His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 730: Become the laughing stock of the whole network

After Feng Can watched it, he was refreshed.

What's even cooler is that his three new Weibo posts made people laugh.

First, he exposed himself to dark history.

The second is the recording of him and his friends——

"I just said that this method works, look at it, the heat is coming up, now everyone knows your name, Lu Yang, and hundreds of thousands of people have heard your two songs!"

"Ming'er invite you to dinner, don't be polite with me."

"Hey, what are you polite? Keep adding fire, this Fenghuoshan looks like a soft persimmon, pinched him to death."

"You are being scolded because you are wronged. Now you are scolded online.

Lu Yang hummed: "Black and red are also red! I used to work so hard to write songs by myself and I was not popular either, nor did I follow the trend of others to write, but when I was scolded by others, I became popular. Fresh, I feel happy to be scolded for the first time!"

"By the way, you give me some more money, and I will buy more people to scold Fengcan."

This concludes the first recording.

Then came the second recording-

"Ayang, you quickly check your Weibo, something big happened!"

"What's the matter with you! You are crazy! Post your previous things too? Bo eyeballs don't have to sacrifice so much, right!"

"Fuck! What...what's going on! Look, I can't get on board!"

"Ah! Boarded! But I can't set permissions! Damn! Weibo must have interfered! Damn, damn!"

"Stop talking! Our recordings have all been posted!"

After Feng Can listened, his stomach hurts with joy.

The name Lu Yang suddenly became the laughing stock of the net.

Feng Can called Fang An and asked him to call the police to deal with the matter, so he can't spare such a villain lightly.

Besides, the evidence sent to the door is wasted if it is not used.

At the same moment, Feng Xian took off his glasses.

Qing Jun's face faced the computer, staring at Lu Yang's Weibo, thoughtfully.

He only picked out all the dark history of Lu Yang and spread it out to the masses. As for the Weibo permissions and the two recordings, he originally had this idea, but he hasn't done it yet, but someone has already done it for him.

Staring at the screen for a while, he smiled at the corner of his lips.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Qian Miao woke up.

She picked up the phone and looked at Weibo. After only looking at it for a while, the sorrow in her eyes disappeared.

Last night, she only opened Lu Yang's Weibo comment permission, and did nothing else.

What is going on with this self-sufficient history and recording?

Looking further down, Lu Yang was taken away by the police this morning.

His Weibo has been officially titled, and the two songs were also removed from the platform for alleged plagiarism.

In short, this man shot himself in the foot.

Seeing this result, she felt relieved and quit Weibo.

In WeChat, Wei Wu sent her a new message.

The time has changed, from 8 pm to 3 pm, meet at Wutongji.

At half past eight, Qian Miao got up for breakfast.

As soon as I walked in, I felt that the atmosphere was unusual.

Feng Tan and Feng Xian Feng Can didn't know what they were talking about, the atmosphere between them was very serious.

Qiao Shiwan came over and pulled her in a low voice: "Your uncle is in a bad mood today, let's go, let's go to the next door and let them talk with the father and son."

Qianmiao nodded, turned and walked out.

"It's Achan's business?"

Qiao Shiwan sighed: "Yes, this kid made music without telling us, and his father was very angry."

Qian Miao looked down and said, "Actually, making music is also good, at least he likes it very much. Moreover, he is also good at this."