His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 243: 243: I'm jealous

Perceiving her sight, Wen Yujing leaned in curiously and took a look: "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Ling shook his hand, and quickly pushed off the phone and put it back in his pocket: "It's nothing, China Mobile sent it over."

Wen Yujing just glanced at it and didn't see it clearly. She just murmured a little strangely: "Well, I feel that there are few words. Aren't the messages sent by China Mobile all long and long? When is it so polite?"

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Probably because of a guilty conscience, Jiang Ling didn't even dare to talk.

She didn't deliberately want to hide Wen Yujing.

It's just that the relationship between her and her tablemates, the less people know, the better. The situation is special, so don't promote it everywhere.

At the fork in the road, Jiang Lingzhi and Wen Yujing said goodbye and went back to the classroom.

Jiang Lingzhi walked through the corridor next to him, walked under the teaching building, took out his mobile phone and looked at it again.

Make sure that the same table is to let her go to the rooftop.

Why are you going to the rooftop?

Knowing that Jiang Ling didn't think too much, he put the phone back in his trouser pocket and walked directly upstairs.

There are not many people at noon now.

Jiang Lingzhi climbed the stairs to the top floor.

The top floor is a large platform with a wide view.

Jiang Lingzhi glanced to the sides, the roof was empty and no one was seen. She whispered, "At the same table?"

In the too empty environment, her voice was a little scattered by the wind.


Her ending has not settled yet.

Suddenly, the wrist was buckled by a strong force, and the whole person was pulled behind the wall.

Jiang Ling knew that he hadn't reacted yet, his eyes went dark, and he leaned forward to a person.

The boy's height is too superior, and he stands in front of her, almost blocking her vision, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Jiang Ling knew that because of inertia, he was leaning back and the back of his head was about to hit the wall, he raised his hand and lightly pad it.

Her head hit his palm.

Jiang Ling knew that he only felt a flower in front of him, and when he reacted, he met a pair of light brown pupils.

Behind her is the wall.

Jiang Lingzhi blinked and looked up at him: "It's you, then I just called you, why shouldn't you?"

Li Shunan didn't speak, but stared at her condescendingly, his eyes deep and unclear.

He took his hand away from the back of her head and supported it on the wall next to her cheek.

Just look at her in such a good time.

Jiang Ling knew that his eyes were a little hairy.

My heart pounded twice and looked away with a guilty conscience.

Why is there a guilty conscience every time I stay with him.

Jiang Lingzhi glanced at the environment here.

No wonder I didn't see him just now, here is a blind spot behind the wall, just enough to block people.

There are a few cigarette butts on the ground.

Jiang Lingzhi stared at the cigarette **** for a while: "Are you smoking on the rooftop?"

"Well," he replied unhurriedly.

He immediately raised her other hand and pinched her small chin, forcing her to look up and stare at herself: "Look at me."

Jiang Lingzhi raised his head, the clean deer eyes were especially clear, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Shunan lowered his eyes, rubbed the girl's delicate and smooth chin with his fingers, and said slowly, "I'm jealous."

Jiang Lingzhi looked at him, his mind went down for a few seconds without responding.


Jiang Ling knew that he was a little puzzled: "Why are you jealous?"

What did she do?

Can you give him some vinegar?