His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 731: Xiaowu, you... have a boyfriend

Qiao Shiwan smiled slightly: "You and your brother Xian have the same idea. He, he, has been supporting A Can in secret, and also helping him to cover up. Your uncle is so angry. He is worried. These two brothers are so angry. What is going on?"

Qian Miao raised his eyes: "Again?"

Qiao Shiwan's expression changed, and she smiled lightly: "It's nothing, in short, he just doesn't want the two children to have an accident."

When the two arrived next door, they asked the servant to bring breakfast and dine here.

After the meal, Qiao Shiwan took Qian Miao out to go shopping.

She didn't want Qianmiao to see such a serious picture and affect her mood.

Qianmiao happened to be fine, so he accompanied her.

Shortly after the two went out, Feng Can was driven out by his father.

To be precise, it was Fengxian who asked him to go out and play first in order to save him.

He listened to his brother and walked around after he left the house.

Feeling bored, I suddenly received a message from Wei Wu, asking him if he wanted to go to play games.

He responded with one bite, then bought something, and walked towards the neighborhood next door.

Not long after, he stood in front of Wei's house, about to ring the doorbell, but the door just opened.

A small head stuck out behind the door.

Wei Wu opened the door and invited him in.

Feng Can looked at her from the beginning, frowning: "Aren't you cold?"

In the cold weather, Wei Wu stepped on sandals without wearing a hat, and his clothes were very cool.

Wei Wu shook his head: "My physique is like this, this kind of weather is nothing."

"Come in." She laughed.

Feng Can carried things and walked in quickly.

Wei Wu set up a game room on the first floor with the best equipment.

When Feng Can saw him, he couldn't help sighing, it turned out that this kid likes playing games so much.

The two of them played very vigorously together, and Feng Can was immersed in the game, temporarily forgetting the troubles.

He felt more and more that Wei Wu resembled a witch.

At the end of the round, he couldn't help asking: "Do you know the witch?"

Wei Wu stared at his clean eyes, pulling fiercely in his heart.

"Actually I am..."

Ding dong.

Suddenly there was a doorbell.

Feng Can turned his head and said, "Let me open the door."

"Let me go." Wei Wu smiled.

She got up and went out to open the door, Feng Can picked up a coat and put a hand on her with one hand, and said, "Go together."

At the door, a car stopped.

A lady standing at the door, wearing a ferret, with fair skin and gorgeous makeup.

The moment the door opened, the woman's eyes trembled.

All eyes were focused on the handsome boy in front of him.

Then, his face was full of sorrow.

"Xiaowu, you... have a boyfriend?"

Her tail trembled slightly.

Feng Can was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then reacted quickly, thinking that this aunt must be Wei Wu's elder, and hurriedly explained: "Auntie, I..."

"What are you doing here?"

Wei Wu's cold voice interrupted Feng Can's explanation.

Feng Can shrank inwardly and was confused again.

Depending on the situation, Feng Can said: "Why do you two go in first?"

Wei Yiqian shot him at him with hostile eyes.

Then, he said directly to Wei Wu: "Go and clean up, today is your father's birthday, you come with me."

Wei Wu looked at her with cold eyes: "Don't go."

"Am I going to fight for your property! Or do you want to watch your dad give everything to Zhang Xuela?"

Feng Can heard this and knew that he was not suitable to stand here, so he stood silently behind the door.

"Today, your dad invited all the relatives in, just to announce in front of everyone that all the property will be left to Zhang Xuela in the future. As for you, you won't get a penny!"