His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 242: 242: Come to the rooftop

After completing the recruitment on the basketball court.

Jiang Lingzhi and Wen Yujing are planning to return to the basketball club.

They just completed a preliminary recruitment registration, followed by an interview. Only after the interview can they become a formal member of the school team.

Today's task was completed surprisingly smoothly, which no one expected.

The three people returned to the basketball hall with registration forms and posters.

"Jiang Ling knows."

When I was about to enter the basketball hall, I heard someone calling her name.

Jiang Lingzhi stopped for a while and looked at the direction of the voice.

Wen Yujing obviously noticed the man too, and slammed Jiang Lingzhi's shoulder lightly: "It's the squad leader."

Realizing that what she said was wrong, Wen Yujing corrected it again: "Oh, no, it should be said that it is the former squad leader."

He Di first walked over from the basketball hall.

Jiang Ling knew that his pace stopped for a while, and greeted him: "Squad leader?"

He Di scratched his hair first: "I am not the monitor anymore."

Jiang Lingzhi smiled: "I'm used to it."

He Di didn't take it to heart, and asked, "Well, I heard that your club is recruiting new people?"

Jiang Ling nodded, "Yes."

He Di first raised his head to look at her, and when he met her eyes, he lowered his head a little embarrassedly: "Ah, I also want to sign up."

Jiang Lingzhi was obviously surprised: "You also report to the basketball club?"

It's no wonder she was surprised.

He Di first seemed to be weak and weak, and his usual energy was devoted to studying. He rarely saw him playing basketball.

He Di bit his scalp and said: "Occasionally, it's okay to exercise."

Jiang Ling nodded and didn't ask too much. He turned the registration form one page, picked up the pen, and wrote his name on the board: "Then, the phone number?"

He Di first reported a series of numbers.

Jiang Ling knew to fill in the number and put the pen away: "Okay, you can wait for the news to come for the interview."

He Dixian: "Okay, thank you."

Jiang Lingzhi smiled politely: "It's okay."

After signing up, He Di talked a few more casually and left soon.

Wen Yujing slammed Jiang Lingzhi's shoulder ambiguously: "Could the monitor report to the basketball club for you?"

Jiang Ling knew, frowned, "What nonsense?"

Wen Yujing: "How can it be nonsense? At that time, he was always interesting to you. I can see it clearly, okay."

Wen Yujing guessed the monitor's thoughts thoroughly: "He must have thought that he could be assigned to you, but he was not assigned, so he had to report to the basketball club to approach you."

Jiang Ling knew not that.

The two people walked into the basketball hall while talking.

Give the poster and registration form to the president.

The president glanced at the number of applicants and smiled from ear to ear: "Look, I know it!"

"There are more than 20 people who signed up, and there are enough people at once!"

He felt that his idea was really witty.

The president said heartily: "Okay, then your task is completed, thank you, thank you, and invite you to dinner next time!"

After dealing with the affairs of the club.

Jiang Lingzhi and Wen Yujing came out of the basketball hall together.

When he was about to return to the classroom, Jiang Ling knew that the mobile phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

It is a text message.

Jiang Lingzhi took out his phone and took a look.

From the future boyfriend.

【Come to Tiantai】

Three simple words, nothing else.