Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 384

In the evening, Su Aochi comforted Gu Mian that he had a way and said he wanted to return himself to Rong Xiu. His heart, which had not been easy to calm down, was in panic. Gu Mian looked at the sun that was about to set on the sea, and his heart jumped faster and faster without control.

Through the glass window, Gu Mian sat and took a deep breath, but he still couldn\'t suppress the shortness of breath caused by panic. Gu Mian had to step back two steps, sat on the rattan chair behind him, pressed his beating heart with his hand, slightly opened his mouth, and inhaled more air with some effort. It seems that only in this way, Gu Mian will feel better.

"What\'s the matter with you? What\'s wrong with you?" Lying in bed, Su Aochi found the same as Gu Mian and asked with concern.

Gu Mian tightly covered his heart, shook his head to Su Aochi and said, "it\'s all right, just suddenly a little flustered."

Su Aochi put down the game console in his hand and looked at Gu Mian seriously. Su Aochi, who was rarely serious, looked at Gu Mian with guilt and heartache and said, "I\'m afraid of the arrival of tomorrow. According to your calculation, Haicheng looks like 10 o\'clock again now. They have slept, but their engagement ceremony should begin as soon as dawn tomorrow."

Although Gu Mian didn\'t think so, Su Aochi\'s words did make Gu Mian\'s eyes dimmer. Gu Mian left Haicheng for five years. Although her news about Rong Xiu was unknown, Rong Xiu\'s news was always mentioned intentionally or unintentionally by people around him. Every time he heard Rong Xiu\'s news, Gu Mian pretended to be indifferent on the surface, But only she knew what was on her mind.

When Rong niansheng received the news, Rong Xiu had been rescued in the emergency room. In recent years, Rong niansheng\'s health has become worse and worse. Although he met two children who can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture and medicine have a better effect on relieving pain during the onset of his spondylitis, Rong niansheng can\'t resist the erosion of years.

In addition, the news of Rong Xiu\'s serious injury made Rong niansheng almost unable to straighten his old waist.

"Xing tezhu, Xing tezhu, how\'s the young master?" Wang Daduo helped Rong niansheng step by step. Before approaching, he anxiously inquired about Rong Xiu.

Xing en turned back and bowed to Rong niansheng with red eyes. Rong niansheng waved his hand and signaled him that there was no need for so much etiquette at this time. He took two steps forward, shook Xing en\'s hand and said, "Xing en, let\'s fix him... Is he okay?"

Xing en looked at Rong niansheng. His old eyes were full of anxiety. He held his hand tightly and trembled uncontrollably, as if he could no longer withstand the blow of losing relatives. However, he clearly knew that Rong Xiu was not his own grandson. Why would he be so worried?

Rong niansheng stared at Xing en and talked about Rong Xiu. The longer he dragged on, the more worried Rong niansheng asked, "Rong Xiu, should he be?"

Wang Daduo could see that Xing en was stunned, so he came up and said, "you\'re talking, Xing tezhu. You\'re dying if you don\'t see the master."

Xing en took a breath, endured the sour eyes and said, "well, the doctor said that Rong was always hit violently on the head. Now there was a lot of bleeding inside the head. When it was delivered, there was a coma. Now this is more dangerous, and there are other fractures up and down the whole body."

When he said these words, Xing en\'s heart was tingling again and again. It was his brother. When he came, he didn\'t see anything. Only the doctor said these words. Although Xing en didn\'t see Rong Xiu covered in blood after the car accident, these words were enough to make his uncontrollable heartache. He watched Rong Xiu silently for so many years, It\'s not easy to expect Gu Mian to come back with Xia Yan. It\'s not easy for Rong Xiu to be reunited with his child\'s wife, but Rong Xiu has changed at this time.

Niu Niu went to check Xia Yan\'s whereabouts. When she went, Niu Niu looked at the preliminary report information sent by her colleagues. She silently shook her head at herself. Xing en knew that Niu Niu meant that the child was kidnapped. In this type of case, the result may not be optimistic.

In the morning, Rong Xiucai just told himself that Gu Mian was coerced by Wu Chengzhe to take care of Su Aochi. He said that he didn\'t believe that Su Aochi could be ill for a lifetime. He also said that even for a lifetime, he would wait for Gu Mian to come back, but now, does he still have a life to wait for?

Xing en can\'t stand the bitterness in his eyes anymore. The tough old man who hasn\'t cried in almost 30 years was defeated by tears.

The operation lasted more than ten hours. During these ten hours, Rong niansheng was helped by Wang Guoguo to the downstairs ward to take oxygen because his body could not support him. Xing en stood quietly outside the emergency room.

Xing en stands straight. If you don\'t look carefully, others won\'t know the suffering he is suffering now. His hands are tightly clenched, his nails are embedded in the meat, blood flows out and dries on his skin

He is blaming himself. He blames himself for why he didn\'t follow Rong Xiu to pick up his little nephew for dinner today. He blames himself for why he wasn\'t with Rong Xiu today. He can\'t wait for the person lying inside to be himself, as long as Rong Xiu can get better.

The dark clouds dispersed and the sun shone on Haicheng, which had experienced a rainstorm all night, dispelling all the darkness. The lights in the hospital corridor were turned off by the aunt who cleaned up in the morning, and Xing en\'s silhouette looked so haggard in the sun.

"Xing en." Niu Niu came. After Niu Niu shouted, there was a soft waxy girl\'s voice: "Dad."

Xing en turned back and looked at Niu Niu leading Xiao Xing slowly.

Niuniu looked at her husband who was once fearless of everything. It seemed that the long night had broken all his steel defenses. His eyes were full of blood. He needed to open the corners of his lips slightly to breathe.

This is Xing en, which Niu Niu has never seen before. Even if he was hit by a bullet, he didn\'t look so haggard.

Niu Niu gently pushed her daughter and said quietly, "what did mom tell you just now, remember?"

Xiao Xing, dressed in a group of beautiful princesses, nodded with big round eyes and said, "remember."

Niu Niu smiled and touched Xiao Xing\'s head and said, "just remember."

Encouraged by his mother, Xiao Xing ran slowly to Xing en, step by step, happily calling his father: "Dad, Dad."

She opened her hands and asked for her father\'s hug. Xing en instinctively picked up her daughter and looked at her silently. Little Xing Xing said to Xing en, "Dad, mom said that your uncle will get better. You should be strong, or no one will fly around with Xing er."