time. You would be so insidious and shame my dad in front of so many people!"

When Father Zhang heard this, he immediately walked out furiously, and slapped Wei Wu without saying anything.

Feng Can quickly blocked his eyes and hands, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle, Wei Wu said she didn't do it. Are you sure you want to be so arbitrary?"

Father Zhang looked at the man in front of him and smiled angrily: "The young master of the Feng family, don't intervene in our family affairs. Come, please invite Master Feng out!"

With a solemn expression on his face, Feng Can stood sideways in front of Wei Wu and said, "Excuse me, she is here, I am."

Wei Wei's eyes shook suddenly and stared at him blankly.

Father Zhang feels very entangled, but he has no reason to deal with this matter now, and his brain is full of his own scandals being spread out under everyone's eyes and being treated as a joke!

At this time, Zhang Xue pulled out aloud: "Dad, what she did was just to threaten you with this, asking you to make a will now and distribute all the property to her!"

As soon as this word fell, it immediately aroused dissatisfaction among relatives and friends.

When the incident came out back then, basically everyone was on Zhang Xuela's mother's side, and it is still true now.

Aunt Zhang Xuela was the first to stand up: "Brother-in-law, I said you can’t be so kind. My sister has been wronged by your side for so many years. Your property should be left to her and Sheila. As for this one, before Didn't you give a sum of money? You gave the house back and they said, it's not a serious person, it's enough!"

The second aunt stood up immediately: "You will be in front of us today and leave all the property to your daughter Sheila, otherwise we will not give up!"

The maiden's family echoed, aggressively.

On the other side, Zhang's family members also have an ugly face. They lost this face more than ten years ago, and they didn't expect to see it again today.

The whole family stared at Wei Wu.

Feng Can was angry when he saw it, and he said loudly, "Everyone, there is no tangible evidence that Wei Wu did this. What if someone else planted her? Can you not be so arbitrary?"

"Oh, who cares about who released it now? You don't know that her mother is a mistress, how can Misan's daughter be better?"

Feng Can refused: "Why should a girl bear the mistakes made by your elders?"

"Oh, if she is pure-hearted, she won't find ways to come back to recognize her father. If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, her mother is not a good thing, can she be good?"

"Young man, you are not ours, go out quickly."