His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 729: Weibo permission, right, sister gave you

Lu Yang is not only a Porcelain dog, but also a double-standard dog! Feng Huoshan’s new song started with the piano, and he said that Feng Huoshan copied him! Others compared his songs with some previous songs according to his standards and found a lot in common. He said that it is a common melody and common arrangement method, there is no plagiarism, my fucking...fuck (a kind of plant)

I'm so angry! Lu Yang, Wang Ba Gaozi, has set Weibo permissions, and I can’t scold him if I want to scold him! Those who scolded before were also deleted by him! He himself urged his stubborn fans to go to our brother to scold him, our brother deleted the comment, and he scolded my brother for a guilty conscience! When it comes to him, it is justified! I'm so **** angry!

The above comment has a high number of likes and a high number of replies.

The masses are very angry, because they can't comment, and they can't go back.

I can only watch Bai Lianhua crazy as a demon!

Seeing this, Qianmiao felt a little upset.

She put the phone down and took out the computer.

Weibo permission is right, my sister gives it to you.

At the same time, Fengxian upstairs was also looking at the computer.

He put on his glasses and looked gentle and elegant.

However, smart fingers were tapping quickly on the keyboard.

Wei family.

In the bedroom on the second floor, there was also a ticking percussion.

After a minute or two, Qian Mian got things done and went to watch a movie.

After watching a movie, she was also sleepy, so she turned off the computer and turned off the lights to sleep.

But Feng Can couldn't sleep anymore.

In the bathroom, he struggled with his father and mother tomorrow's confession words, lingering for an hour before coming out.

As soon as he came out, he received a call from Fang An.

He reported to him the progress of resolving Lu Yang.

Fang An reported it with a smile, and couldn't say a word clearly because of laughter.

"Boss, let me tell you that Lu Yang’s comment area just didn’t know what’s wrong, and suddenly the permission was opened. Now he is scolded with blood, and her own fan dare not say anything, and, no I know which gangster picked up his previous black history. This person was shameless before. He violated discipline many times in school. No one wanted to play with him. Also, he seemed to be monitored. , Suddenly there was an extra recording of him and his friends on the Internet. Guess what, that recording was actually sent by him! I...hahahaha..."

"What is weird? After that recording, another recording came out. He was crazy. It seemed that he didn't know why his Weibo was like this. He said that someone was manipulating his Weibo. Scolded the boss on Weibo...hahaha..."

Fang An laughed so hard that he couldn't speak, as if he was about to laugh out of his throat.

It was very exciting to hear, and Feng Can hung up immediately and went to the Internet to watch it by himself.

Sure enough, as Fang An said, Lu Yang was slapping himself in the face frantically, strange and funny.

Originally, his Weibo had set permissions, and he had to follow to comment.

Then, every comment left must be on his side. If you scold him, it will be deleted!

These two points have made a lot of popularity horrible.

But just over an hour ago, these permissions were gone, and Weibo was in an open state.

It is no longer only showing Weibo within half a year, and no longer being able to comment after following. Moreover, all comments can be displayed.

As soon as he opened the comment area, he was scolded.

Moreover, many people are scolding him in his tone.