His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 241: 241: Take good care of sister-in-law

The boy was obviously excited when he got the phone number.

He smiled like an idiot, and stored the phone number in the phone.

He actually asked for the phone number of the school flower!

Excited, so excited that my hands are shaking.

If the boys in their class knew about this, they would probably be envied to death.

He walked out of the basketball court, holding his mobile phone, and storing the phone number inside.

——School Flowers...

Before the last word "Sister" was finished typing, the phone in his hand was suddenly taken away.

With his hands empty, the boy froze for a moment, then raised his head.

Outside the basketball court is a trail planted with plane trees, shaded by a large area of ​​trees, and mottled sunlight is projected from the ground.

Two tall and straight figures just blocked in front of them.

It took two seconds for the boy to react, and his voice trembled inexplicably: "You guys, what's the matter?"

The famous school bully.

Who doesn't know this?

Why did the school bully take his phone? Did he accidentally provoke him?

Suddenly a little nervous.

Li Shu Nan's distinct fingers tucked his phone, his eyes fell on the phone screen, and the interface remained at the place where the number was stored.

School Flowers...

Take another look at the number below, it is indeed the number of his kid.

Li Shunan's beautiful brows frowned slightly, tapped his fingertips, and slowly deleted the number.

Zhao Zifu raised his hand to put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and said painstakingly: "Little brother, you must learn to keep your eyes brighter. Do you know who it was just now?"

Whose person is that?

Since the mobile phone was taken away, the younger brother's eyes have been fixed on the mobile phone.

He didn't know how he got into the school boss.

As a result, I just saw the school bully and deleted the number I just saved.

The number of the school flower elder sister.

Junior brother: "..."

What else do you not understand at this moment?

The elementary school brother swallowed, and then he suddenly reacted, and walked on the ghost gate: "It turns out to be the sister-in-law, I was abrupt!"

His desire to survive is very strong, for fear that the boss will be unhappy to drop his mobile phone.

Zhao Zifu didn't expect that he still had this consciousness.

He likes to deal with smart people, and patted his junior brother on the shoulder: "I have a lot of eyesight, okay, let me take you as a kid."

The elementary school brother quickly bowed, "Thank you Brother Zhao."

There was a cold sweat on his back at the moment. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would die miserably.

Who can believe that, he accidentally accosted the school bully's woman just now!

Li Shunan raised his eyes and handed the phone over, his brows were indifferent and lazy, and he couldn't see any emotional ups and downs.

The elementary school brother took the phone with both hands, thanked him again and again, and cautiously said: "I don't know it is the sister-in-law, I accidentally offended just now, and I will take care of the sister-in-law in the basketball club in the future!"

He straightened his position and immediately expressed his heartfelt heart.

Li Shunan paused with the finger of the phone and looked up at it: "Who do you think you want to take care of?"

His voice was a little heavy, and he inadvertently carried a dangerous breath.

The elementary school boy's heart suddenly tightened, realizing that there seemed to be something wrong with what he said.

He hurriedly explained: "I mean, I will be in the basketball club in the future, and I will never let other people harass my sister-in-law! I will supervise them, don't worry!"

What this said is pretty good.

Li Shunan snorted lightly, released the finger holding the phone, and copied his hand back to his trouser pocket: "Okay, then, supervise it."