His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 732: Feng Can's kidnapped past

At this time, Feng Can heard another voice, whose car was parked nearby.

Immediately afterwards, someone opened the door and walked over.

"Miss Wei, my husband asked me to pick you up."

Qiao Shiwan was not in high spirits today, and after just walking around for a while, her feet became sore.

Qian Mian took her to eat and rest.

She could feel that Qiao Shiwan had something on her mind, and she was in a state of wanting to say nothing.

Finally, after sitting in the cafe for a while, she stared at the snowman child outside the window and slowly said: "A Can, this child, has always been kind, but he is too kind. There is no city or wariness at all. It is pure like flawless jade, it is very easy to be cheated and abducted."

Qian Mian looked into her eyes, and those eyes were full of love and distress.

"That year, A Can was only eight years old, and A Xian was only 15 years old. However, these two children walked through the door at this age."

She warmly said: "I don't say that you can actually guess that A Chan was kidnapped. The child was very stupid. The other party found an old grandma to lie to him, asked him to help her cross the road, and sent him home. This child is really Sent, but the grandma took the child to the kidnapper's side."

Speaking of this, Qiao Shiwan showed a helpless and distressed smile.

"At that time, there were other children who were kidnapped with him. You also know Cheng'an. There are a few of them. Later, A Chan helped them escape, but he didn't have time to leave. One person was taken away by the kidnappers. No, his brother chased all the way, searched all the way, looking for him for more than a week, and finally found him in a pile of rubble. At that time... he was dying, didn't even have the strength to speak, and his body was hurt... such a small child, The left leg was fractured, blood was still hanging on the corner of the mouth, and ten fingers were all pinholes..."

While she was talking, she wept in tears, she covered her eyes, and she shed many tears uncontrollably.

Qianmiao listened to her quietly, wiping away her tears little by little with the back of her hand, gently hugging her shoulders, comforting her silently.

After a while, Qiao Shiwan slowly came out of the painful memories, wiped away the tears, and said: "In the six months after that, he suffered great psychological pain. The doctor said that he was It was post-traumatic stress disorder. During that time, no one but his brother believed this child and was unwilling to go out."

"After a long time, he got better a little bit, but it was not intact. A few years ago, his brother's eyes were injured. He couldn't bear the blow after he knew it. The whole person became extremely anxious again. His hands twitched and trembled. , He is going to drive secretly with his friends...almost another catastrophe!"

Qianmiao's memories were strung together and said, "So, you later sent Brother Xian to the monastery to heal?"

Qiao Shiwan nodded slowly: "Well, that's the temple you've been staying at, Sheng'an Temple. For A Can, we said that his brother is going to travel, because A Xian has liked to walk around since he was a teenager, A Can also I believe it."

Qianmiao's heart was aching slightly, his eyes suddenly trance, as if he had seen the man whose eyes were wrapped in gauze a few years ago, and muttered in his mouth: "Why are his eyes suddenly hurt?"

Qiao Shiwan sighed: "I heard his father said it was the enemy's plot. At that time, a group of people were arrested."

Qianmiao suddenly remembered the bodyguard he saw at the hotel entrance yesterday, and asked, "You have always sent someone to protect A Can? Yesterday I saw it at the hotel. Several bodyguards were guarding his door, but he didn't let him notice. "

Qiao Shiwan furrowed her eyebrows and said, "Yes, I asked Ah Xian to find those people, just to prevent him from telling us to go racing, and I don’t know why. He is particularly prone to getting sick after racing. You say, if so When I was driving, I suddenly twitched and I was in a fierce mood. Isn’t it dangerous? He likes this kind of stuff again. I am really worried.

When Qiao Shiwan's voice fell, Feng Can had accompanied Wei Wu at the gate of Zhang's house.